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1、X-Company Purchasing General ConditionsX 公司采购通用条款Edition August 20152015 年 8 月版Definitions定义X-Company - X-Company unit entering into the Supply Agreement.X 公司,是指签订买卖协议的 X 公司及其旗下单位。Supplier - the company supplying the Product to X-Company.卖方,是指向 X 公司销售产品的公司。Supply Agreement - shall mean the framework

2、 agreement entered into by and between X-Company and the Supplier governing their purchaser-supplier relationship and, when required by the context, the purchase order(s) entered into under the Supply Agreement.买卖协议,是指 X 公司及卖方签订的用以规定双方买卖关系的框架协议。基于上下文需要,也包括双方根据买卖协议所订立的采购定单。Product - the item delivere

3、d or the work or service performed by the Supplier to X-Company including but not limited to drawings and attached documents.产品,是指卖方向 X 公司交付的产品或者提供的工作、服务,包括但不限于图纸及其附件。Parties - the Supplier and X-Company.协议双方,是指卖方和 X 公司。Third Party - a Party which is not the Supplier or belonging to X-Company Group.

4、第三方,是指既不是卖方,也不在 X 公司集团旗下的第三方。These Purchasing General Conditions shall apply to the purchases made by X-Company from the Supplier under the purchase order(s) entered into under the Supply Agreement to the extent that they are not contrary to stipulations which are either included in the order of X-C

5、ompany or otherwise expressly confirmed by X-Company in writing.除非采购定单另有规定或者 X 公司以书面形式作出不同规定,本协议之规定适用于本协议下的采购定单。1. Technical Documents1、技术文件All technical documents, instructions for safety, use and maintenance, spare parts manual, certificates and drawings related to the Product shall be included in

6、 the contract price and shall be issued and supplied to X-Company before the delivery of the Product. X-Company has the right to use and copy these materials for any proper purpose and to place such documents or copies thereof at the disposal of the subcontractors concerned, X-Companys customer, cla

7、ssification societies and other inspection authorities, insurance companies, as well as companies which may be called upon to carry out maintenance or repairs to the Products. X-Company also has the right to include or use such technical material when compiling instructions or manuals necessary for

8、finalising X-Companys product or for the use of the end products.所有与产品有关的的技术文件、安全说明、使用及维修说明、备件手册、证明书和图纸,都应当包含在合同价中。上述文件应在交付产品前提交给 X 公司。X 公司有权在合理目的范围内使用和复制上述文件,并将其提供给有相关分包商、麦基喜的客户、船级社及其它检验机构、保险公司、产品维护或修理公司自由使用。X 公司在汇编与最终产品的完成和使用有关的说明书或手册时,有权在必要的范围内,使用上述文件。All drawings and technical documents relating

9、 to the Product or its manufacture, submitted by one Party to the other, shall remain the property of the submitting party. Such documentation may not, without the consent of the submitting party, or except as stated herein be used or copied, reproduced, transmitted or communicated to a Third Party.

10、协议一方提交给另一方的所有与产品及其制造过程有关的图纸和技术文件,仍为资料提交方的财产。除非本协议另有规定,未经资料提交方允许,不得使用、复制上述文件或者将上述文件发送或透露给第三方。2. Confidentiality2、保密条款All information, technical documentation, know-how and equipment including electronically stored data and geometries, to which a Party has obtained access through the Parties business

11、relationship, shall for the duration of the Supply Agreement, and for ten (10) years thereafter, be treated as confidential and may not be used for any other purpose than for the deliveries to X-Company. Copying or reproduction of such confidential information is permitted only within the framework

12、of fulfilment of a Partys obligations and with regard to the copyright laws and regulations.协议一方经双方业务关系渠道所获取的信息、技术文件、技术诀窍以及存有电子文档、几何形状的设备等,在买卖协议生效期间以及其后 10 年内,均应当属于机密文件。除履行协议所必需外,不得使用这些机密文件。只有在履行义务范围内和知识产权法律法规允许范围内,方可复制这些机密文件。The Supplier shall at X-Companys request either return or destroy all conf

13、idential information of X-Company, including copies thereof.卖方应当根据 X 公司的要求,归还或销毁 Cargotec 公司的所有机密文件(包括其复制品)。The provisions in this section do not limit X-Companys rights according to section 1.本条规定,不影响 X 公司行使本协议第一条所规定的权利。3. Modifications3、修改The Supplier shall not introduce any modifications to the d

14、esign, manufacture or workmanship of the Products as set out in the Supply Agreement and relevant related documents without the written permission of X-Company.未经 X 公司书面允许,卖方不得对买卖协议及相关文件所规定的产品设计、制造或工艺进行修改。X-Company shall have the right to stipulate reasonable modifications regarding the extent of th

15、e Supply Agreement as well as the design, manufacture or workmanship of the Products. Justifiable adjustments to the purchase price and delivery time arising therefrom may be requested by either Party.X 公司有权对买卖协议的范围你以及产品的设计、制造、工艺提出合理的修改要求,因此而产生价格、工期变动的,任何一方均可提出合理的调整要求。No claim for compensation for i

16、ncreased costs or for changed delivery time or other modification to the terms and conditions of the Supply Agreement shall be made by the Supplier unless the modification is confirmed in writing by X-Company.上述修改需经经 X 公司书面确认,否则对于该修改所造成的成本增加、交货期及其它买卖协议条款的改变,卖方无权提出赔偿。The liability of the Supplier shall also extend to modifications requested by X-Company. Should X-Company, against the Suppliers express advice to the contrary, insist on any particular material or any particular de



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