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1、英语口语比赛参考题题型一 中译英(二)中餐宴会摆台1. 您一共有几个人用餐?(How many persons in your dinner party?)2. 请问您预订的用餐时间是什么时候?(May I know the time for your dinner reservation?)3. 请问以谁的名义预订?(In which name, please? )4. 您愿意吃西餐还是中餐?(Would you like Western food or Chinese food?)5. 您喜欢坐哪个位置?(Where would you like to sit?)6. 这个餐桌的位置可以吗

2、?(Will this table be all right for you?)7. 抱歉让您等这么久。 (Sorry to have kept you waiting.)8. 您现在点菜吗?(May I take your order now?)9. 对不起。我马上去给你催一下你的菜。 (Im very sorry. But Ill go to rush your order right now)10. 您想喝什么酒? (What wine would you like to have?)11. 这是菜单。服务员马上就来。 (Here is the menu. The waitress wi

3、ll be with you in a moment.)12. 给您再添点米饭好吗?(Would you like some more rice?)13. 餐厅现在客满。但我们可以在 20 分钟以后安排您入坐。 (the restaurant is full now. but we might be able to seat you in 20 minutes.)14. 值班经理马上就来。 (The duty manager will come here soon.)15. 我们会尽快给您答复.(We will answer you as soon as possible)16. 对此造成的不

4、便,我们非常抱歉。 (We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience caused.)17. 您能告诉我事情的详细经过吗?(Can you tell me/describe what happened in details?)18. 您是用信用卡还是现金结算?(Will you pay by credit card or in cash?)19. 先生,您的桌子已经准备好了。请您随我来,好吗?(Your table is ready, sir. Could you come with me, please?)20. 意大利餐厅在饭店二层。 (The It

5、alian restaurant is on the second floor of the hotel.)题型二 英译中 (二)中餐宴会摆台 1. The minimum charge for a private room is 200 Yuan per person.(包间的最低人均消费是 200 元。 )2. Here is your card and invoice.(这是您的信用卡和发票。 )3. I want a table with a view of the garden.(我想要张能看见花园的桌子。 )4. May I have a print of your credit

6、card? (能不能刷一下您的信用卡?)5. You reserved a table for two by the window.(您预订了一张靠窗的两人桌。)6. Would you like the table by the window? (您喜欢坐靠窗的位置吗?)7. We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.(一有空桌,我们就安排你们坐下。 )8. What kind of cuisine do you serve in your restaurant? (你们都有些什么风味的菜?)9. Whats your re

7、commendation for us? (您给我们推荐什么菜?)10. Would you like to try our House Specialty? (您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?)11. It looks good, smells good and tastes good.(这道菜色、香、味俱全。 )12. There is a street where the local food is served.(有条街提供当地小吃。 )13. We will change you to non-smoking area.(我们给您换到非吸烟区。 )14. How long does it t

8、ake from here to the airport? (从酒店到机场要多长时间?)15. Could you give us a brief description of the Chinese food? (能不能简单给我们介绍一下中国菜?)16. How long do you think we will have to wait? (我们要等多久?)17. Beggars Chicken is one of the most famous dishes of Hangzhou. (叫化童鸡是杭州最有名的菜肴之一。 )18. Would you care for a drink be

9、fore you order, sir? (先生,点菜前想喝点什么吗?)19. Wed like to have some good dishes of Chinese characteristics.(我们想要几个有中国特色的好菜。 )20. The total amount is one hundred and eighty Yuan.(总共 180 元)题型三 情景对话(二)中餐宴会摆台3. You are the waiter/waitress, and you want the guest to sign the bill, what should you say? (Would y

10、ou please sign the bill, sir/madam?)4. What would you say to the guest if you want to confirm his/her reservation?(May I confirm your reservation, sir/madam?)5. What would you say to confirm the guests order?(May I repeat your order now?)6. What is “Mapo Tofu”?(Mapo Tofu is spicy bean curd, it is a

11、classical Chinese dish.)7. When a guest calls to reserve a private room for dinner, what information do you have to know?(I have to know the date and time for the reservation, how many persons, and if there is any special requirement)8. If the guest made a complaint about the dish, how would you do?

12、 (I would apologize to the guest, find out the reason, and change the dish or give him discount according to the situation.)9. How would you introduce your restaurant to the guest? (I would tell the guest the business hours of the restaurant, the specialty, the popular dishes, the taste and so on.)1

13、0. How would you introduce your restaurant to the guest? (I would tell him about the business hours, the specialties, and the special programs and so on) 11. When the guest finishes his dinner, and you want to know his suggestion, what would you say? (I would ask the guest whether he has enjoyed the dinner or whether there is anything the hotel can do to improve.)12. If the guest wants to have something which your restaurant doesnt have, what would you say to him? ( Sorry sir. This is not available in our restaurant. But can I suggest some .?)


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