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1、1Unit 5, Book6 Power of Nature Period 1 学案1. Target language 重点词汇和短语volcano, erupt, eruption, ash , hurricane , adventure, alongside, equipment, appoint, adventure, evaluate, burn to the ground, wave, fountain, absolutely, fantastic, make ones way, potential, actual 2. Ability goals 能力目标To learn abo

2、ut the powerful natural force volcano and the work of an volcanologist. Can you say something about the volcano? Do you like to be an volcanologist? 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标To learn how to analyze the way the writer describes his exciting job.Vocabulary study(随堂练)1、volcano n. pl. volcanoes an

3、active volcano / a live volcano 活火山 a dormant volcano 休眠火山volcanic adj. 似火山的;来自火山的(当定语)火山学 -logy: “ 学/论。 ” volcanology oceanology climatology火山学家 -ist “学家 ” volcanologist pianist physicist2、erupt vi. 突然发生,爆发;火山爆发Mount Vesuvius hasnt erupted for a good many years. 维苏维火山已有很多年没有爆发了。erupt into laughter/

4、shouting/crying 突然大笑/ 叫喊/大哭起来eruption n. ( C/ U )火山爆发, (喻)战争等爆发;疾病等发作1、A lot of lava had _ from the volcano to bury the entire village.Aerupted Bgiven out Cburst out Dsprung up3、force 侧重于外在的力,如大自然的力、势力、也指文章的有力;power 侧重于能力、权力、动力、政治、法律力量;strength 侧重于身体内部的体力。He has lost the of speech.For a small lady s

5、he has surprising .Man is always fighting against the of nature.4、adventure n. adventurer n. adventurous adj.These are her exciting adventures in the Himalayas. (C)冒险活动(经历) ;奇遇Come on ! Wheres your sense of adventure? (U) 旅行、活动等中的冒险、风险25、alongside prep.沿着的边;在旁边 adv.在旁边,沿着边(1)The boat pulled up along

6、side the dock. 那条船在码头旁停靠。(2)He caught up with me and walked alongside. 他赶上我和我并肩走。The police car pulled up _.Aalong BalongsideCbeside Dsideline6、equipment equipment 是不可数名词,意为“设备,装备” 。(1)The equipment has all been fieldtested. 这些设备都已经实地实验过了。(2)The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive.这个摄

7、影室的装备花费巨大。【知识链接】 a piece of equipment 一件设备equip v. 配备;装备 equip sb. with sth.给某人装备上某物(1)Sports equipment _ in great need. Ais Bare Cwere Dhad been(2)他具有丰富的教学经验。He much experience in teaching.7、appoint vt.任命;委派;指定,约定appoint sb.(to be/as).任命某人做 appoint sb.to sth./be appointed to 挑选某人做某工作make an appoint

8、ment with sb.to do sth.与某人约定去做某事(1)They appointed Mr Smith(to be/as)manager. 他们任命史密斯先生做经理。(2)He was appointed to the vacant post. 他被委派填补那个空缺。(3)They appointed a place to exchange stamps. 他们约定了一个地方交换邮票。(4)I made an appointment with my friend to see a film this weekend.我和朋友约定了这个周末去看电影。He had a talent

9、for music and was _ conductor of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at the age of 30. Aassigned Bappointed Cnamed Dhonored3Unit 5, Book6 Power of Nature Period2 学案Target language 重点词汇和短语To know the meanings of the following new words and phrases: evaluate(评估),wave(波浪),fountain(泉水般地喷出或涌出;喷泉;源泉),absolute

10、( 绝对的 ),absolutely(绝对地),suit(一套外衣),helmet(头盔),boot(靴子) ,potential( 潜在性;潜在的) ,actual(实在的),burn to the ground(全部焚毁),make ones way(前往)Vocabulary study(随堂练)1、evaluate v评估,评价,估计;鉴定 evaluation n. 评价,估价(1)I cant evaluate his ability without seeing his work.没有看到他的工作情况,我无法评价他的能力。estimate,value,evaluate,asses

11、s 和 appreciate 的区别是什么?(1)Its impossible these results without knowing more about the research method.(用 evaluate 的适当形式填空)(2)Tom attempted an honest of his own life.(用 evaluate 的适当形式填空)(3)The research project has only been under way for three months,so its too early to _ its success. Aevaluate Bestim

12、ate Cvalue Dweigh2、wave n波浪;波涛vi.& vt.波动;起伏;挥手(1)Huge waves were breaking on the shore. 巨浪拍打着海岸。(2) Mary waved me a greeting. 玛丽挥手与我打招呼。(1)我向母亲挥手告别时她哭了。My mother was crying as I her goodbye.(2)风吹得池水起了涟漪。 The wind made little on the pool.3、fountain n. 泉水, 喷泉 , 源泉 vi. vt. 象喷泉那样流出或喷射a of wisdom 知识的源泉 a

13、 fountain pen 自来水笔 eruptive fountain 喷泉4、absolutely adv. 绝对地,完全地; 当然,对极了(常用于口语中);极其,非常(1)Its absolutely impossible.这是绝对不可能的。(2)He did absolutely no work at all.他简直什么都没干。absolute adj. 意为“纯粹的,完全的,绝对的” ,没有比较级;不能被 very 修饰,但是可以用 nearly 修饰。(1)Do you agree with me? .AVery absolutely BRather absolutely C Ne

14、arly absolutely DNo absolutely(2)The employees have not been paid _ since the new manager took over this company last month. Aregularly Bnormally C absolutely Dordinarily5、suit n一套外衣,套装;v.适合;对某人方便;(尤指服装,颜色等) 相配,合4身;适宜;有利于;自便;随便 suitable adj. 合适的;适宜的 suitcase n手提箱(1)Li Hua bought a business suit in t

15、he supermarket last night.昨天晚上李华在超市买了一套公务服装。(2) I dont think this coat really suits you. 我觉得这件大衣不大适合你穿。He can be very helpful,but only when it suits him.(英译汉)6、actual adj. 真实的;实际的 (强调事情最重要的部分);真正的;本身(1) Tom looks younger than his wife but in actual fact he is several years older.汤姆看起来比他妻子年轻,但实际上他比妻子大好几岁。in


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