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1、- 1 -The book Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin, a white American writer, records the trip that he _ventured_to experience discrimination based on skin colour by _disguising_ himself as a Negro.Before his experiment, Griffin had already lived an _extraordinary_ life. Blinded for ten years through

2、 _shell_shock, he wrote two novels on a typewriter. In 1959 Griffin decided to turn himself into a Negro. At that time, African-Americans in the Deep South were still suffering from the _appalling_disadvantages in many aspects. His six weeks life as a Negro is horrible.His amazing story _exposes_ th

3、e racist treatment towards the black people. Small _humiliations_ are routine. Discrimination towards Negros is _sanctioned_ and many crimes are likely to go unpunished. There is daily encounter with unmasked hatred. In his epilogue, Griffin emphasizes that the whites could not see any black man as

4、a human _individual_ and he holds that racial discrimination remains increasing rather than _absolute_. Without water, no life would be possible on this planet. Ancient cultures and civilizations -worshipped- water and-equated- it with life force. But conventional science treats water as a -lifeless

5、 -substance and promotes reproducibility as the basic premise of science. It is impossible for water to be always-reproducible- , so the testing of natural phenomena concerning water becomes very difficult. Water has an ability to shape organic forms. Due to its natural desire to flow in -spirals-,

6、the tissue of human heart and arteries is formed with a twist and the fibres of the tissue can run in a spiralling way so that blood also can spiral by flowing through these vessels. Moreover, water can have the memory of water phenomenon.Water molecules often form clusters by attaching themselves t

7、o each other. These clusters are so -sensitive-that they will be impressed by any vibrational influence and store such information.Thus water will take on the -imprints-of environmental pollutants and transfer them to people when they drink it. Therefore conventional water and sewage treatment syste

8、ms are not adequate. Tap water, though -chemically-clean, still convey the -vibrational-pattern of toxins and chemicals to the human body.Iron ore, the fifth _abundant_element on earth was not fully recognized as a useful natural source before the Hittites learned the way to _derive_iron from ore. W

9、ith the development of metallurgy, iron was strengthened and hardened through heating over a bed of charcoal. However, the steel produced in this way might _rust_ in _humid_ air. And when the steel was employed in guns, the spinning of the bullet would lead to _erosion_in the gun barrel, which inevi

10、tably affects the _accuracy_ of shooting. So in 1908, Harry Brearley was _commissioned_ to find ways to _eliminate_ the erosion in steel. Months passed before Brearley one day accidentally noticed that some samples _tossed_ into a junk pile still kept the _luster_ after a long time. This discovery h

11、elped him eventually solve the problem and thus “rustless steel” came into being. Later the name was changed into “stainless steel” when a manufacturer found the steel might be kept from staining after being dipped into vinegar.1、Then it hit me 突然间,我有了灵感。所有问题的根源在于金钱。金钱使我们与自己的行动脱节。无论是通过血汗工厂、农业产业化,或是战

12、争的形式。因此,我决定试试看没有钱是不是也可以行得通。2、The caravan was taken 他把拖车拉到一家有机农场,在那里,他一周免费工作三天以换取一块地方来居住、种菜。3、Its about reducing you 那就是要减少消耗,即使这种消耗对你来说并不过分,并且人们可以在许多小事情上这么做,比如说共享汽车。这样既有利于自身,又有利于环境,4、African-Americans endured 美国黑人在社会、教育和经济方面都处于极度的弱势,虽然民权运动日渐高涨,但法定的胜利还遥遥无期。 5、Stripped of the privileges 被剥夺了作为白人的特权,他不

13、得不步行几英里只为了能喝上一口水、上一趟卫生间,因为当地的公共设施贴上了“仅白人可用”的标签。 6、But Griffin,s period as 但是格里芬扮作“ 黑人”的时间是有限的,白人评论家们认为他会感到“ 比黑人更深刻的受歧视感”,因为这一体验对他来说是从未有过的。7、By adopting the methodology 通过采取“比较相似性以揭示现象” 的方法,古代中国人把不同的现象归因于这五大元素的类别。- 2 -8、As in the case 就像木元素一样,其他四种元素也被用于划分所有的物质,划分的依据是看这些物质符合四中特定元素中的哪一种。9、Therefore,the

14、 mutual 因此,五行相克关系也被认为是“所胜”、 “所不胜”的关系。10、Today,people in 今天,发达世界的人们大多想当然地把水当作一种廉价商品,而非它本来应有的身份一种无价的灵丹妙药。11、With the taking of 随着约两百年前工业化道路的开始,精神上的探究就被那种崇尚对自然过程和技术过程进行完全唯物和理性的理解的主流科学所忽视了。12、Apart from the many 水元素的很多属性已被研究透彻,这些属性使它成为地球上生命的独一无二的支持者。除了这些属性,水元素还具备一种能力,但是主流科学却竭力忽视和否定这种能力。13、The most commo

15、n techniques 最常用的方法是给病人食用大量的鸦片或酒精,直至病人几乎昏厥,然后让几个力气大的男性将病人压住,同时很快进行手术。14、Wells was so convinced 威尔士确信氧化亚氮在牙科手术中能起到麻醉的作用,因此他在这种气体的作用下,让一个助手拔掉了自己的一颗牙齿。 15、Although October 16th 虽然乙醚第一次被当作麻醉剂公开演示的时间是 1846 年的 10 月 16 日,但是有证据显示一位叫克劳富德朗的医生早在 1842 年就进行过这样的手术。 16、Sometimes around 1300BC 大约在公元前 1300 年,在现在的土耳其

16、境内,赫梯人就开始从铁矿石中提取铁。同时,铁的冶炼技术迅速传到欧洲和亚洲,铁器时代开始了。 17、Chromium ,which accounts 使不锈钢具有防腐蚀性能的铬具有很强的亲氧气性。如果铁中含有大量铬,就会在铁表面形成一层保护膜。 18、Its low weight and 质量轻,高温下抗氧化的特性使其在几乎各个现代产业中都发挥了作用,从食品制作和贮存,到交通运输,再到医学。19、Although the prospects of 尽管这种可能性微乎其微,但生于俄亥俄州的於斯顿,至今乡音未改的斯托布仍然是尽心尽责。20、He also gets a$2000 他还拿着两万美元的年薪,这听上去不多,但他是一个想退休就可以退休的祖父了,他很享受能够住在这一片最后的城市荒野的生活。21、Milder summer weather 温和的夏日气候意味着他可以重新安装环绕门廊的大围栏



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