unit 2 the freedom givers

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《unit 2 the freedom givers》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 2 the freedom givers(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、南阳理工学院教案(课时备课)授课题目 Unit 2 The Freedom Givers课时安排 2 学时 周 次 第 3 周 课 序 第 3 次课教学目的及要求:1. 熟悉本单元主题,即:Civil-Rights Heroes, 以及作者如何讲述三个典型的民权斗争的英雄的事迹;2. 学生应该熟练掌握课文中的核心单词、词组和句法,根据要求进行造句,翻译,写作等;教学内容及重点、难点:教学内容:1. New Words and Expressions; 2. Listen and talk; 3. Background Information(the Civil Rights Movement;

2、 the Underground Railroad) Comprehension of the Text; 4. Language Points重点: Background information about the civil rights movements and the underground railroad难点: Inversion caused by putting predicative at the front of a sentence教学方法:功能法;以学生为中心,教师为主导;任务型教学教学过程设计听写:课后练习中的句子 (15 分钟)介绍:背景信息(10 分钟)讲解:领

3、读单词(10 分钟)讲解关键单词及词组(30 分钟)讨论:阅读前问题 (15 分钟)泛读:学生自行阅读课文 A(5 分钟)分段并总结段落大意,分析段落之间关系(10 分钟)总结:总结本课学习内容,布置作业(5 分钟)讨论、作业和思考题:讨论题: 1. Do you believe in the notion that men are created equal? 2. Whats civil rights? 3. Name some rights we should have but actually we have to fight for. 作业:exercise in this text

4、; composition主要参考资料:用英语说全球社会热点 历年四级真题http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_and_political_rights教学后记:南阳理工学院教案(课时备课)授课题目: Unit 2 The Freedom Givers课时安排 2 学时 周 次 第 4 周 课 序 第 4 次课教学目的及要求:1. 理解课文中的长难句;理解文章的衔接、连贯;理解作者所要表达的价值观。2. 掌握写作技能: Using library resources.教学内容及重点、难点:教学内容:1. Structure of the text; 2. Deta

5、ils of the text; 3. Discussion of the authors view on life and value; 4. Writing features重点:1. Details of the text (Difficult sentences)2. The notion that men are created equal难点: Using library resources.教学方法:功能法;以学生为中心,教师为主导;任务型教学教学过程设计听写:课后练习的句子,听写后学生互对答案(20 分钟)复习:背景信息,段落关系(5 分钟)讲解:引导学生进行课文详细阅读(50

6、 分钟)讨论:阅读后问题,本课写作特点 (15 分钟)总结答疑:总结本课学习内容,布置作业,答疑(10 分钟)讨论、作业和思考题:讨论题: 1. Which is more important freedom of life?2. How to get/protect our right?作业:exercise in this text; tasks in self-assistant learning system主要参考资料:用英语说全球社会热点 新概念英语http:/ 批注Unit 2 Civil-Rights HeroesText A The Freedom GiversBackgro

7、und Information1. Uncle Toms CabinUncle Toms Cabin is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel, helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War, according to Will Kaufman. Uncle Toms Cabin was the best-selling novel of the 19th century, and the second

8、best-selling book of that century, following the Bible.It is credited with helping fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s. http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_Tom%E2%80%99s_Cabin2 Underground RailroadThe Underground Railroad was an informal network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-centu

9、ry black slaves in the United States to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists who were sympathetic to their cause. Created in the early 19th century, the Underground Railroad was at its height between 1850 and 1860. One estimate suggests that by 1850, 100,000 slaves had esca

10、ped via the Railroad. http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underground_railroad3 Quaker member of the Society of Friends, a religious sect that worships Christ without any formal ceremony or stated creed and is strongly opposed to violence and war Methodism Protestantreligious denomination that originated in

11、 the teachings of John Wesley.Methodist (member) of this denominationPre-reading Questions1. Name some rights we should have but actually we still have to fight for.2. What can we/government do to protect every citizens civil rights?Text A OrganizationThis passage can be divided into two parts in ge

12、neral. The first part is about the writing background and writing purpose of the author, and the second part narrated three stories associated with underground railroad. The author began this passage with the meeting with Hensons great-great-granddaughter and ended it with Hensons fleeing story, whi

13、ch make a perfect coherence within this passage.Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas1 1-5It is high time to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves by forging the Underground Railroad in the early civil-rights struggles in America. 2 6-23By citing examples the author praises the exploits of civil-rights

14、heroes who helped slaves travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. The author began with John Parkers story which is about a black man (an escaped slave) helped black escaping slaves. Then, Levi Coffins story is about a white man helped escaping slaves, which shows even honorable and respectable m

15、otivation and behavior. By the end, the author ended the passage with Josiah Hensons story which makes a coherence with the very beginning of the passage and show the efforts of black slaves working out their own salvation.Stories Paragraphs Main Ideas1 6-10 After winning his own freedom from slaver

16、y, John Parker helped other slaves to escape to Canada. 2 11-15Supported by a strong religious conviction, the white man Levi Coffin helped black slaves to escape at huge risk to himself. 3 16-23 By traveling the Underground Railroad, Josiah Henson reached his destination and became free at last. New Words and Expressions1. slender: (of people) slim; not very wide but comp


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