高一英语上学期unit 1

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1、英语高一上 Module1 Unit1 LifestylesLesson4 Cityand Country 辅导资料,难句解疑,1. Thats what people call the underground in London. (the tube) 就是人们对伦敦地铁的,叫法。,句中 what 引导的从句为表语从句。What 在从句中作从句的宾语,the underground in,London 为从句的宾语补足语,what 在这里的意思为“的”例:1) This is what I want to tell you. 这就是我要告诉你的事。2)China is not what it

2、 used to be. 中国已经是今非昔比了。2. Usually its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.,通常地铁和拥挤,很难找到座位。,句中 sothat 为连词,引导结果状语从句。 请注意:1. so+形容词/副词 2. so+形容词+a(an)+名词 3. so+ many/ few / little / much+ 名词。sothat 还可以引导目的状语从句,引导目的状语从句时,从句谓语动词常有情态动词,如: can/ could, will / would, may/ might。,例:1)He works so hard

3、 that he often forgets to eat and sleep.他工作很努力,以至于经常忘记吃饭睡觉。,2)He is so good a teacher that all his students like him very much.他是一位好老师,他的学生都喜欢他。,3)He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.他摔了很多跤,以致浑身青一块紫一块。,3. I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise otherwise.,因为每天运动量不够,

4、我需要增加些运动。,句中 otherwise 为副词,意思为“否则,不然”。Otherwise 还有“除此以外”的意思。,例:楼上有些音乐声, 除此以外, 房子里静悄悄的。,4. We like to visit nice, quiet places far away from the city, and go walking where there are,no shops, crowds or the tube.,我喜欢去那些远离城市、幽静、风光秀丽的地方,在没有商店、人群、地铁的地方漫步。,句中 where 为连词,引导地点状语从句,修饰动词 go。,例:1) Sit where I c

5、an see you.坐在我能看到你的地方。,2)We should go where we are needed most.我们应该去最需要我们的地方。,5. After a big breakfast in my house, I walk out of the front door and I, already at work.,饱餐一顿早饭之后,我走出家门,开始一天的工作。,句中 be at work 意思为“在工作”。介词 at 在这里表示“处于状态”。,例:The country is now at war.这个国家正在打仗。,I felt at a disadvantage. 我

6、觉得处于不利地位。,6. We dont have the same work hours that office workers in the city have.,我们的工作时间和在办公室工作的人们不同。,句中 that 为关系代词,引导一个定语从句,修饰名词 hours,在从句中作宾语。有时我们也用 as 代替 that。 the same that 更强调同一事物。例:This is the same man that asked me for money yesterday.那个人就是昨天向我要钱的人。,6. This meal included cakes and sandwich

7、es, and tea was served to wash down the food.,这顿饭有蛋糕和三明治,用茶来把事物送下去。,句中 wash down 的意思为“用水等吞送(食物等)”。wash down还有“冲洗,流下”的意思。,例:The soil has washed down into the valley.泥土被冲入了山谷。,7. In fact, the London Stock Exchange is believed to have started from these coffeehouses.事实上,人们认为伦敦证券交易所的前身就是这些咖啡馆。,这句话等于 In

8、fact, people believe the London Stock Exchange has started from thesecoffeehouses. 在 be believed 后面跟动词不定式,to have started 为不定式的完成式。常用句型有 It is said/ expected/reported 等+动词不定式。例:Tom is believed to be the child they looking for.人们认为汤姆就是他们要找的那个孩子。,The vase is believed to be worth a lot of money.,人们相信这个

9、花瓶价值连城。,配合练习:,翻译句子,1. 这就是我想要做的事。2. 告诉我你在想什么。,3. 那牛奶太好了,我们没办法不喝。,4. 他是一位那么温文尔雅的人,我们大家都喜欢他。5. 有那么多食物可吃,以致我弟弟都不想离开那儿。6. 把窗户关好,不然屋里就太冷了。,7. 他爱吵闹,除此之外在其他方面倒是一个好孩子。8. 我们得早一点儿去,不如就没座位了。9. 有志者事竟成。,10. 哪里有烟,哪里就有火。(无风不起浪)11. 我想哈里斯先生正在吃饭。,12. 目前这个地区正处于和平状态。,13. 他手里的小刀和我丢的一模一样。14. 在这件事上,我和你的想法一样。15. 他们在刷车。,16.

10、茶不能用来服药。,17. 那个人可能被认为携带武器。18. 地球一度被人们认为是平的。答案:,1. This is what I want to do.,2. Tell me what you are thinking about,3. The milk was so good that we couldnt stop drinking it.,4. He is so gentle a man that we all like me.,5. Shut the window. Otherwise itll get too cold in here.,6. He is noisy, but oth

11、erwise a nice boy.,7. Well go early. Otherwise we may not get a seat.,8. We like to visit nice, quiet places far away from the city, and go walking where there are,no shops, crowds or the tube.,9. Where there is will, there is a way.,10. Where theres smoke, theres fire.,11. I think Mr Harris is at d

12、inner.,12. At present this area is at peace.,13. The knife I his hand is the same that I have lost.,14. I think the same as you o about this.,15. They are washing down a car.,16. Tea can not be use to washed down medicine.,17. The man may be believed to carry arms.,18. The earth used to be believed to be flat.,温州汽车网 温州二手车 fle179mch,



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