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1、尖锋教育 www.edu086.org尖锋教育,一对一个性化辅导,一线名校名师联合创办,十年教辅,十年创新,成绩显著,效果卓越。人教版初一英语上学期 6-10 单元试题七年级英语 6-10 单元试题听力部分一、请听句子,在括号中选出你所听到的单词(A 或 B) (10 分)1、On weekends, I often go to (A、movies B、operas).2、Jackie Chan is a great movie (A、star B、actor).3、I think Beijing Opera is (A、boring B、interesting).4、(A、Who B、Whe

2、re)is this girl?5、Sally (A、likes B、wants)to eat French fries.二、请听对话判断正(T)误(F) (5 分)6、The girl wants to play volleyball.7、The girls mother likes thrillers.8、The girl wants to see an action movie.9、The girls father doesnt like comedies.10、The girl often goes to movies.三、请听对话,在各人所喜欢及不喜欢的电影类型下打“”和“” 。 (

3、5 分) comedies Action movies documentaries ThrillersSallyPeter Maria 笔试部分一、根据句意及汉语意思,完成单词。 (5 分)1、 (一月)is the first month of the year.2、My (生日)is February 10th.3、Thomas Edison was (出生)in February, 1847.4、 (什么时候)is your mothers birthday?5、I like (音乐)very much.二、翻译下列短语。 (10 分)1、去看电影 6、by the way 2、动作片

4、7、live in China 3、京剧 8、in the same class 4、呆在家里 9、Of course 尖锋教育 www.edu086.org尖锋教育,一对一个性化辅导,一线名校名师联合创办,十年教辅,十年创新,成绩显著,效果卓越。5、我的笔友 10、study English 三、单项选择。 (20 分)( )1、 is the shirt?50 dollars.A、What B、Where C、How much D、When( )2、 is that sweater?Red.A、What B、What color C、How much D、How many( )3、I ca

5、n swim well.I want to join the _ club.A music B chess C swimming D、musician( )4、How much do you want?A、coffee B、apples C、bananas D、pens( )5、Lets the picture on the wall.A、look at B、see C、look D、looks( )6、They will have a class meeting July 2nd.A、in B、at C、on D、for( )7、I am reading story. It is inter

6、esting story.A、a; an B、a; a C、the; the D、/; an( )8、Do you want a movie?A、go B、goes C、to go D、going( )9、What of movie do you like?A、kind B、color C、reason D、film( )10、I often go to a movie my good friends.A、on B、and C、with D、in( )11、I dont like the film, I think its .A、boring B、great C、interesting D、g

7、ood( )12、 is your birthday?A、What B、When C、How much D、Why( )13、The movie is_.I want to see it again.A boring B funny C、sad D、scary( )14、 apples are here.A、This B、The C、That D、An( )15、Would you like some tea?Yes, .尖锋教育 www.edu086.org尖锋教育,一对一个性化辅导,一线名校名师联合创办,十年教辅,十年创新,成绩显著,效果卓越。A、we do B、I am C、please

8、 D、I like( )16、Its time to play .A、the football B、games C、a balls D、a footballs( )17、my father play the violin _A very well B、good C、very good D、well very( )18、There an apple and two oranges on the table.A、is B、are C、has D、have( )19、Hed like .A、go to Beijing B、going to Beijing C、to go to Beijing D、g

9、o Beijing( )20、My favourite lessons Chinese and English.A、am B、is C、are D、be四、对话配对。 (10 分)( )1、How many trees can you see?( )2、Good morning , class.( )3、Is he English?( )4、Whats this in English?( )5、Are those your books?( )6、Would you like something to eat?( )7、What would you like?( )8、What about so

10、me cakes?( )9、Are you in Team One?( )10、Wheres my pencil?A、Id like some cakes and a cup of tea.B、OK, please.C、Yes, theyre mine.D、Good morning, teacher.E、Its an eraser.F、No, he isnt. G、Twelve.H、No, thanks.I、Its over there on the desk.J、Yes, I am.五、完形填空。 (20 分)Im 1 English boy. My name 2 Mike. Im a ne

11、w student. Now Im in Class Three, 3 ,No.4 Middle School. My teacher is Mr Liu. I have a brother. 4 name is Billy. We are twins. We 5 the same. He is in a different school.Im 6 duty today. I cant look 7 my brother. At school I help(帮助) my teacher put his maps, pictures and rulers on his 8 .I tell my

12、teacher ”Everyone is here.” 9 Im wrong. Jim is not at school. I dont 10 where he is. I think he is at home.尖锋教育 www.edu086.org尖锋教育,一对一个性化辅导,一线名校名师联合创办,十年教辅,十年创新,成绩显著,效果卓越。( )1、A、/( )2、A、be( )3、A、grade one( )4、A、Her( )5、A、look( )6、A、at( )7、A、like( )8、A、bed( )9、A、But( )10、A、thinkB、theB、areB、Grade OneB

13、、ItsB、seeB、inB、atB、deskB、SoB、lookC、aC、isC、one gradeC、HisC、look inC、onC、forC、boxC、ThenC、knowD、an D、amD、One GradeD、TheirD、look at D、to D、afterD、computerD、OrD、do六、阅读理解。 (10 分)Mr Green is from England. He and his wife(妻子)are teachers. They teach English in Beijing. They have a boy and a girl. They are Jack and Mary. Jack is a student, but Mary is not . She is only four.They have two bikes. One is big, and the other is small. The big one is for Jack. The small one is for Mary.On Sundays, some



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