2017-2018学年八年级英语上册 unit 5 do you want to watch a game show单元综合测试题1 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、1Unit 5 单元测试题Written test part (共 95 分). 单项选择(每小题 1 分, 共 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21. What about watching _ action movie tonight?OK. Its said that Furious 7 is _ excellent one. Lets watch it.A. an; the B. an; anC. a; the D. a; an( )22. If I become rich, Ill buy a big house _ a swimming

2、pool.A. about B. of C. with D. for( )23. You cant _ Mark to decide where to go. After all, hes only a three-year-old boy.A. expect B. hope C. make D. want ( )24. I didnt join them in the _, so I cant tell you what was decided at the meeting.A. exercise B. problemC. discussion D. service( )25. Why di

3、d Mike do that?I dont know, either. But Im sure he had his _. A. habits B. rulesC. messages D. reasons( )26. The school trip to the farm was highly _ for the students, because they learned a lot about farming.A. comfortable B. popular C. educational D. creative2( )27. Anna enjoys singing and sings b

4、eautifully. I think shell be a(n) _ singer some day.A. outgoing B. successfulC. beautiful D. necessary( )28. Are you ready _, sir?Yes. Id like a large bowl of beef noodles.A. leaving B. to leaveC. ordering D. to order( )29.Eric, I wonder if I _ use your telephone.Of course. Here it is.A. might B. ne

5、ed C. must D. should( )30. Did you hear what _ to David?Yes. He broke his right leg when playing soccer. A. reached B. reachesC. happened D. happens( )31. Jim is interested in swing dance and he plans _ dance lessons next month.A. take B. to takeC. not take D. not to take( )32. Helen, dont be too wo

6、rried. The doctor will soon _ whats wrong with you. A. care about B. think of C. bring out D. find out( )33. Sorry, I must say I dont like this picture _ your other pictures.A. as good as B. so well as C. much well than D. more better than( )34.Dale, lets do _ after finishing the work, such as going

7、 to the movies and swimming.3Sounds good.A. enjoyable something B. enjoyable nothing C. something enjoyable D. nothing enjoyable ( )35. How do you like the soap opera? _. Its really boring. A. I like it very much B. Yes, Id like to C. I dont think so D. I cant stand it. 完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)先通读下面的短文,

8、掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Last week, I read a book Life of Pi. Its about a boy from India 36 Pi, who traveled across the Pacific Ocean in a lifeboat.Pis family lived in India and his father opened a zoo. When Pi was seventeen, they decided to 37 the zoo and moved to Canada. They sold 38

9、of the animals to several zoos and took the other animals on a ship to Canada. 39 the way, they met with a very heavy rain and the ship sank (沉没).When Pi woke up after the terrible rain, he 40 that his family died and he was in a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, an orang-utan and a tiger. When he saw

10、 those big 41 , Pi was scared. One by one, the animals in the lifeboat killed and ate each other. At last, there was only Pi and the tiger left. 42 for Pi, there was some food and water in the lifeboat, but he soon needed to start catching fish. He fed the fish to the tiger to 43 it killing and eati

11、ng him. He also used what he learned from the zoo to control (控制) the tiger.Pi and the tiger 44 227 days in the lifeboat. They were often hungry. Sometimes, Pi was happy and hopeful, but sometimes he felt 45 and afraid. At last, they arrived in Mexico.( )36. A. liked B. asked C. named D. saved4( )37

12、. A. buy B. join C. visit D. close( )38. A. all B. some C. few D. none( )39. A. By B. On C. In D. To( )40. A. hoped B. showed C. found D. felt( )41. A. animals B. ships C. men D. fish( )42. A. Usually B. Easily C. Luckily D. Seriously( )43. A. make B. stop C. have D. expect( )44. A. spent B. fought C. planned D. worked( )45. A. excited


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