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1、北京新东方优能中考网 下载更多资料请点击 三帆中学 2010-2011 年初三第一学期期中考试(英语)二、单项填空(共 15 分,每小题 1 分)17. Its hard for the little boy to imagine that one day he will become _ his father.A. as high as B. as tall asC. so high as D. so tall as18. The boss planned to _ his employee after _ the complaints (抱怨) from the customers.A.

2、talk face to face; to receive B. have words with; to accept C. have a word with; receiving D. talk to; accept19. -Its a pity that the manager didnt agree to your proposal (提议).-It doesnt matter. At least, he _ give me another chance.A. agreed that B. agreed with C. agrees on D. agreed to20. Mandy sa

3、id sorry to her teacher because of _ the homework at home, but the truth was that she simply _ it.A. forgetting; forgot doing B. forgot; forgot to do C. leaving; forgot to do D. left; forgot doing21. The old lady asked her grandson to fill the blue box _ all his toys, but the trouble was, it had alr

4、eady been full _ her old clothes.A. with, of B. of, with C. with, with D. of, of22. The captain should _ his health. Any activity that does great harm _ his body should be stopped.A. take care, on B. take care, toC. care about, on D. care about, to23. -How many sheep _ before you fell asleep last ni

5、ght?-About 300. But the more I count, the harder for me to fall asleep.A. has been counted B. were countedC. will be counted D. did count北京新东方优能中考网 下载更多资料请点击 24. -Are you familiar _ the music that Vincent is playing?-It sounds familiar _ me, but I cant remember the name right now.A. with, to B. with

6、, with C. to, to D. to, with25. Most of the great scientists are the people _ enjoy _ new ideas.A. that; having a try B. who; to try on C. that; trying out D. who; to try26. Great changes _ in this small town since the last time I visited it.A. have been taken place B. took place C. has happened D.

7、have taken place27. Why not go straight on to university for further education _ a job?A. instead of looking for B. rather look for C. instead look for D. rather than looking for28. Although Dave decided not to _ his parents _, he still calls home when he meets difficulties.A. depend, any longer B.

8、be depended, any more C. be depended on, no more D. depend on, any more29. -Mandy is always _ to notice the spelling mistakes she has made in the test.-Thats why she always gets _ grades.A. too careful; satisfying B. too careless; unsatisfying C. so careful; satisfactory D. so careless; dissatisfact

9、ory30. -He seems terribly ill. Is there anything serious?-No, hell be all right soon. _.A. Ill have a look at it B. Im sure of that C. Ive done that D. I have no idea31. -Have you received an e-mail message from Helen?-_.-Really? No news is good news.北京新东方优能中考网 下载更多资料请点击 A. Yes, I have B. I dont min

10、d C. No, I havent D. No problem三、完形填空 (共 12 分,每小题 1 分)It all started a year before when my daughter Suzanne and I were shopping in Sydney. In the window of a sports shop I noticed a photo of a group of young people climbing the rock _ (32) in a canyon. “Thats what Im going to do next _ (33),” I said

11、. Suzanne laughed. “Sure, Mum! Dont forget youre 65 years old!”I didnt feel I was that age! I _ (34) a club and trained weekly. Each day I felt my physical energy _ (35) and, along with it, my confidence (信心). Then Suzanne pointed out,”Its good, but how can you clear away the _ (36) of height?” “Ive

12、 got it all worked out,” I replied bravely. “Were going to the indoor climbing centre.”While I was going up the high wall, I was afraid to look down as if a terrible animal was after me. Some time later, as I reached the ground, I sat down _ (37) on the floor. Later that night, as I lay in bed, I en

13、couraged myself, “You had climbed the wall! You will certainly make it!”We set off with our packages to the Grand Canyon. When we reached it, I found the canyon was a huge black hole-far _ (38) than I had imagined. As the guide clipped (夹住) me on to the rope, my heart _ (39) double-time and I wonder

14、ed why I had got myself into this. Time lost all meaning _ (40) I pushed my body forward. Only the strong rope kept me from _ (41) hope. I began to think It would never end when everyone had stopped. ”This is as far as we go, and we can climb out after a few steps,” the guide said finally. Two and a half hours later, we returned to the car park at last. I began to shake, one hard step after another.Getting onto the bus, I _ (42) into the seat. I had left so confidently a lifetime before. Then, while I was in the seat catching my 北京新东方优能中考网


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