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1、1第一讲 简单句的构成简单句的构成是英语句子结构知识的基础,不论多么长多么复杂的句子都是简单句演变来的,所以简单句的相关知识是非常重要和基本的。一词性 (词类) part of speech 英语十种词性: 名词,代词,数词 ,形容词,动词,副词,冠词,介词,连词,感叹词,我们需着重学习其中五类的用法: 词性 英语名称 意义 例词 在句子中的作用名词(代词) noun (n.) 指代人,事物或概念 smile, success, capability, decoration,主要作1.主语;2.宾语;3.宾补还可作 1.定语;2.主补;3.同位语动词 verb (v.) 表示动作或状态succ

2、eed, make, decide, 1.限定形式作谓语;2.非限定形式作除谓语以外的成分形容词 adjective (a.) 表示人或事物的特征free, ancient 1.放在名词前,修饰名词,作定语; 2. 作表语1宾补;2主补副词 adverb (ad.) 表示动作特征或形状特征carefully, hard, probably可修饰动词,形容词,副词或整个句子作状语1.偶尔作表语; 2. 偶尔作宾补介词 preposition (prep.)永远不能单独使用;后面必须接名词构成介词短语,说明与别的词的关系in,at, on, with, from, behind, between,

3、 beside,介词短语作1.表语;2.定语;3.状语1作宾补二. 句子成分,五种句型一个句子有哪些成分,这与句子结构有关,或者说与它是哪种句型有关。1. 五种基本句型, 主要句子成分句型一: 主语+系动词+ 表语 (表语可以是名词,形容词或介词短语)That girl was my fiance. 那个女孩是我未婚妻。The story is about my son. 这个故事是关于我儿子的。The flower is red. 除了 be 动词,还有一些表示状态,变化的词,如 feel, look, smell, taste, sound, seem, appear, become, g

4、et, grow, turn, go, come, ran, fall, prove, remain, stay, keep 等,也可作系动词用,如:She felt a bit dizzy. 她感到有点头晕。You are not looking very well. (well 除了作“身体健康”解时作形容词,其他情况作副词, 如:He performs well in school.)The dish smells good. 这盘菜闻起来不错。 The medicine tastes awful. 这药吃起来糟透了。2The report sounds true. 这报道听起来是真实的

5、。He seemed quite normal. 他看起来很正常。She appeared calm. 她显得很镇静。His advice proved sound. 他的建议证明是合理的。She remained calm. 她保持平静。They stayed awake to see the eclipse. 他们熬夜看月蚀。He looked in splendid health. 他看起来健康状况极好。句型二: 主语+不及物动词 (主语+谓语动词)The sun is rising. 太阳正在升起。Tim is sleeping. 蒂姆正在睡觉。The accident occurre

6、d suddenly. 事故突然发生了。It is snowing. 天在下雪。The train is arriving. 火车要到站了。We waited and waited. 我们等了又等。He danced for joy. 她高兴地跳起舞来。She often dreams. 她常常做梦。She trembled all over. 她浑身发抖。句型三: 主语+及物动词+ 宾语 (主语+ 谓语动词+宾语)He loved poetry. 他热爱诗歌。Have you ordered your meal? 你点了菜了吗?Silence means consent. 沉默意味着默许。H

7、e left school in 1998. 他 1998 年离校。What did he say? 他说的什么?句型四: 主语+及物动词+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语 (主语+ 谓语+间宾+ 直宾)He showed me the way. 他给我指了路。She gave me her telephone number. 他给了我电话号码。He handed me the letter. 他把信递给了我。Please throw me the key. 请把钥匙扔给我。They awarded her a special scholarship. 他们颁发她一项特别奖学金。They never d

8、enied us assistance. 他们从不拒绝给我们帮助。He assigned the students a few books to read. 他指定了几本书给学生读。Can you lend us your car? 你能把车借给我吗?I owned him $50. 我欠他五十美元。They appointed him commander. 他们任命他总指挥。 She sang us a folk song. 她给我们唱了首民歌。She found you a position. 她给你找了个职位。He bought himself a new suit. 他给自己买了套新衣

9、服。She cooked us a delicious meal. 她给我们做了一顿美味的饭菜。Could you fetch me the evening paper? 你能否给我把晚报拿来?Thatll save us a lot of trouble. 那会省去我们不少麻烦。They fined her $200. 他们罚了她二百美元的款。Careless driving cost him his life. 开车马虎使他陪了命。They forgave him his crimes. 他们宽恕了他的罪行。句型五: 主语+及物动词+ 宾语+ 宾语补足语 (形容词,名词,介短可充当宾补)H

10、e found his new job rather boring. 他发现他的新工作相当乏味。Sit down and make yourself comfortable. 坐下来,坐舒服。He got his clothes wet. 他把衣服弄湿了。3Good food keeps you healthy. 良好的饮食使人健康。Ill have my hair cut this evening. 今晚我要把头发剪了。The noise was driving him mad. 噪音快让我疯了。I like my tea very strong. 我喜欢喝浓点的茶。Facts have p

11、roved these worries groundless. 事实证实这些忧虑毫无根据。Finally they set him free. 最后他们把他放了。They call their daughter Mary. 他们叫女儿玛丽。They name the city Leningrad. 他们把这座城市命名为列宁格勒。 We elected Smith our chairman. 我们选史密斯为主席。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。The appointed him chairman of the

12、 committee. 他们任命他为主任委员We all consider the book a master piece. 我们都认为这本书是杰作。The doctor thought that a good sign. 医生认为这是一个好迹象。They kept their marriage a secret. 他们对结婚保密。Shelley counted this experience a part of his education. 雪莱把这段经历看作是他经受的一段教育。I found her in better spirits when we met again. 再次见面时我发现

13、她精神好些了。This placed her in a very difficult position. 这使她处境很困难。 They soon got the fire under control. 他们不久就控制了火势。This will bring us all into harmony. 这会使我们和睦起来。注意:a.“及物动词+双宾”与“及物动词+复合宾语”的区别:“及物动词+双宾”句型中两个宾语都是名词,都是这个及物动词的宾语;而在“及物动词+复合宾语”句型中,宾补可以不是名词,宾语和宾补之间有逻辑上的主谓关系。如:He teaches me English. 就是“及物动词+双宾”结构;He called me Jean. 就是“及物动词+复合宾语”结构。b 除以上五种句型外,还有一种特殊的表示客观存在的 there be 句型。c. 每一个陈述句都有否定和疑问形式,注意各种时态的形式变化。d. 当表示命令或乞求时,不用陈述句形式,而用祁使句形式,即无主语,用动词原形开头。 2. 次要成


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