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1、专利侵权认定中等同原则的适用摘 要当今科学技术发展迅速,专利技术的承继性决定了大部分专利之间差别较小,多数时候专利的创新就在微妙之处,法官如何更加准确地判定专利侵权将变得更为重要。在专利侵权中,完全一摸一样地照搬他人发明较为少见,而更多的是行为人将专利权利要求的部分必要技术特征稍作替换得出实质性等同的技术,如果采用全面覆盖原则来判定此类侵权行为则显然支撑不足,因为全面覆盖原则强调专利权利要求中的每一项技术特征以字面上一一对应并完全相同的方式体现在被控侵权的产品或方法之中,是一种完全的字面侵权。运用等同原则,若权利要求中的技术特征以实质性等同的方式体现在被控侵权的产品或方法中,也认定为专利侵权,


3、,等同原则类似于证据规则本是一项应用性原则,在不同种类的案件、不同领域的案件处理方式有所不同,也是需要法官在具体案件中发挥主观能动性来判定的,无需立法、司法界订立统一的标准来量化等同原则的适用。关键词:专利 专利侵权 等同原则AbstractThe principle of equivalents is a important principles in patent infringement in China, the rules has been made by the legislative and judicial provisions is only a few, Using thi

4、s principle is mainly in the practical operation by the judges in patent infringement cases in a series of ways, methods, rules . This paper discusses the concept of patent infringement, and thus leads to the principle of equivalents, the history of the principle of equivalents in countries, the ana

5、lysis of some practical cases, typical operations. By comparing the applications of the principle of equivalents in the actual cases in different countries, we can summarize that the method of using the principle of equivalents in the patent infringement and fully illustrate the principles of the pr

6、actice of the same way, describes the principles of the present stage the same basic meaning and mode of operation. From the content of paper, the paper outlines the basic meaning of the principle of equivalents, described several kinds of equivalent infringement in the patent infringement, the prin

7、ciple of equivalents in patent infringement in case judgments, including the judging time to determine whether infringement is exist, criteria of equivalents of the principle of equivalents, the orders of applying all elements of the principle of equivalents, the restrictions of the principle of equ

8、ivalents. In the end, Article explains the ponder over the principle of equivalents, The principle of equivalents is an applied equivalent principle, handling different kinds of cases or different areas of cases need different ways, there is no need to judiciaries or legislation to made a quantify u

9、nified standard in application of equivalent principle.Keywords: patent equivalent principle infringement绪 论 .4一、专利侵权的基本概念 .1(一)专利权的基本概念 .1(二)专利侵权的定义及类型 .11、专利侵权定义 .12、专利权的范围 权利要求 .13、专利侵权与权利要求的关系 .24、专利侵权的类型 .3(1)字面侵权 .4(2)帮助侵权 .4(3)等同侵权 .5(三)等同侵权的含义 .51、等同侵权的定义 .52、等同侵权的表现形式 .6二、等同原则在各国的发展 .7(一)等同原则在美国的发展和适用 .71、等同原则适用的发展 整体等同与全部技术特征等同 .72、美国等同原则的适用方式 .8(二)等同原则在日本的发展和适用 .9(三)等同原则在德国的发展和适用 .11三、中


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