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1、自考英美文学题型及复习资料一、单项选择题1、 The first mass movement of the English working class and the early sign of the awakening of the poor, oppressed people is _A_. A. the Chartist movement B. enlightenment C. Renaissance D. enclosure 2、 Daniel Defoes works are all the following EXCEPT_A_. A. Moll Flander B. Macbe

2、th C. Hamlet D. Ulysses 3、 “Metaphysical Poetry” refers to the works of the 17th - century writers who wrote under the influence of _B_. A. Milton B. John Donne C. Johnson D. Fielding 4. The most important play among Shakespeares comedies is _D_. A. Hamlet B. The Twelfth Night C. The Merchat of Veni

3、ce D. The Merchant of Venice 5. The most perfect example of the verse drama after Greek style in English is Miltons _B. A. paradise Regained B. Paradise Lost C. Ode to the West Wind D. Ulysses 6. Which of the following descriptions of Enlightenment Movement is NOT true? DA. It was a progressive inte

4、llectual movement that flourished in France. B. It was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries. C. The purpose was to enlighten the whole world with modern philosophical and artistic id D. the Enlighteners advocates individual education. 7. Neoclassicists had some fixed laws

5、and rules for prose EXCEPT_D_. A. precison B. directness C. flexibility D. satire 8. A good style of prose“ proper works in proper places” was defined by _C_. A. Milton B. Fielding C. Swift D. John Donne 9. The major theme of Jane Austens novels is_D_. A. money B. power C. murder D. love and marriag

6、e 10. Wordsworths_B_ is perhaps the most anthologized poem in English literature. A. she dwelt among untrodden ways B. I wandered lonely as a cloud C. The Solitary reaper D. Ulysses 11、11. William Blakes work _B_ is about childhood. A. Marriage of Heaven and Hell B. songs of innocence C. tiger, tige

7、r D. paradise lost 12. Best of all the Romantic well- known lyric pieces is Shelleys_C_. A. the cloud B. To the skylark C. Ode to the west wind D. Ode tothe nightingale 13、In the Victorian Period _B_ became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. A.

8、 prose B. novel C. drama D. poetry 14、 In Charles Dickensearly novels, he attacks one or more specific social evils, _A_is a good example of describing the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life.A. Oliver Twist B. Bleak house C. David Copperfield D. Great Expectations 1

9、5. Thomas Hardys most cheerful and idyllic work is_B_. A. Tess B. Under the greenwood tree C. The return of the native D. Far from the madding crowd 16、One of Shelley s greatest political lyrics is _B_, which was later to become a rallying song of the British Communist Party. A. Men of England B. Me

10、n of England C. Ode to Liberty D. Ode to the West Wind 17、In Charles Dickens work _A_, the Utilitarian principle rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and minds. A. Hard times B. Oliver Twist C. David Copperfield D. Bleak House 18、The tragic sense turns into despair in Th

11、omas Hardys _D_, where cornered by the traditional social morality, the hero and the heroine have to kill their own will and passion and return to their former destructive way of life. A. Tess B. The Return of the Native C. The Greenlanders D. Jude the Obscure 19、As a critic of music and drama, _B_

12、held that art should serve social purposes by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people. A. Yeats B. Oscar Wild C. Bernard Shaw D. Milton 20、Symbolism and complex narrative are employed more richly in D. H. Lawrences _A_, which are generally regarded as h

13、is masterpieces. A. Women in Love B. Sons and Lovers C. Lady Chatteleys Lover D. Farewell to Arms 21、 _A_ is regarded as a “worshipper of nature” because he can penetrate to the heart of things and give the reader the very life of nature. A. Wordsworth B. Blake C. Byron D. Coleridge 22、In Spensers “

14、The Faerie Queene”, _A_ is the play role in each of the 12 major adventureA. Arthur B. Redcrosse C. Una D. Archimago 23、_D_ was regarded as “Father of the English novel”, for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel. A. Daniel Defoe B. Jonathan Swift C. Jane Austen D. He

15、nry Fielding 24、 “They rose when she entereda small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton was small and spare” these sentences are taken from _B_ A. Charlotte Brontes The Prof

16、essor B. William Faulkners A Rose for Emily C. Charles Dickens Dombey and Son D. H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers 25、_A_ by Henry James tells a story about a young and innocent American confronting the complexity of the European life. A. The AmericanB. The Europeans C. Daisy Miller D. The Portrait of a Lady 26、Don Juan is a long poem based on a traditional _A_ legend of a gre



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