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1、Translation for English A text 1 / 9Passage1Among his first efforts in this area was “Tommy Tuckers Tooth” (1922), a short combining live action and animation made on assignment for a local dentist.他在这个领域的第一个成就是“汤米塔克的牙” (1922 ) ,一部结合了生动动作和动画的短剧,是应当地一位医生的要求而创作。A 1945 Look magazine article, titled “Wa

2、lt Disney: Teacher of Tomorrow,” described Disney as “revolutionizing an educational system” and cited how the Donald Duck short “The New Spirit,” made for the United States Treasury Department, affected 37 percent of Americans regarding their willingness to pay taxes1945 年, 看客杂志一篇标题为“沃特 迪斯尼:明天的老师”的

3、文章,把迪斯尼描述为“改革了整个教育体系”,并且引用了唐老鸭短剧“ 新的精神”是如何影响 37%的美国人交税意愿的,该剧应美国财政部要求制作。This film contributed to Disneys being presented with an award of merit, for his contribution to public safety, by the Automobile Club of Southern California.因为该片对于公共安全的贡献,南加利福尼亚汽车俱乐部授予迪斯尼突出成就奖。Im not an educator. My primary purp

4、ose is to entertain though if people want to read education into my work, thats fine with me.我不是教育家,我的主要目的是娱乐;但如果人们想要从我的作品中受到教育,我也乐于接受。Passage 2Diffusion is the process by which molecules or ions scatter or spread from regions where they are in higher concentrations towards regions where they are in

5、 lower concentrations.扩散是分子或离子从高浓度区域分散或散布至低浓度区域的过程。Such motion is haphazard, but it accounts for the mixing of molecules that commonly occurs when different kinds of substances are put together.这种运动是无规则的,但它解释了将不同种类的物质放在一起时,通常会发生分子混合的原因。Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion. It occurs whenever water

6、 molecules diffuse from a region of higher concentration through a selectively permeable membrane,such as a cell membrane.渗透是一种特殊的扩散。当水分子从高浓度区域通过选择性渗透膜(如细胞膜)扩散时即为渗透。Passage3One of the problems of watching weather forecasts on TV is that by the time they have reached your region, you have tuned out a

7、nd missed the vital information you have been waiting for. But it is not a problem in the United States because they have a weather channel devoted entirely to weather. Set up in 1982, the Weather Channel was given just weeks to survive by its critics, but such is the interest in the vagaries of the

8、 climate that it has thrived.收看天气预报的若干问题之一就是,当他们播到你那个区域时你已经换台而错过了你一直在等的重要信息。但是在美国不存在这样的问题,因为他们有一个专门的天气频道。该频道始建立于 1982 年,当初评论家们认为它只能存活几周,但是人们对变化莫测的天气如此感兴趣,使得它日渐繁荣起来。Translation for English A text 2 / 9Weather is big business in the United States. The country has 750 weather zones, including eight in

9、the New York metropolitan area alone.在美国,天气是一项大产业。这个国家有 750 个天气区域,单纽约这样的大都市就包含 8 个区域。Passage 4The Julian calendar, devised by Julius Caesar and based on the phases of the moon, had trouble pinning down that date.凯撒大帝根据月相制定的儒略历在推算复活节的日子时遇到了麻烦。Aside from setting the first year of the Lord around Jesus

10、fourth birthday,it does not had not account for a year 0.The concept of a whole number between minus-one and one had not yet made the journey from the Arab world to Western Europe.除了把耶稣的第四个生日设置为第一年以外,它还不包括 0 年。负一和一之间的整数的概念还没有从阿拉伯世界传到西方欧洲。Passage5Do you think it is possible to defeat an opponent so f

11、ierce that a glance at her turns one to stone? This was the fate of anyone who looked upon the Medusa, a dreaded monster whose hair was made of hissing serpents. 你认为有可能战胜强大到只消对方看她一眼就会被变成石头的对手吗?这是任何一个看美杜莎的人的命运,她是一个可怕的魔鬼,每根发丝都是吐着信子的毒蛇。The brave Perseus undertook to fight the Medusa, but he was compell

12、ed to do battle in a most awkward manner.To help Perseus in his venture, the goddess Minerva had lent him her bright shield ,and the god Mercury had given him winged shoes .勇敢的珀耳修斯着手与美杜莎斗争,但他被迫以一个比较尴尬的方式战斗(背景:假如他从这块盾的反光里看美杜莎,他就不会变成石头) 。为了帮助敢于冒险的珀尔修斯,女神密涅瓦把她的反光盾借给他,并且宇宙神墨丘利给他了一双会飞的鞋子。Cautiously he ap

13、proached the awesome monster .Using the image of the Medusa in his shield as a guide , he succeeded in cutting off her head and fixing it to the center of Minervas shield珀尔修斯小心翼翼的靠近了令人恐惧的魔鬼。用他的盾牌上美杜莎的(反光)形象作向导,他成功的把她的头取下来并装在密涅瓦的盾牌中心。Perseus then flew to the realm of King Atlas whose chief pride was

14、his garden filled with golden fruit . Thirsty and near collapse , he pleaded with the King for water to quench his thirst and for a place to rest .然后,珀尔修斯飞到了阿特拉斯国王的属地,阿特拉斯以他花园中的金色水果为荣。珀尔修斯口渴并接近虚脱,他恳求国王给一些水来止渴并稍事休息。 But Atlas feared that he would be betrayed into losing his golden apples. He uttered

15、just one word ,“Begone!”Perseus ,finding that he could not pacify Atlas , responded by beckoning him to look upon Medusas head .Atlas was changed immediately into stone但是,阿特拉斯害怕被骗,从而失去他的金苹果。他只说出了一个字“滚蛋!” 珀尔修斯发觉他不能说服阿特拉斯,于是就引诱他看美杜莎的头作为回应。阿特拉斯立刻变成了石头。His head and hair became forests , his body increas

16、ed in bulk and became cliffs , and the gods ruled that the Translation for English A text 3 / 9heaven with all its stars should rest upon his shoulders . Can there be a worse calamity than that which befell Atlas ?他的头和头发变成了森林,他的身体增大成一块并且变成了悬岩,并且众神规定,天上所有的星星都应在他的肩膀上休息。还能有比降临在阿特拉斯身上的灾难更糟的吗?Passage6The key to achieving this seemingly unbelievable feat lies in knowing how to make the most of a very natural sleep phenomenon dreaming.达到这种看似不可思议的技艺之关键在于,了解如何充分利用一个非常自然的睡眠现象做梦。 L



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