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1、萧山商务环境推介萧山地处中国东南沿海长江三角洲南翼,是浙江省会城市杭州的一个经济强区,区域面积 1420 平方公里,人口 120 万,是中国大陆经济最发达的地区之一。Xiaoshan, the most developed district of Hangzhou, lies on the south bank of the Qiantang River in Yangtze Delta of Southeast Chinas coastland. It covers a total area of 1420 square km and has a population of 1.20 mil

2、lion. 萧山历史悠久,人杰地灵。境內跨湖桥文化遗址和出土的独木舟距今有 8000 年的历史。越王勾践卧薪尝胆、四大美女之一西施浣沙的故事发生于此,千古流传。Xiaoshan is a city with a long history where many historic interests were found. Kuahuqiao Relics unearthed in Xianghu Village confirms that the human activities in the area can be traced back to 8000 years ago. 萧山区位优越,依

3、江临海,公路、铁路、水运、航运便捷发达。杭州萧山国际机场名列全国十大机场第八位。特别是随着萧山机场二期扩建工程,沪杭城际快捷轨道交通和过江隧道、地铁工程的启动建设,萧山与杭州、上海、香港等地的同城效应日益凸现。 Xianshan has favorable location and convenient transportation system of road, railway, water and air. Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport is ranked 8th of China Top 10 Airports. The ongoing

4、projects of airport expansion, Shanghai-Hangzhou Pass Way, subway and cross-river tunnel will lead to a strong “the same city effect” among Hangzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong. 萧山综合经济实力居浙江省县(市、区)首位,全国第七位。2009 年,实现 GDP1045亿元,人均 GDP 达到 12600 美元,财政总收入 137 亿元,进出口总值 83 亿美元。上市企业已达 19 家。 The overall economic

5、strength of Xiaoshan has ranked the first among the counties in Zhejiang Province for years, and the seventh in China. In 2009, the GDP of Xiaoshan reached RMB 104.5 billion, per-capita GDP USD 12,600, total revenue RMB 13.7 billion and import and export volume USD 8.3 billion. 19 companies have bee

6、n listed on the Stock Exchange.萧山被誉为“中国花木之乡” 。畜牧、水产、蔬菜、花木、茶果是农业的五大特色主导产业。区內有国家级农业开发区和省级浙江农业高科技示范园区。 Xiaoshan is “China Plants Park”. Animal husbandry, aquatic products, vegetables, flowers and trees, tea and fruit are the leading industries. State-level Agricultural Development Zone and Zhejiang Hi-

7、Tech Agricultural Demonstration Garden focus on the Hi-tech agriculture development.工业是萧山经济的支柱。2009 年实现工业总产值 3733 亿元。主要产业包括:纺织印染、机械汽配、服装羽绒、精细化工、钢构网架、电子电器、食品加工、纸业包装。Industry plays a leading role in Xiaoshans economy. In 2009, the gross industrial output value amounted to RMB 373 billion.萧山第三产业日益繁荣,商贸

8、、旅遊、物流、房地产、金融、中介、咨询等现代服务业蓬勃发展。2009 年萧山社会消费品零售总额达 238 亿元。 Xiaoshan has prosperous tertiary industry, with well-developed trade, tourism, logistics, real estate, finance, agencies and consultation. The retail sales volume of consumer goods in 2009 reached RMB 23.8 billion.萧山是中国大陆民营经济最发达的地区之一。全区现有民营企业

9、30000 多家,其中 4家名列中国企业 500 强,9 家名列中国制造企业 500 强,29 家名列中国民营企业 500 强,500 余家年产值超亿元。 .Xiaoshan is famous for its prosperous private economy with more than 30,000 private-owned enterprises. 29 are ranked among top 500 private enterprises in China. 萧山是中国最大的纺织服装生产基地、中国汽车零部件产业基地、中国钢结构之乡、中国羽绒之都、中国最大的彩印包装纸箱生产基地等

10、。Xiaoshan is Chinas largest production base of garments and textile, China Auto Fittings Industrial Base, China Steel-structure Capital, China Eiderdown Capital and Chinas production base of color printing carton, etc.萧山现有中国名牌 22 个、省级 76 个,其中钱潮 QC 万向节为中国世界名牌产品。市级以上著(驰)名商标达 180 只,其中国家级 48 只、省级 83 只。

11、There are 22 brandname products in state-level, 76 in provincial-level. Qianchao QC universal joints is world famous brand. There are 180 renowned trademarks, 48 in state-level, 83 in provincial-level. 科技创新力度不断增强。萧山现有高新技术企业 185 家,其中国家级 40 家、省级 110家;拥有企业技术中心 289 家,其中国家级 5 家、省级 41 家、市级 69 家。There are

12、185 high-tech enterprises in Xiaoshan, 40 in state-level and 110 in provincial-level. And there are 289 technical centers in Xiaoshan, 5 in sate-level, 41 in provincial-level and 69 in municipal-level. 萧山休闲旅遊业发展迅猛,是“浙江省十大旅遊休闲城市” 、 “华东地区十大旅遊休闲风情城市” 。区內拥有一湖三园,即湘湖、休闲博览园、东方文化园、休闲风情园,拥有“壮观天下无”的钱江潮,成为杭州打造

13、“东方休闲之都”的重要组成部分。 Xiaoshan is one of “the Top 10 Cities of Tourism and Leisure in Zhejiang” and one of “the Top 10 Most Charming Cities in East China”. Xianghu Lake, Oriental Culture Garden, Hangzhou Leisure Expo Garden, Hangzhou Leisure Folk Garden, and the Qianjiang Tidal Bore become an important p

14、art for Hangzhou to be “Oriental Leisure Capital” 钱江潮是世界上最雄伟壮观的湧潮奇观之一。自 1994 年始,萧山区人民政府每年农历八月十八举行中国国际(萧山)钱江观潮节。The tidal bore of the Qiantang River is one of the wonders of nature. Since 1994, Xiaoshan District Peoples Government holds China International (Xiaoshan) Qianjiang Tidal Bore Festival eve

15、ry year on Aug. 18, Chinese calendar.湘湖萧山的“母亲湖” ,西湖的“姐妹湖” ,周边青山环抱,三江汇流,是人间天堂的又一颗璀璨明珠。Xianghu Lake is named as the mother lake of Xiaoshan and the sister lake of the West Lake, surrounded by mountains and water, is another pearl of Hangzhou, the paradise on earth.萧山被评为国家卫生城市,是“2006 中国最令人向往的地方”城市十強之一。

16、2009 年,萧山城镇居民人均可支配收入达到 29229 元,农村居民人均纯收入达到 14390 元,均位居全国前列。萧山城区及周边有国际学校、国际医院、国际高尔夫球场、国际购物中心、国际办公中心、国际创业中心等,居住休闲设施完善,是理想的居住休闲之地。Xiaoshan has wined the title of National Advanced Clean City and one of Top 10 Yearning Cities of China. In 2009, the disposable income of urban residents and the net income of rural residents reached RMB 29,229 and RMB 14,390 respectively, ranking among the best in China.Xiaoshan is an ideal place for living with complete facil


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