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1、1第一组he is running.他正在跑1. he is running on the ground.他正在操场上跑。2. He is running on the ground with his classmates.他正在和他同学在操场上跑3. They arrived. 他到达了。4. They arrived here.他到达这里了。5. They arrived here at 10:00 yesterday morning.他昨天早上十点到达这里了。6. They are talking. 他们正在说话。7. They are talking happily. 他们正在开心地说

2、话。8. They are talking happily in the office. 他们正在办公室开心地说话。9. I work every day.我每天工作。10. They studied hard. 他们学习很努力。11. He sings well. 她唱歌唱得很好。12. She runs very fast. 他跑地非常快。13. He speaks slowly.他说地非常慢。14. The kites fly high.这个风筝飞地很高。15. I usually wake up at six in the morning. 我通常早上六点钟醒来。16. We ofte

3、n play on the street after school. 我们通常放学后在街上玩。17. We studied at No.1 middle school.我们在第一中学上学。18. I live in Mianyang, Sichuan, China.我住在中国四川。19. We listen carefully in class. 在班上我们很仔细地1. 第二组22. 他画画画得好。3. 她跳舞跳得好。4. 他们静静地坐着。5. 她走路很快。6. 你跳得很高。7. 我们经常在河里游泳。8. 去年我在成都的一所中学读书。9. 我每天早上七点在公园里跑步。10. 他们明天将和老师一

4、起回来。11. 我们从星期一到星期五上学。第三组1. 一年有十二个月。2. 一个月有三十天左右。3. 我家有五口人。4. 我校有2000 多师生。5. 桌子上面有本字典。桌子下面有只狗。桌子旁边有个书柜。6. 我的卧室里有一张床、一张桌子和两把椅子。7. 盒子里有三支钢笔、五支铅笔、一块橡皮擦。8. 门背后有一个人。9. 地板上有个足球。3第四组1. I love my country.2. I met the teacher in the street yesterday.3. We have known each other before.4. Tom is listening to th

5、e radio.5. He is looking for his sister.6. She is writing.7. She is writing a letter.8. You speak quickly.9. You speak English quickly.10. Peter often works hard on the farm.11. The plane takes off at 9:00 PM.12. They play basketball at school in the afternoon.13. He draws everyday. 14. He draws 10

6、pictures a week.15. He waited in the rain yesterday.16. He waited for you in the rain yesterday.17. They serve the people.18. I have no brothers or sisters.19. They are having class.第五组1. The handsome young man loves his beautiful wife very much.2. The old bridge fell down last night.3. Our teachers

7、 son plays computer games well.4. These middle school students often help this old man.5. I want the second one.6. He lives in a small building next to my house.47. The man under the tall tree will speak to you.8. More than 1000 people visited my school last year.9. The girl in the red will leave so

8、on.10. Something strange happened in my class last Friday.11. Almost everyone in China knows Luxun, the great writer.12. Huang Lili, headmaster of our school, speaks English well.第六组1. 我们喜欢足球。2. 我们很喜欢足球。3. 孩子们非常爱他们的老师。4. 他努力学习。5. 他努力学习数学。6. 每天我都喝茶。7. 我认识你。8. 刚才他打电话给我。9. 刚才他叫我。10. 上星期六我在书店看见他们了。11. 昨

9、天我看得很仔细。12. 昨天我很仔细地看了这个人。13. 我们每天晚上在他家做作业。14. 我有100本故事书。15. 我的箱子里有100本故事书。16. 他有很多学生。17. 他的班有很多学生。518. 钟有三根指针(hand)。19. 我们每天上六节课。20. 我们晚上七点半吃晚饭。第七组1. They are chinese.2. He is at home now.3. The girl is beautiful.4. The book is thick.5. These boxes are very heavy.6. Your pen is under your desk.7. I

10、am 17 years old.8. The food is delicious!9. Your daughter is so cute.10. That girl is me.第八组1. 去年她16 岁,今年她 17岁。2. 他在二年级一班。3. 你爸爸在上海。4. 你很高。5. 这孩子很聪明。6. 这故事很有趣。6第九组1. She very tall.2. The problem easy.3. The shoes on the floor.4. The old man 90 years old.5. I am play table tennis every Saturday.6. We

11、 are go to school at 6:00 in the morning.7. He was got up early this morning.第十组1. The students keep quiet in class.2. I remain happy.3. He stayed single all his life.4. My father continues in good health.5. He proved honest.6. The weather turned out fine.第十一组1. You look sad.2. It tastes good.3. The

12、 flower smells fragrant.4. Your hands feel cold.5. His idea sounds reasonable.6. The farm looks like a large beautiful garden.7. He seemed tired last night.8. I felt tired after the long journey.9. Everyone appears well prepared.10. Everything tastes great.7第十二组1. He became a teacher at last.2. She became famous in 1990.3. My dream will come true.4. Children fall asleep easily.5. The weather gets warm in spring.6. The trees turn green.7. Eggs go bad in hot weather.8. The village has grown larger.


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