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1、Unit 3判断题第一题和选择题第一题(C 选项)貌似矛盾。 。问答题:1、What are some of the characteristics of the British constitutional monarchy? How has the English monarchy evolved gradually to the present constitutional monarchy?A: the official head of state is the monarchy with traditional and symbolic power. The government i

2、s elected by people and governs according to the constitutional principles. In ancient times, the monarchy ruled the country according to the ancient doctrine “Divine right of God”. At that time , monarchy had great power. In the medieval time , when the Kings own wealth couldnt cover royal expenses

3、, he would try to persuade the Great Council to give him some extra money.By the 13th century, Kings widen the Great Council to raise more money. In this way, the Great Council came to include who were summoned by name and representatives of communities.The power of parliament became bigger and bigg

4、er over time. In the 17th century , the Civil War broke out which was rooted in a dispute of the power of the King and Parliament. The roundheads representing the Parliament defeated the royalists. But a restoration to the throne was achieved by Charles in 1660.In 1688, the King agreed to declare th

5、at governing without the parliament is illegal in the Glorious Revolution.In 1689,the Bill of Right was passed by parliament which make sure the King would never be able to ignore the parliament.2、How did the doctrine of the “divine right of king”, according to the author, lead to the Civil War? Wha

6、t do you know about the revolution of the 17th century?A: It was held that the sovereign derived his authority from God not from his subjects. So the sovereign can do whatever he likes. But with the acquisition of power of Parliament , kings power was limited. The Civil war was rooted in a dispute o

7、ver the power of the king and parliament. there were two revolutions of 17th century: the civil war and the glorious revolution. The civil war was led by the roundheads that representing Parliament defeated the royalists. The roundheads succeeded in ousting the monarchy, Charles, in 1642 and ruled f

8、or 18years before the monarchy, Charles , was restored.The glorious revolution happened in1688, when the king James also tried to govern without the consent of the parliament. Leading politicians and authorities of the church ask James son-in-law William of Orange, to replace him. In return, William

9、 promised these representatives that he will declare that governing without the parliament consent to be illegal.In 1689 parliament passed the Bill of Right that the king would never be able to ignore parliament. 3、What is the history of English parliament? What role did the parliament play in the c

10、ivil war?A:The term was first used officially in 1236 to describe the gathering of feudal barons and representatives from counties and towns which the king occasionally summoned if he wanted to raise money. By the 13th Century, king found they could not make the ends meet by asking money from this q

11、uite small group, and so they widened the Great Council to include representatives of counties, cities and towns.It was in this way that the Great Council came to include both those who were summoned “by name”(the House of Lords)and representatives of communities(the House of Commons).The two houses

12、 exist today collectively we call them the Parliament.Parliament represents the community ,having no real political right ,and It was the effort to reassert the rights of Parliament that led to the civil war.4、Discuss the major characteristics and the main content of British constitutionA: Israel an

13、d Britain are the only two countries without written constitutions.The foundations of British Constitution are laid out in : statute law which are passed by Parliament.the common law : laws which have been written through common practice in courts. conventions : rules and practices which do not exis

14、t legally but are nevertheless regarded as vital to the working of government.5、Why does the author say that parliament is supreme in the British state? What function does parliament have? What role does the Queen (king) and Prime Minister play in British government?A: parliament can change the term

15、s of Constitution and there are not legal restraints upon it. First, It pass laws which is the most important oneSecond, It provides the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation.Third, It scrutinizes government policy, administration and expenditureFourth, It debates the ma

16、jor issues of the day. The Queen is the head of executives, an integral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, commander of chief of the armed forces, a confidante to the prime minister. the prime minister is the leader of the party which wins the most supporters in the Commons. He form the government.6、What kind of institution is the house of Lords? What role does it play in the British government.A: The house of Lords is made of the Lords Spiritua


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