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1、 武汉工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)11. IntroductionCulture exists in the internal and external modes. It learns and disseminates itself by the help of signs and constructs the special attainments of the human beings (A.L. Robert and K. Clark, 1952). In the east, culture is named Wenhua. From the ancient Chinese books

2、, Wen means the works, the characteristics, the laws and rites. Hua means enlightening people by education. From the aspect of politics, Wenhua is used to enlighten people governed by the emperors. In the west, culture is from the Latin word “culatura”, referring to agriculture and growing. Since th

3、e fifteenth century, it has become to mean fostering and developing the ability of human beings.Culture includes the following: 1. The mental factor, also called the spirit culture, refers to philosophy, science, art, religion, moral and concept of value- the core of the spirit culture, which is of

4、the most significance. 2. Language and sign. They are the methods that culture accumulates and builds up. Human beings can only communicate through language and signs. Only communication and interaction can create culture. (王福祥,1997,63)Numbers are invented to meet the needs of society by the help of

5、 symbols, signs and semiotics when human beings develop to a certain stage (苏金智,1991, 23). Numerology is a special field in linguistics. In the scientific Numerology world, the function of number is to compute as the real number, however, in another world-the mind of human beings, its function is to

6、 express and to represent. Many numbers became imaginary numbers or fate numbers. They have abundant denotative meanings as well as connotative meanings (王秉钦,1998, 66).Owning to the influence of the Eastern and Western tradition, religious belief, language worship, there are different apotheoses of

7、the numbers between the East and the West. Besides, there are many things in common and similar laws, especially in the Worship of Number. The easterners have their Fate Numbers, so do the westerns. The developing process of mysterious number always has three stages-apotheoses-generation-imagination

8、(王秉钦,1998, 35).Semiotics, as the study of how people use and understand signs, is as old as the writings of Plato and Aristotle, but its present-day formulations depend on the unusual insights of Ferdinand de 武汉工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)2Saussure and Charles Peirce. The linguistic sign is made of the union of a

9、 concept and a sound image. The meaning of any sign is found in the association created between the sound image and the concept. According to Saussure, language is a set of sign system (Saussure, 1966, 16). A more common way to define a linguistic sign is that a sign is the combination of a signifie

10、r and a signified. Saussure says the sound image is the signifier and the concept the signified (Saussure, 1966, 21). You can also think of a word as a signifier and the thing it represents as a signified (though technically these are called sign and referent, respectively).The sign, as union of a s

11、ignifier and a signified, has two main characteristics. The bond between the signifier and signified is arbitrary (Fisk, 1982, 47).Charles Peirce categorized three types of relation of the sign and the meaning: 1. Iconic: a sign that resembles its object. Iconic signs are based on the similarities b

12、etween the literal meaning of a sign and reference. 2. Indexical: a sign that is factually linked to its object. Indexical signs are based upon association rather than upon similarity. 3. Symbolic. The shape, color, or function of a sign represents the object. The Cultural structure (the way in whic

13、h a given society organizes the world which it perceives, analyzes and transforms) is semiotic structures and therefore systems of units each of which can stand for another. (Halliday, M.A.K, 1980, 52)One of De Saussures general assumptions was that linguistic would be taken as a model semiotic syst

14、em and that its basic concepts would be applied to other spheres of social and cultural life (it places undue restrictions on the concept of the sign and related ideas). (Halliday, M.A.K, 1980, 47) Morris said the meaning of signs includes three aspects: designative meaning, connotative meaning and

15、pragmatic meaning (Eugene A. Nida, 1993).In society, we are surrounded by signs of various descriptions. They are the essence of human interaction. What we need is a set of coherent systems of classification, so that we can impose order on this seemingly disorderly situation. The sign in turn is a t

16、riadic relation:1. Initiates identification of the sign. 2. Object of the sign. 3. Interpret ant or the effect the sign. This paper is to study the meaning of the number SEVEN as a sign in the western and eastern culture from its designative meaning, connotative meaning and symbolic meaning. 武汉工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)32. Numerology Review2.1 History of NumerologyThe study of Numerology


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