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1、作文高分要诀1写作高分要诀1.1 卷面要整洁1.2 字数要达标作文字数的要求一般在 150 词左右,作文字数若少于130 词,该篇作文即使写得不错也很难得高分。但这也并不是说写得越长越好,因为:(1) 议论文要求结构严谨、用词正式、语言简练,考生很难在有限的时间内既要注意以上方面又要语言表达清楚。(2) 在篇幅有限的情况下,考生如果开始时“洋洋洒洒”,不免会在结尾时“ 虎头蛇尾” ,文章的质量就会大打折扣。(3) 阅卷教师在阅读时既要“ 保质”又要“ 保量”,如果考生的作文篇幅大大超过所规定字数,不免会出现前两种情况,与此同时影响了阅卷教师的阅卷速度;也波及了阅卷教师的情绪,考试“ 结果” 可

2、想而知。1.3 文体要统一正式文体的文章不宜用非正式的语句。常发现有的考生在一篇很正式的议论文中用以下的句子结束本文:OK, this is what I want to say. Thats my opinion. Do you agree with me? Thats all, thank you. 等等,使得文章 “不伦不类”。1.4 主题要突出标题如果是 “Pollution from Cars” 或 “Air Pollution”, 以下段落的阐述显得有些赘述:“Part of this problem is the worlds exploding population. A gr

3、owing population undoubtedly means more factories polluting the air. Besides, land and water pollution has also increased. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our health, our happiness, and our civilization.” 尤其是 “Besides, land and water pollution has also increased”一句,还有点 “跑题”。1.5 文字要连贯一篇好文章要注意连贯性。连

4、贯性主要体现在句子与句子、段落与段落的衔接上,这种衔接要通过过渡词语来实现,以达到文章通顺,语言流畅。例如: It is clear that television news can vividly bring to us dramatic events of importance, such as wars, games and so on, but it can not cover important stories in detail they may deserve because of its time limitation. On the contrary, print news

5、excels in its ability to devote as much space to a story as it sees fit, though it cannot compete with television visually. Besides, television is essentially a passive medium.“such as, but, because of, on the contrary, though, besides” 这些过渡词把句子从语义上连接起来,形成一个有机的整体,读起来犹如行云流水自然酣畅。Transitional Devices (

6、Connecting Words)Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your paper. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to anoth

7、er, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make c

8、ertain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the building of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts.Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be

9、 used to cue your reader in a given way.To Add:and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, whats more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.),To Compare:whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, o

10、n the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be trueTo Prove:because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact,

11、 in addition, in any case, that isTo Show Exception:yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimesTo Show Time:immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and thenTo Repeat:i

12、n brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted,To Emphasize:definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniab

13、ly, without reservationTo Show Sequence:first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next,

14、 and then, soonTo Give an Example:for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrateTo Summarize or Conclude:in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion,

15、as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accord1.6 首尾要呼应写作时注意到上述几项可以为文章增色添彩,用阅卷者的行话为“ 闪光点 ”,也就是说是加分的因素。除此而外,更重要的一点是要注意文章的完整性,即首尾要呼应。例如:HealthAs the proverb says, “No one knows the value of health until he loses it.” In other words, nothing is more valuable than health. In conclusion, if yo

16、u want your wish to come true, health is the most important ingredient of your success. 文章第一句和最后一句均说明健康的重要性,使首尾遥相互应,使文章表达主题准确、完整。平时总有很多同学询问同样的一个问题:“我怎样才能够在短期时间内提高我的写作水平?” 答案其实是否定的。首先我们必须明确:冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。英语学习是一个长期积累的过程,短期的突击无异于舍本逐末、杯水车薪。然而,这并不意味着我们不能够通过掌握考试规律来调整我们的临考状态,提高我们的应考能力。以下,就如何利用应试规律,是大限度地发挥同学们的写作水平谈几点看法。(1) 心理古人云,不战而屈人之兵。胜败很大程度上取决于心理因素。随着考试改革的深入,会有更多,更新,更难的题目出现,这样就要求我们有处变不惊的能力。即使是出现某种没有预料到的题型,考生也应该及时调整心态、从容不迫地应答。事实上,历史经验证明:题目要求越高,难度越大,考生的发挥余地也就越大。


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