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1、1General Knowledge for Third-year Students (I)1. In Britain, where does the Changing of the Guard take place?a) Buckingham Palace. b ) Downing Street.c) Victoria and Albert Museum. d )The Tower of London.2. What is a double-decker?a) A bus. b) A chocolate bar. c) A taxi. d) A two-storey building.3.

2、Of all the symbols, _, which are considered to represent fertility and new life, are those most frequently associated with Easter.a) the pumpkin and the turkey b)the lamb and the beef c)the spring peas and the potatoes d)the egg and the rabbit4. The first landing by Europeans in Australia was in 160

3、6, but what is their nationality?a) Dutch. b) French. c) Spanish. d) British.5. Middle English was used by the poet _.a) Hardy b) Chaucer c) Shakespeare d) Milton6. “A Tale of Two Cities” was written by _.a) William Shakespeare b) Goeffrey Chaucerc) Charles Dickens d) Thomas Jefferson7. Emily Dickin

4、son wrote many short poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of her poetic expression?a) Religion and immortality. b) Life and Death.c) Love and marriage. d) War and peace.8. What three components, generally, make up a system of a typical language?a) Phonology

5、, syntax, semantics. b)Semiosis, syntax, frames.c)Frames, semantics, utterances. d) Sign, sign, signs.9. Of the following word-formation processes, _ is the most productive.a) clipping b) blending c) initialism d) derivation10. “The pen is mightier than the sword.” is an example of _.a) metonymy b)

6、transferred epithet c) oxymoron d) metaphor11. What is the affectionate name given to the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster?2a) Big Ben. b) Big Ken. c) Big Bill. d) Big Bob.12. Which of these sports did not originate in UK?a) Cricket. b) Snooker. c) Football (Soccer). d) Golf.13.

7、Which town has been nicknamed Tinseltown by the Americans?a) New Orleans. b) Reno. c) Hollywood. d) Las Vegas.14. What is the other official language in Canada besides English and what is Canadas capital?a) French. Ottawa. b) Spanish, Ottawa.c) Spanish, Toronto. d) French, Toronto.15. Which English

8、poet wrote of Adam and Eves expulsion from the Garden of Eden in Paradise Lost?a) John Donne. b) John Milton. c) Sir Philip Sidney. d) Edmund Spenser.16. _ died of tuberculosis at the age of 26, but not before leaving an impressive body of poems, including “To Autumn” and “Ode on Melancholy”.a) John

9、 Keats b) Lord Byronc) Samuel Taylor Coleridge d) Percy Bysshe Shelley17. Walt Whitman was a pioneering figure of American poetry. His innovation first of all lies in his use of _, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.a) Blank verse b) Heroic couplet c) Free verse d) Iambic pentameter

10、18. Of the following words, _ is an initialism.a) VOA b) NATO c) BASIC d) UNESCO19. Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping?a) Dorm. b) Motel. c) Gent. d) Zoo.20. A regional variety of a language that has variations in pronunciation, vocabulary or meaning is called _.a) accent b)

11、 slang c) dialect d) narrative21. The Channel Tunnel, linking the UK to the rest of Europe, runs between England and _.a) France b) Germany c) Belgium d) Netherlands22. Whats the name of the day set apart in USA for planting trees?a) Earth Day. b) Ann Arbor Day. c) Arbor Day. d) Green Day.23. What w

12、as the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to New England in 1620?a) Golden Hinde. b) Sunflower. 3c) Mayflower. d) Titanic.24. What are the official colours of Australia?a) Red, White and Blue. b) Green and Gold.c) Green and Brown. d) Green and Red.25. _ is the first important governess novel

13、 in the English literary history.a) Jane Eyre b) Emmac) Wuthering Heights d) Middlemarch26. _ was a pre-Romantic writer and is best known for his Scottish songs.a) Sir Walter Scott b) Robert Burnsc) Samuel Taylor Coleridge d) William Blake27. Mark Twain did NOT write _.a) The Prince and the Pauper b

14、)The Old Curiosity Shopc)Puddnhead Wilson d) Tom Sawyer28. Which of the following is NOT a dialect of English?a) Slang. b) Buffalo. c) American. d) Southern.29. Some words in the basic word stock are said to be stable because they _.a) are complex words b) are technical wordsc) refer to the commones

15、t things in lifed)denote the most important concepts30. What is defined as “the study of sentence structure”?a) Syntax. b) Phonology. c) Morphology. d) Semantics.31. What colour is the British classified business telephone directory?a) Yellow. b) White. c) Blue. d) Pink.32. What does IMF stand for?a

16、) International Monetary Foundation.b) International Monetary Fund.c) Internal Money Foundation.d) Internal Monetary Fund.33. What do Americans celebrate on 4th July?a) Thanksgiving Day. b) The Revolution.c) The Discovery of America. d) Independence Day.34. What is Canadas national animal?a) Beaver. b)


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