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1、作家作品连线作家作品连线William Shakespeare 莎士比亚莎士比亚 Tragedies 四大悲剧Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶Hamlet哈姆雷特 Othello奥赛罗King Lear李尔王 Macbeth麦克白Comedies 喜剧Much Ado About Nothing 无事生非As You Like I 皆大欢喜 Twelfth Night 第十二夜The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人Alexender Pope 亚历山大波普An Essay on Criticism 批评论 Jonathan Swift 乔纳森乔纳森 斯威夫特斯

2、威夫特“A Tale of a Tub”一个木桶的故事 “The Battle of the Books”书籍之战“A Modest Proposal”一个温和的建议“Gullivers Travels”格列佛游记 Robert Burns 罗伯特罗伯特 彭斯彭斯 A Red, Red Rose 红红的玫瑰Auld lang Syne 往昔的时光William Wordsworth 威廉威廉 华兹华斯华兹华斯Lyrical Ballads (1798)抒情歌谣集I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud我好似一朵流云独自漫游又叫云中漫步George Gordon Byron 乔治

3、乔治 戈登戈登 拜拜 伦Childe Harolds Pilgrimage恰尔德哈罗德游记Don Juan唐璜 She Walks in BeautyJane Austen 简简 奥斯汀奥斯汀Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感 Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德公园Persuasion 劝导Emma 爱玛Northanger Abbey 诺桑觉寺Bront Sisters 勃朗特姐妹勃朗特姐妹Charlotte Bront 夏洛蒂夏洛蒂Jane Eyre简 爱 Shirley雪利Villette 维莱特 The Pro

4、fessor教授Emily (Jane) Bront 艾米丽艾米丽Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄 Anne Bront 安妮安妮George Eliot 乔治艾略特The Mill on the Floss 弗洛斯河上的磨坊 Thomas Hardy 托托马斯哈代1.Romances and Fantasies 罗曼史和幻想小说The Trumpet Major 号兵长 2. Novels of Ingenuity 机敏和经验小说Desperate Remedies非常手段 3. Novels of Character & Environment 性格和环境小说The Return

5、 of the Native还乡 Tess of the DUrbervilles, a Pure Woman Faithfully Portrayed 德伯家的苔丝 Jude the Obscure无名的裘德 Nathaniel Hawthorne 霍桑霍桑collections of short stories :Twice-Told Tales (1837) 再讲一遍的故事Novels The Scarlet Letter 红字The House of the Seven Gables (1851),带有七个尖角阁的房子 The Blithedale Romance (1852)福谷传奇

6、 , The Marble Faun (1860)玉石雕像 Herman Melville 梅尔维尔梅尔维尔 Major worksTypee, 泰皮 an account of his stay with the cannibals.OMOO,欧穆 the sequel of Typee, and gained a huge success as the first novel.Billy Budd 比理巴德(1924) Moby Dick 大白鲸Emily Dickinson 艾米莉。狄更生艾米莉。狄更生 (1830-1886)Because I could not stop for De

7、athI Died for Beauty“Belle of Amherst” Im Nobody“The Soul selects Her own society”I NEVER LOST AS MUCH BUT TWICEWild Nights-Wild Nights!If you were coming in the fallA bird came down the walkMark Twain (1835-1910)The Gilded Age 镀金时代 “The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg”1900败坏了哈德莱堡的人The Adventures of T

8、om Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (顽童历险记) 德莱赛德莱赛 Theodore DreiserSister Carrie嘉丽妹妹: Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘: a sequel of Sister Carrie. Trilogy of Dreiser: The Financier金融家, The Titan巨头, The Stoic 斯多噶, An American Tragedy美国的悲剧The Genius天才: Ernest Hemingway 海明威海明威The Sun Also Rises(Nove

9、l)太阳照样升起 Men Without Women (Short Stories)没有女人的男人A Farewell to Arms(Novel) 永别了,武器Death in the Afternoon (Novel)午后之死 Green Hills of Africa (Novel)非洲的青山 To Have and Have Not (Novel)虽有犹无 For Whom the Bell Tolls (Novel)丧钟为谁而鸣 Across the River and into the Trees 过河入林The Old Man and the Sea(Novel)老人与海翻译翻译

10、莎士比亚莎士比亚 Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a Summers day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And Summers lease hath all too short a date.Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmd;And every fair from fair sometime

11、 declines,By chance, or natures changing course, untrimmd; But thy eternal Summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou owstNor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his shade,When in eternal line to time thou growst. So long as men can breath or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this

12、gives life to thee. 我能否将你比作夏天?你比夏天更美丽温婉。狂风将五月的蓓蕾凋残, 夏日的勾留何其短暂。休恋那丽日当空,转眼会云雾迷蒙。休叹那百花飘零, 催折于无常的天命。唯有你永恒的夏日常新,你的美貌亦毫发无损。 死神也无缘将你幽禁,你在我永恒的诗中长存。只要世间尚有人吟诵我的诗篇,这诗就将不朽,永葆你的芳颜。Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Act III, Scene I A room in the castleTo be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the m

13、ind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, tis a consummation。Devoutly to be wishd. To di

14、e, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, theres the rubFor in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: theres the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressors wrong,

15、the proud mans contumely, The pangs of despised love, the laws delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of somet

16、hing after death, The undiscoverd country from whose bourn No traveler returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought, And e


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