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1、1 The principal legal systems that exist in various forms throughout the world are the Romano-Germanic1 Romano-Germanic: “Romano” is the combining form (构词成分) of “Roman”, which takes this form when it is part of a word, eg Romano-British. “Germanic” is the adjective form of “German”. 1 (civil law),

2、common law, socialist law, and Islamic law. The Romano-Germanic systems predominate in Europe, in most of the former colonies of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Belgium, and in countries that have westernized their legal systems in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Common-law syst

3、ems are predominant in English-speaking countries. Islamic systems are found in the Middle East and some other parts of the world to which Islamic religion has spread. Socialist legal systems prevail in the Peoples Republic of China, Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea. Remnants of socialist systems are

4、still found in the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries.1 的主要法律制度中存在的各种形式在世界各地是 Romano-Germanic1 Romano-Germanic:“罗马” 是组合形式(构词成分)的“罗马”,以这种形式时 ,它是一个词的一部分,比如罗马时期。“日耳曼” 是形容词形式的“ 德国”。)1(民法) 、普通法、社会主义法律,和伊斯兰法律。Romano-Germanic 系统在欧洲占主导地位 ,在大多数的法国前殖民地 ,德国,意大利,西班牙,葡萄牙,比利时,西化的国家他们在十九世纪和二十世纪的法律体

5、系。普通法系统主要在讲英语的国家。伊斯兰系统被发现在中东和世界其他一些地区的伊斯兰宗教传播。社会主义法律体系在中华人民共和国、越南、古巴和朝鲜。社会主义制度的残余仍在前苏联和东欧国家。Romano-Germanic SystemRomano-Germanic 系统2 The Romano-Germanic, or civil, law refers to legal science that has developed on the basis of Roman civil law. The foundation of this system is the compilation of rul

6、es made in the sixth century A.D. under the Roman emperor Justinian2 Roman emperor Justinian: Justinian I (483-565), called The Great, Byzantine emperor (527-65), who extended Byzantine rule (Byzantine: 拜占庭帝国的,即东罗马帝国的) in the West, beautified Constantinople (present-day Istanbul), and completed the

7、codification of Roman law. His full name was Flavius Petrus Sabgatius Justinianus. The nephew of Emperor Justin I, Justinian was born in Illyria and educated in Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey). In 518 he became the administrator for Justin, who named Justinian as his successor. He married Theo

8、dora, a former actress, in 523. On the death of his uncle in 527, Justinian was elected emperor.2. They are contained in the Code of Justinian3 Code of Justinian: (查士丁尼法典) In order to rule the empire under a uniform set of laws, Justinian collected Roman laws under one code. Called the Justinian Cod

9、e, it formed the basis for modern law in many European countries. 3 and have evolved essentially as private law, as means of regulating private relationships between individuals. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Code of Justinain competed with the customary law of the Germanic tribes that had

10、 invaded Europe. The code was reintroduced in law school curricula between A.D. 1100 and 1200 in northern Europe, then spread to other parts of the continent. Roman law thus coexisted with the local systems throughout Europe up to the seventeenth century. In the nineteenth century, the Napoleonic co

11、des4 Napoleonic codes: (拿破仑法典)French civil code enacted in 1804 and still extant, with revisions; it has been the main influence in the 19th-century civil codes of most countries of continental Europe and Latin America. 4, and subsequently, the code of the new German Empire5 Code of the new German E

12、mpire: the body of codified private law that went into effect in the German empire in 1900. 5 of 1900 and the Swiss code6 Swiss code: (瑞士法典)body of private law codified by the jurist Eugen Huber at the end of the 19th century; it was adopted in 1907 and went into effect in 1912, and it remains in fo

13、rce, with modifications, in present-day Switzerland. 6 of 1907, are examples of the institutionalization of this legal system.2 Romano-Germanic 或公民,法律是指法律科学的基础上,开发了罗马民法。这个系统的编译规则的基础下在公元六世纪罗马皇帝查士丁尼2 罗马皇帝查士丁尼:东罗马帝国皇帝(483 - 565),称为伟大,拜占庭皇帝(527 - 65),他延长了拜占庭统治(拜占庭:拜占庭帝国的,即东罗马帝国的)在西方,美化君士坦丁堡 (现在的伊斯坦布尔),并

14、完成了罗马法的编纂。他的全名是Flavius 曾经 Petrus Sabgatius Justinianus。查士丁尼皇帝的侄子贾斯汀,我出生在伊利里亚,在君士坦丁堡(现在的伊斯坦布尔 ,土耳其) 接受教育。518 年 ,他成为了贾斯汀的管理员,他叫查士丁尼作为他的继任者。他娶了狄奥多拉,前女演员,523 年。527 年他的叔叔去世了,皇帝查士丁尼当选。)2。他们的代码包含在查士丁尼 3 查士丁尼的代码 :(查士丁尼法典)为了统治帝国一套统一的法律,查士丁尼收集罗马法在一个代码。称为查士丁尼代码,形成现代法律在许多欧洲国家的基础。)3 和进化本质上作为私法 ,作为调节手段私人个体之间的关系。罗

15、马帝国后,代码 Justinain 竞争的习惯法的日耳曼部落入侵欧洲。代码在法学院课程重新公元1100 年和 1100 年之间在北欧,然后蔓延到非洲大陆的其他地区。罗马法因此共存与本地系统在欧洲 17 世纪。在 19 世纪,拿破仑编码4 拿破仑代码:( 拿破仑法典) 法国民法典制定于1804 年,仍现存,修订;它的主要影响 19 世纪欧洲大陆多数国家的民法典和拉丁美洲。4,随后,新德意志帝国的代码(5 新德意志帝国的代码 :私人法律编纂的身体,德意志帝国于 1900 年生效。5 1900 和瑞士代码瑞士代码:6( 瑞士法典) 身体私法编纂的法学家尤金胡贝尔在 19 世纪末,它是采用 1907

16、年和 1912 年生效,它仍然有效,与修改,在今天的瑞士。)1907 年 6,这个法律体系的制度化的例子。3 Codified systems are basic laws that are set out in codes. A code is simply a body of laws. These are statutes enacted by national parliaments that arrange whole fields of law in an orderly, comprehensive, and logical way. Today, most European countries have national codes based on blend of customary and Roman law that makes the resulting systems members of the Romano-Germanic legal tradition.3 编纂系统是在编码的基本规律。代码是一个简单的法



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