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1、中文题目:浅谈太阳依旧升起的主题 英文题目:Major themes of The Sun Also Rises提纲:The Sun Also Rises is a 1926 novel written by American author Ernest Hemingway about a group of American and British expatriates(流浪者) who travel from Paris to the Festival of Fermn in Pamplona to watch the running of the bulls and the bullfi

2、ghts. An early and enduring(不朽的) modernist novel, it received mixed reviews upon publication. Hemingway biographer(自传作家) Jeffrey Meyers writes that it is recognized as Hemingways greatest work, and Hemingway scholar(学者) Linda Wagner-Martin calls it his most important novel. The novel was published i

3、n the US in October 1926 by the publishing house Scribners. A year later, in 1927, the British publishing house Jonathan Cape published the novel in England with the title of Fiesta(喜庆日,嘉年华). Since then it has been continuously in print.太阳依旧升起是美国作家米勒尔海明威在 1926 年写的一部小说Hemingway began writing the nove

4、l on his birthday (21 July) in 1925, finishing the draft(草稿) manuscript(手写本) barely two months later in September. After setting aside the manuscript for a short period, he worked on revisions(修订) during the winter of 1926. The basis for the novel was Hemingways 1925 trip to Spain. The setting(背景) w

5、as unique and memorable(值得记忆的), showing the seedy(不愉快的) caf life in Paris, and the excitement of the Pamplona(潘普洛纳)festival, with a middle section devoted to(用于) descriptions of a fishing trip in the Pyrenees( 比利牛斯山脉) . Equally unique was Hemingways spare writing style, combined with his restrained

6、use of description to convey(表达) characterizations and action, which became known as the iceberg(冰山) theory(理论).On the surface the novel is a love story between the protagonist(故事的主角) Jake Barnesa man whose war wound has made him impotentand the promiscuous divorce Lady Brett Ashley. Bretts affair w

7、ith Robert Cohn causes Jake to be upset and break off his friendship with Cohn; her seduction(诱惑) of the 19-year-old matador(斗牛士) Romero(罗梅) causes Jake to lose his good reputation(名声) among the Spaniards(西班牙人) in Pamplona. The novel is a roman clef; the characters are based on real people and the a

8、ction is based on real events. In the novel, Hemingway presents his notion(观点) that the Lost Generation(迷惘的一代), considered to have been decadent(颓废的), dissolute(放荡的) and irretrievably damaged by World War I, was resilient and strong. Additionally, Hemingway investigates the themes of love, death, re

9、newal in nature, and the nature of masculinity.海明威的成名作是长篇小说太阳依旧升起。小说主要内容是描写一群英美青年战后流落巴黎的生活。主人公杰克巴恩斯是位美国记者,战争期间与英国女护士布莱特倾心相爱。但因一次受伤而丧失性爱能力,因此炽热的爱情不仅未能给他带来幸福,反而造成两人精神上的难言的痛苦。布莱特在失望之余变得消沉放荡,整日出没于酒吧、咖啡馆与斗牛场,并且同美国作家罗伯特、斗牛士罗梅等人之间发生爱情纠葛。他们流落异乡,表面上看其生活快乐惬意,但背后却潜伏着一种绝望、颓废情绪。战争给他们造成的生理与心理的创伤,使他们迷茫厌世,生活变得毫无目标与

10、意义,仅仅是借助纵酒狂欢、放纵不羁来麻醉自我,忘却痛苦,逃避现实,寻找暂时的解脱。在他们看来,一切状态都不会改变,人生短暂而宇宙永恒,如同太阳一天天依旧升起一样。小说前页引用了老作家斯泰因的一句题辞:“你们都是迷惘的一代。”由于该小说真实地表现了第一次世界大战后整整西方一代青年精神的迷惘与困惑、幻灭与痛苦,因而被公认为“迷惘的一代”文学的宣言书与代表性作品。=以下为正文,请根据你学校的要求设置好以下内容的格式,设计好页面的板式。Major themes 主题(1) Paris and the Lost Generation 法国和迷惘的一代(2) Gertrude Stein in 1924

11、with Hemingways son Jack. She coined the phrase Lost Generation.The first book of The Sun Also Rises is set in mid-1920s Paris. Americans were drawn to(被吸引到) Paris in the Roaring Twenties by the favorable exchange(贸易) rate, with as many as 200,000 English-speaking expatriates(外籍人) living there. The

12、Paris Tribune(论坛) reported in 1925 that Paris had an American Hospital, an American Library, and an American Chamber of Commerce(商会) . Many American writers were disenchanted with the US(对美国不在抱有幻想), where they found less artistic freedom than in Europe. Hemingway had more artistic freedom in Paris t

13、han in the US at a period when Ulysses, written by his friend James Joyce, was banned(禁止) and burned in New York. 太阳依旧升起的第一部书是以 20 世纪 20 年代的巴黎为故事背景。由于非常吸引人的贸易比率,在 20 世纪初期美国人被吸引到了巴黎,和 20 多万说英语的外籍人住在一起。在 1925 年,巴黎论坛发表了报告,巴黎已经有了美国人的医院,美国人的图书馆,还有一个美国人的商会。许多美国人已经对美国不在抱有幻想,和欧洲相比,在美国他们有更少的艺术自由。和美国相比,在巴黎海明威

14、有更多的艺术自由,而在纽约,他的朋友写的著作却被完全地禁止。The themes of The Sun Also Rises are apparent(明显的) from its two epigraphs(题词). The first is an allusion(暗指) to the Lost Generation, a term coined(创造) by Gertrude Stein referring to the post-war(战后) generation; the other epigraph is a long quotation(引用) from Ecclesiastes

15、: What profit(利益,有益于) hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. Hemingway told his editor(编者) Max Perki

16、ns that the book was not so much about a generation being lost, but that the earth abideth forever. He thought the characters in The Sun Also Rises may have been battered but were not lost. 从文章的两个题词,我们可以很容易地理解太阳依旧升起这篇文章的主题。第一个题词是“迷惘一代”的暗指,指的是战后的一代;另一个题词是出自于圣经当中:“什么利益促使一个男人献出了他的所有劳动力?一代过去,另一代又来,地狱永远长存。太阳依旧起起落落,徘徊于他升起的地方。”海明威告诉他的编者 Max Perkins,这本书对于迷惘的一代讲述的不是很多,而是想阐述一个观点“地球依旧存在”。他认为太阳依旧升起这部书中的角色可能已经消失但是他的精神是不会消失的。Hemingway schola


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