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1、浙江省 2009 年 7 月自学考试美国文学选读试题课程代码:10055Part . Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (10 points in all, 1 point for each)Group 1Column A Column B( )1. Washington Irving A. The Scarlet Letter( )2. Nathaniel Hawthorne B. An American Tragedy( )3. Theodore Dreiser C. As I Lay Dy

2、ing( )4. Ezra Pound D. In a Station of the Metro( )5. William Faulkner E. The Sketch BookGroup 2Column A Column B( )6. Nick Carraway A. Indian Camp( )7. Hurstwood B. Moby Dick( )8. Miss Waston C. Sister Carrie( )9. Ahab D. The Great Gatsby( )10. Nick Adams E. Adventures of huckleberry FinnPart . Sel

3、ect from the four choices A, B, C and D of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. (50 points in all, 2 points for each) 11. Henry David Thoreaus work, _, has always been regarded as a masterpiece of the New England Transcendental Movement.( )A. Walden B. NatureC

4、. The Pioneers D. Song of Myself 12. Moby Dick, the big white whale, is possibly read as symbolic of all the following EXCEPT_.( )A. malignancy B. GodC. adultery D. beauty13. The Romantic Period in the history of American literature started with the publication of Washington Irvings The Sketch Book

5、and ended with Whitmans _.( )A. Drum Taps B. Leaves of GrassC. Rip Van Winkle D. Walden14. _is worth the honor of being “the American Goldsmith” for his literary craftsmanship.( )A. Walt Whitman B. Washington IrvingC. Herman Melville D. Ralph Waldo Emerson15. “Nothing is at last sacred but the integ

6、rity of your own mind”is a famous quote from _s writings.( )A. Henry David Thoreau B. Mark TwainC. Henry James D. Ralph Waldo Emerson16. In the history of American literature _is unanimously agreed to be the summit of the Romantic period. ( )A. New England Transcendentalism B. the Harlem Renaissance

7、C. England Unitarianism D. New Transcendentalism17. The Civil War affected both the social and the value system of the country. After the Civil War America transformed from _to _.( )A. an agrarian communitya society of freedom and equalityB. an agrarian communitya highly developed society C. a poor

8、and backward societyan agrarian community D. an agrarian communityan industrialized and commercialized society18. The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as the Age of _in the history of the United States.( )A. Symbolism B. ImagismC. Realism D. Modernism19. Mark Twain preferred to

9、have his own class and people at the forefront of his stories. This particular concern about the local character of a region came about as “_”, a unique variation of American literary realism.( )A. national colorism B. American colorismC. International colorism D. local colorism20. _is a great liter

10、ary giant in America, whom H. L. Mencken considered “the true father of our national literature.”( )A. Mark Twain B. Jack LondonC. Henry James D. Emily Dickinson21. Hemingway once regarded the novel _as the one book from which “all modern American literature comes.”( )A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

11、 B. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn C. Life on the Mississippi D. The Mysterious Stranger 22. The first American writer to conceive his career in international terms was _.( )A. Henry James B. Ezra PoundC. Ernest Hemingway D. William Faulkner23. About Henry James, which of the following statements is

12、 right? ( )A. His language is often refined and insightful and easy to understand.B. Daisy Miller is generally regarded as his masterpiece.C. He was considered to be the forerunner of the 20th century “stream-of-consciousness” novels.D. He was the founder of expressional realism.24. To William Faulk

13、ner, the primary duty of a writer was to explore and represent the infinite possibilities inherent in _.( )A. the outside world B. the natural circleC. human life D. the authors mind 25. _is now recognized not only as a great poetess on her own right but as a poetess of considerable influence upon A

14、merican poetry of the 20th century.( )A. George Eliot B. Jane AustenC. Walt Whitman D. Emily Dickinson26. Walt Whitman writes his poetry in an unconventional style which is now called free verse, that is_.( )A. poetry in an irregular metric form and expressing noble feelingB. poetry without rhymes a

15、t the end of the lines but with a fixed beatC. poetry without a fixed beat or regular schemeD. lyrical poetry with changing refrains27. The most recognizable literary movement that gave rise to the 20th century American literature, or we may say, the second American Renaissance, is the _movement.( )A. Imagist B. ExpatriateC. Symbolism D. Expressionism28. In the first part of the 20th century, apart from Darwinism, there were two thinkers_, whose ideas had the greatest impact on the period. ( )A. the American Sigmund Freud and the German Karl MarxB. the Austrian Sigmund Freud and the German Ka



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