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1、2016 考研英语第二十九句【背】There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.主干识别:There is no agreement其他成分:whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to histo

2、rical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.主语 agreement 的同位语Whether methodology refers to or to.the concepts 后面的形容词短语 peculiar to historical work in general 是它的定语;the research techniques 后面的形容词短语 appropriate to the various branches o

3、f historical inquiry 也是作定语。翻译点拨:There is no agreementThere be 句式的翻译,补充出主语人们,因此可以翻译为:人们对此意见不一。同位语可以提前翻译;词的处理:agreement 统一的意见,一致看法whether.refers to. or to. 是指还是指the concepts/peculiar to/historical work/in general (按后置定语的顺序倒译)一般性的历史研究中的特有概念;the research techniques 研究手段;appropriate to 适用于,合适于the various

4、 branches 各个领域;historical inquiry 历史探究;methodology 方法论参考译文:所谓方法论是指一般的历史研究中的特有概念,还是指历史探究中各个具体领域使用的研究手段,人们对此意见不一。2016 考研英语第三十句Tylor defined culture as“the complex whole which includes belief,art,morals,law ,custom,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”.主干识别:Tylor

5、 defined culture as“the complex whole”其他成分: which includes belief,art,morals,law,custom,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society 定语从句翻译点拨:词汇的处理Tylor 人名,按照音译(音译不出来就直接抄写)defined culture as 将文化定义为;the complex whole 一个复合体belief 信仰;morals 道德;man as a member of society

6、人作为社会成员主句的处理:Tylor defined culture as“the complex whole表示在引用的时候可以有省略定语的处理:which includes belief,art ,morals,law ,custom ,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.acquired by man as a member of society 作为社会的成员时所获得的 (后置定语前置)参考译文:泰勒把文化定义为“一个复合体”,它包括人作为社会成员所获得的信仰、艺术、道

7、德、法律、风俗以及其它能力和习惯。2016 考研英语第三十一句Tylor defined culture as“the complex whole which includes belief,art,morals,law ,custom,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”.主干识别:Tylor defined culture as“the complex whole”其他成分: which includes belief,art,morals,law,custom,and a

8、ny other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society 定语从句翻译点拨:词汇的处理Tylor 人名,按照音译(音译不出来就直接抄写)defined culture as 将文化定义为the complex whole 一个复合体belief 信仰morals 道德man as a member of society 人作为社会成员主句的处理:Tylor defined culture as“the complex whole表示在引用的时候可以有省略定语的处理:which includes belief,

9、art ,morals,law ,custom ,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.acquired by man as a member of society 作为社会的成员时所获得的 (后置定语前置)参考译文:泰勒把文化定义为“一个复合体”,它包括人作为社会成员所获得的信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其它能力和习惯。成分点拨:In Europethis process took a little longer,在欧洲这一过程花的时间会长一些;再翻原因状语:mainly b

10、ecause there were more smallproducers主要是因为欧洲有更多的小型的电影公司,接着翻定语从句:for whom the costs of sound wereprohibitive对于他们来讲,音效的成本过于昂贵接着翻下一个并列句:in other parts of the world problemswith rights or access to equipment delayed the shift to sound production for afew more years在世界的其他地区,版权和获取设备而造成的问题将有声电影的出品推后了好几年。参考

11、译文:在欧洲这一过程花的时间会长一些,主要是因为欧洲有更多的小型的电影公司,对于他们来讲,音效的成本过于昂贵;在世界的其他地区,版权和获取设备而造成的问题将有声电影的出品推后了好几年。2016 考研英语第三十二句This is where it gets knotty.Oral argument before the Supreme Court focused on the question of when the EPA must take account of costs. The states pressing the suit say the law requires the calc

12、ulation to take place right off the bat, when the agency is deciding whether to develop standards. Donald Verrilli, the solicitor-general (backed by some other states and power firms), said that taking account of costs could wait until the stage when regulatory standards were spelled out-allowing th

13、e EPA to include those co-benefits”.词汇突破:1. knotty 棘手的;knotty issue 难处;This is where it gets knotty. 这就是难办的地方。2. Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA) 美国环境保护署;3. take account of 考虑4. pressing the suit (做后置定语)原告的;5. right off the bat 立即马上;6. take place 开始,发生;7. the solicitor-general 副检察长;8. spell ou

14、t 制定第一句:Oral argument before the Supreme Court focused on the question of when the EPA must take account of costs.主干识别:Oral argument before the Supreme Court 主语这个地方的 before 有点诡异,但是是习惯用法,就是表示在在最高法院的口头辩论。focused on the question 谓语和宾语其他成分: of when the EPA must take account of costs. 定语亲:of 后面是可以加句子的哦!参

15、考译文: 在最高法院的口头辩论阶段集中在环保署在何时必须考虑成本的问题。第二句:The states pressing the suit say the law requires the calculation to take place right off the bat, when the agency is deciding whether to develop standards.主干识别:The states say其他成分: pressing the suit 定语the law requires the calculation to take place right off th

16、e bat, when the agency is deciding whether to develop standards.the law requires the calculation to take place right off the bat, 宾语从句when the agency is deciding whether to develop standards.宾语从句中的状语语从句参考译文: 原告的各州认为法律要求环保署从决定是否制定标准时就应立即进行计算。第三句:Donald Verrilli, the solicitor-general (backed by some other states and power firms), said that taking account of costs could wait until the stage when regulatory standards were spelled out-allowing the EPA to i



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