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1、Part I. Connect the authors with their works. (10%)The Art of Poetry St. AugustineAeneid Lucretius Art of Love VirgilThe Golden Ass Marcus AureliusThe Nature of the Universe OvidNatural History Horace On Friendship Cicero Meditations Moses The Confessions Lucius ApuleiusExodus Pliny the ElderPart II

2、. Fill in the blanks. (30%)1. _ is the principle god of Rome, and his wife is called _. 2. The best known remaining aqueduct is _. Most aqueducts were constructed underground. Why? _, _. 3. By the middle of the second century BC Rome was the strongest Mediterranean power. It had territory from _ to

3、_ and influence in Egypt and North Africa; it had become an empire. 4. From about 100 BC until the Roman Republic fell there was instability and civil war, and three powerful individuals came to hold enormous military and political power. They were called First Triumvirate, including Crassus, _ and

4、_. 5. After Julius Casears death, Octavian and _ had divided the Roman world. 6. In 395 AD, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts. From then on, there were two great centers to the empire, one is _, and another one is _. 7. The Christian Bible is made up of _ and _. Testament means _. 8. The O

5、ld Testament can be broadly divided into four parts: _, _, _, _. The First part is called Pentateuch, including _, _, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. 9. The Four Gospels of the New Testament include _, _, _, _. 10. The Roman emperor _ called the Council of Nicea in 325 AD to settle the great Ar

6、ian dispute.11. From the very earliest days, there existed two great strands of Christianity. One is called_, and the other is called _. The latter came into prominence in the period which led to _ of the 16th century. At that time, reformers stressed _. Part III. Multiple choice. Mark your answer o

7、n your answer sheet. (13%) 1. Rome had three Punic Wars with Carthaginians. Rome won the first, but lost the second, because the Carthaginians, under _, a general of genius, invaded Italy. However, by using the tactics of the general _, the Romans defeated the Carthaginians. A Fabius Maximus, Hannib

8、al B Hannibal, Marius C Hannibal, Sulla D Hannibal, Fabius Maximus2. The Five Roman“Good Emperors” created a period of peace and property that lasted for almost 100 years, they are: A. Augustus, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius B. Domitian, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, SenecaC. D

9、omitian, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius D. Ceciro, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius3. The two most important of pagan festivals in Rome were _A the Lupercalia and Pentecost B the Lupercalia and Chonnakah C the Lupercalia and the Saturnalia D Christmas and Easter4. C

10、hristianity became the state religion in 392 under the Emperor _. A. Constantine B. Diocletian C. Theodosius D Vaspasian 5. According to the doctrine of the Trinity, which statement is wrong? A. There was one God who existed in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.B. These three were coeterna

11、l and coequal.C. Jesus was divine and he was not a man. D. The Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father and was to be worshiped also.6. In the New Testament, _s gospel was the earliest gospel. A. Matthew B. Mark C. James D. Peter 7. _ was completed in about 125 AD and is the best-preserved major Roman

12、buildings. A. Parthenon B. Temple of Jupiter C. Pantheon D. Coliseum 8. Book of _ talks about the establishment of laws on sacrifice, institution of the priesthood, instruction on purity (or cleanliness), and prescriptions for practical holiness. A. Leviticus B. Book of Job C Samuel D Kings 9. _ is

13、not one part of Roman Law. A. citizen law B. law of nations C. natural law D. criminal law 10. Greek Columns can be grouped into three styles: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, among which the _ represents male style, sturdy, powerful, severe-looking, A . Ionic B. Doric C. Corinthian D. Gothic 11. Marks

14、gospel was directed towards: _A. the peasants and the poor B. the rich C. people of importance D. the followers who are outside normal society 12. Among the four Jewish groups at the time of Jesus, _ is a small but wealthy ruling party which controlled the important office. A Essenes B Pharisees C Zealots D Sadducees13. In 135, the Roman emperor Hadrian expelled Jews from _. A. Jerusalem B. Constantinople C Rome D. Bethl



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