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1、1The art characteristics of The Cop And AnthemAbstract: O. Henry (1862-1910)一 pseudonym of William Sydney Porter, is one of most famous critical realistic novelists in America. He is known with Maupassant and as the three greatest short story masters in the world and is hailed as the“Father of Moder

2、n American Short Story”by some critics. His humorous depiction,surprising denouement, themes of human world have been studied by critics and literature fans at home and abroad from the perspective of critical realism or struchiralism.Many short stories of O. Henry feature unimportant people who live

3、 at the bottom of the society mainly with the theme of people doing good deeds though the plots are different. It is not difficult to find out the archetypes of these characters under O. Henrys pen by careful study. Jim in The Gift of the Magi who is young and a lot in his life embodies the passion

4、of Jesus Christ. Raidler in the story hygeia at the Solito could represent the charity of Jesus. The old artist Behrman in the Last Leaf epitomes the sacrifice of Jesus. From the marshals words and acts in Hearts and Hands, we find the archetype of scapegoat. In the story of Roads of Destiny, three

5、different roads lead to the same destination, presents us two relevant biblical themes- death and paradise lost. James in The Marionettes is a doctor meanwhile a thief, the narrative structure of his experience from degeneration to repentance then to redemption, is the typical Biblical U-shaped narr

6、ation. From the title of the short story The Cop and the Anthem, we can find the element of the Bible,and 0. Henrys appreciation of Christianity and his wishes that religion may save people could also be traced between the lines.The Cop and the Anthems is the representative novel which created by th

7、e twentieth century famous short story writer O. Henrys , and this novel is the important of its overall style. In this short story, the author uses humor and irony of the comedy technique loss reveals the absurdity of human society to the peoples powder god of pain from the tragic theme.There have

8、been many studies about The Cop and the Anthems. The research chooses one of O. Henrys novels The Cop and the Anthem as an example. The major findings are as follows:The stylistics characteristics in selected novel are metaphor of verbs, tense and aspect, and rhetoric devices, which make O. Henrys e

9、xpressions more vivid and be easier to understand. From the aspect of interpersonal function, there are two properties in the selected novel, including 2mood and modality, which can put an emphasis on the objective facts Soapy has experienced.Further more ,stylistics properties in The Cop and the An

10、them are thematic structure and rhetorical devices as cohesive means. The devices can not realize the cohesion of the whole novel but also improve the musical rhythm of the only text.摘要:欧亨利,原名威廉西德尼波特(William Sydney Porter, 1862-1910)是美国著名的批判现实主义作家,与莫泊桑、契诃夫并称为世界三大短篇小说家,更被评论界誉为美国现代短篇小说之父。对于其作品幽默风趣的语言,

11、出人意表的结局,透视人间百态的主题等,国内外的评论家及文学爱好者们从批判现实主义、结构主义等角度都做了比较全面的分析。欧。亨利的短篇小说多以生活在社会底层的小人物为主角,虽然故事迥异,但大都表现了人物的“人心向善”。细细推敲一下,我们不难发现这些人物背后都有其原型。麦琪的礼物中身负家庭重担的吉姆就是受难中的耶稣基督的化身;索利托牧场的卫生学中的雷德勒可称之为仁爱耶稣的代表;最后的常青藤中的老画家贝尔曼集中体现了耶稣的牺牲精神。而从心与手当中警官的言行,我们可以挖掘出替罪羊的原型;命运之路中三条不同的道路殊途同归,则向我们讲述了“死亡”和“失乐园”这两个永恒的圣经文学主题;提线木偶 中既是医生又

12、是小偷的詹姆斯,从堕落到悔悟到救赅,其故事叙述结构的原型恰是圣经的 U 型叙事结构。警察与赞美诗更是从题目本身就有圣经的痕迹。从小说的字里行间我们可以看出欧亨利对于基督教的赞美和希望宗教拯救世人的美好愿望警察与赞美诗是美国二十世纪著名短篇小说家欧享利的代表性作品,是其总体创作风格的重要体现。在这部短篇小说中,作者以其幽默、讽刺的喜剧性创作手法揭示出丧失人性的荒诞社会给人民带来的粉神痛苦这一悲剧性主题。3历代学者对警察与赞美诗研究探讨举不胜举。本文选取了美国著名小说家欧亨利的一部经典代表作警察与赞美诗作为材料进行研究。通过分析,本论文得出以下结论:文中所选小说警察与赞美诗的文体特征主要有动词隐喻

13、,时态和修辞方面的特征,这些特征使该欧亨利的语一言表达生动活泼,便于读者理解;而且,受语境中语旨的影响,文中所选小说突出的文体特征有语气和语态,用来强调客观事实;在警察与赞美诗中主要文体特征有标志性主位和修辞手段的衔接方式,如排比,词语重复,层进,对比。这些手段不仅有衔接文中所选小说内容连贯的功能而且能增加该小说音律美。Key words:O. Henry; The Cop and the Anthems; Art characteristics; Humor.关键词:欧亨利; 警察与赞美诗; 艺术特点; 幽默。4ContentsThe art characteristics of The C

14、op And Anthem _1Abstract _1摘要 _2Contents _3Chapter1: Introduction _41.1 O. Henrys life and work _41.2literature review _51.3 the reason why i chose this novel _6Chapter2:The art characteristics of The Cop And Anthem_62.1 the story of The Cop and the Anthems _62.2 Humor figures of speech _72.3 Metaphor figures of speech_82.4 irony figures of speech _92.5Functional Stylistics Analysis _10Chapter3: Conclusion_113.1 The significance


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