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1、M1U1Welcome to the unit1. affect one another 彼此影响(同义:influence/have an effect on/have an influence on)2. hold your nose 屏住呼吸3. the sense of hearing/taste 听觉/味觉4. letters in raised dots 突起的点表示的字母5. sb with hearing problems 有听力问题的人6. sign language 肢体语言The fact that he didnt say no immediately is a goo

2、d sign.迹象a traffic sign 交通标志7. confuse sb 使人疑惑(同义:puzzle sb)8. use A more than B 用。 。 。比用。 。更多(同义:compared with B, we use A more)9. only need to do只需要。 。 。10. know of 知道11. make great achievements 取得巨大成就(区别:what sb achieved 某人取得的成就)Reading:1. sb lost in a grey mist 在灰雾中迷路的人2. reach the end 到达终点3. be

3、 covered in a grey mist 笼罩在灰雾中4. a thick fog 厚雾5. at lunch 中午时6. step out into the fog 走出去到雾中7. She wondered if the buses would still be running.(想知道是否。 。 。宾语从句/在运行)8. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 9. the usual bus stop 往常的车站 (辨析:usual/common/normal/)10. take

4、 her fare 收她的车票钱11. The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far.(事实是。 。 。that 引导表语从句/如此:so)12. The weather might be better there and you might be able to get a taxi.(可能,语气弱)13. As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man

5、 in a dark overcoat.(当/ 关注/觉得/ 正在被)14. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her.(当)15. glance at 瞥了一眼。 。 。(辨析: stare at 盯着看)16. sb be nowhere to be seen 某人不见了(同义:cannot see sb/sb be out of sight)17. Outside, wherever she looked the fog lay like a thick,

6、grey cloud.无论她看哪里(让步状语从句)18. lay 处于。 。 。的状态(lie lay lain)( lie +adj./prep./adv.)Id rather use my mother than leave it lying in the bank. Snow was lying think on the ground.19. There is no one in sight. 在视线中( 辨析:be out of sight) 20. set off towards 出发去。 。 。21. the narrow street 狭窄的街道22. She heard the

7、 sound of footsteps approaching.(vi.)As you approach the town, youll see the college on the left.(vt.)靠近Whats the best way of approaching the problem? (vt.着手处理 )She hadnt heard his approach and jumped as the door opened.(n.靠近)The school has decided to adopt a different approach to solve the problem.

8、(n.方法)A new approach to the train station (n.路径,通路)23. By the time he reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone.(were 表示状态,不必用过去完成时)24. Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brushed her cheek.(粗糙的 /轻擦)25. hear a mans voice in her ear saying 听到。 。 。说26. feel ones heart beating with fear wi

9、th delight 欣然,乐意地with pleasure! 很荣幸!with care 小心地He passed the exam with ease.轻而易举地The ease with which he learns languages is astonishing.(定语从句考点)27. A minute before, she had wished for someone to come along.(不用 ago)28. wish for sb to do 盼望某人做。 。 。29. come along 跟着来,跟随30. Fear hold her still.使保持某种状态

10、( hold+n.+adj./adv.可以有宾补)It took three strong men to hold him down. Could you hold the door open for me, please?31. A hand reached out and grasped her arm.(伸出来/紧紧抓住 )He reached out his hand to touch it.Reach school32. Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard.留胡子的(find on

11、eself+v-ing/prep.)发现自己做某事或处于某种状态(没料到的)I suddenly found myself doing all the work alone.When he came to, he found himself in hospital.33. watch out for 小心。 。 。34. sound young 听着年轻taste sweet/feel rough/look confused/smell scent35. a nice age to be36. I was young once. The water is fine once you are i

12、n.(一旦)(同义:as soon as )Ive only been there once.(一次)37. at the crossroads 在十字路口38. feel anxious 感到焦虑39. holdfirmly 坚定地握着。 。 。40. the grateful helper 感激的帮助者be grateful to sb /be grateful for sth/Im grateful to have a job. 41. come to ones aid: help sb 帮助某人She had an accident and was trapped in her car

13、. Luckily two passers-by came to her aid.42. in relief 如释重负地,宽慰地43. rest for a while 休息一会儿:(同义: take a res)44. be off 要走了45. A fog this bad is rare.(如此/ 少见(同义:not common))46. pay back the help 回报帮助Ill pay you back tomorrow.还钱She is thinking about how to pay back the support from her friends.回报47. ge

14、t across the road:过马路(同义:cross the road)Reading strategy1. havein common 有。 。 。相似2. takeas an example 举。 。 。为例P51. live in the darkness 住在黑暗中2. not make any difference 没有影响3. Going out is an adventure for me.4. I can easily find my way around.5. There are many cars near where I live.(Where 引导的名词性从句)

15、6. I have to listen very closely to hear if some car is approaching.7. as an aid 作为帮助8. I grasp it in my hand.9. stay out of my way 避开我 10. run into sth 撞上11. Which sense do you think would be the worst to lose.Pleasant smells reduce pain?1. The possibility that pleasant smells might reduce pain has

16、 recently been suggested by new research.(that 引导同位语从句/表明)2. pleasant smells 怡人的味道3. reduce pain 减少痛苦4. Doctors asked them keep their hands in very hot water for as long as possible while breathing in different smells.(in做宾补/while 引导时间状语,省略 while 后的 they are)5. for as long as possible 尽可能长时间6. breath in 吸入7. Since it is believed that strong smells can affect the senses, volunteers were required not to eat or drink for eight hours before the experiment.(因为)I


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