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1、最新原创英语阅读理解 6 篇ABeijing Chaoyang District Peoples Court sentenced Qin Zhihui, better known by his online name, Qin Huohuo, to three years in prison for defamation(诽谤) and causing trouble on Thursday. He had been accused of spreading rumors(谣言)on the Internet to damage the reputation of some famous pe

2、ople, and also causing public disorder.Qin, 30, a native of Hunan province, said after the verdict (判决) was announced that he will not appeal to the higher court. He admitted his guilty to making up stories on micro blogs between 2011 and 2013, with the aim of attracting the attention of the general

3、 public.Qin posted a comment in August 2011 saying that the government had paid more than 200 million yuan ($32.7 million) in compensation (赔偿) to a foreigner who died in a high-speed train accident in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, which is also a rumor.He also confessed that he posted comments on mic

4、ro blogs to slander (诽谤) Chinese popular television hostess Yang Lan as well as China Disabled Persons Federation president Zhang Haidi. China launched a crackdown last year against organizations posting online rumors, and Qin is the first person to be convicted since the start of the campaign.1. Wh

5、en did Beijing Chaoyang District Peoples Court announce Qins verdict?A. on Thursday B. in August 2011 C. in 2013 D. on Tuesday2. According to the passage, why was Qin accused?A. because he spread rumors on the InternetB. because he admitted his guiltyC. because he caused public disorderD. both A and

6、 C3. Which of the following is true?A. Qin will appeal to the higher courtB. The government paid more than 200 million yuan to a foreigner in 2011C. Qin is a native of Hunan provinceD. We can post any comment on the Internet1-3ADCBWASHINGTON - Five-time NBA title holder Kobe Bryant would miss all of

7、 the rest games in 2013-2014 season due to the left knee injury, announced the Los Angeles Lakers on Monday. Bryant injured his left knee on Dec. 17 last year during the Lakers 96-92 victory over the Memphis Grizzlies. He had been expected to miss six weeks, but after a re-examination Feb. 21 his do

8、ctor found Bryant would need three more weeks. The 18-year veteran(老兵)had another re-exam on Monday, only to find his left knee still hadnt been fully healed. Obviously this has been a frustrating(令人挫败的) and disappointing season, but I appreciate all the support Ive received from the Lakers and the

9、fans, and look forward to being back and ready for the start of training camp, said Bryant in the news release. Bryant had been kept away from the court for as many as 240 days last year because of his left ankle injury, and he missed the first 19 games at the beginning of the 2013-2014 season. He c

10、ame back on Dec. 9, but the left knee injury forced him out again after six games. The 35-year-old had averaged 13.8 points, 4.3 rebounds(篮板)and 6.3 assists for the Lakers in that six games. The Lakers inked a two-year, 48.5 million dollars contract with Bryant last November. According to the curren

11、t contract, which would expire(到期)until the end of this season, the Lakers had to pay Bryants entire 30.453 million salary for the 2013-14 season. 1. When did Kobe Bryant hurt his right knee?A. on Dec.17 last year B. on Feb.21 this year C. on Dec.9 last year D. the passage doesnt mention it2. When d

12、id Kobe start to play basketball in NBA? A. in 1978 B. in 1996 C. in 2013 D. in 20143. What does the underlined word in the second paragraph mean? A. to become healthy again B. to become more serious C. to hurt again D. to be saved4.What column is the passage possibly from?A.lifestyle B. culture C.

13、sports D. education1-4 DBACCA high school student in Fuzhou, Fujian province, has been admitted by a university in the US, thanks in part to his appetite(爱好) for instant noodles, Southeast Express said on Wednesday.Wang, a senior at Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School, is a big fan of instant noodles. He nev

14、er thought that his appetite would contribute to his admission to the University of Rochester in the US. Wang said he was admitted after he wrote about his love of snack noodles in his application to the school.After he was accepted, Wang posted the admission letter on Sina Weibo, which read, in par

15、t: The counselors(指导老师) recommended that you be admitted after reading about your enthusiasm for snack noodles. The committee and I are confident you will both stand out and grow stronger as part of the Rochester family.Wang said he has enjoyed eating instant noodles from an early age, and his love

16、of the food started out with a local-brand noodle from Singapore.I tried the noodles during my trip to the country, and my world changed the moment I ate it, Wang said.As a fan, Wang claims that he has tried nearly all flavors of noodles from Asian brands, ranging from Master Kong of Taiwan to the Japan-based Nissin.An education expert explained that educators in Western countries have a long tradition of


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