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1、1Unit I Write a passage in about 120 words, taking either of the following titles:1) why I like to learn English2) why I hate to learn EnglishSample Essay1) Why I Like to Learn EnglishI have learned English for about seven years. I should say that I am highly motivated to (非常有动力去)master English. Fir

2、st of all, learning English us useful, as it is becoming a world language and people from different countries often communicate with one another in English. If I am good at English, it will be much easier for me to communicate with them. Secondly, I like traveling a lot, a good mastery of English wi

3、ll make things much easier for me when traveling around the world. Finally, I like literature a lot. If I am very good at English, I can read great works by Shakespeare and Dickens and many other English writers instead of reading the translated versions(翻译版) . So I think I will work ever harder to

4、learn English well.2) Why I hate to learn EnglishI have learned English for about seven years. I should say the more I learn English, the more I hate it. First of all, learning English is boring. I have to memorize (记住)many new words or rely on a dictionary to frequently check unknown words. Doing s

5、o wastes a lot of my precious time. Secondly, I dont understand why we have to learn a foreign language. I dont want to go abroad and I can always find a job that doesnt need English in China. Finally, I can always read translated versions of the books I want to read. So if I dont have to learn Engl

6、ish. I would rather use the time I spend on English to do things I like.Unit 2 In about 100-120 words, write about a conflict you once had with your parents. You can start with either of the following opening.1) I was very unhappy with my mother/father the other day.2) I was grateful (感激的) that my m

7、other/father criticize me the other daySample writing:1) I was very unhappy with my father the other day. He must have called out to me for help with some housework, but I was so absorbed in reading(沉迷于,专注于、 、 、 ) that I didnt hear him. He stepped into my room, apparently in anger, grabbed(抓起) my bo

8、ok and threw it on the floor. I got upset and insisted that he should pick it up and apologize to me. When he remained silent, I ran our and went off to play games with my friends in the neighborhood(家庭所在的街区). When it was turning dark, I saw my father looking around for me, he patted me on the head

9、and walked back home with e, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. When I got home, I saw my book had “returned” to my reading table.2) I was grateful that my mother criticized me that other day. I had been asking her for money to buy all kinds of things that my friends have-a new pair of shoes or som

10、e new clothes. Every time I was refused, I played the same trick(玩同样的把戏) 2threatening to(威胁) pour the dish she cooked for the family into the river. My mother gave in each time I threatened to do that, but one day, she criticized me really hard. She scolded me for being selfish (批评我自私自利)and inconsid

11、erate (不会体谅他人)and asked me to sit in a corner and reflect on (反思)my own behavior. I couldnt believe my mother would be so angry with me and I grew afraid, I learned a good lesson and changed a lot afterwards. I was thankful that my mother made me realize my mistake.Unit 31) Describes a few of your o

12、wn personality traits, then identify your favorite color and see if the descriptions of the color in ext B match your personality or not?Sample essay:I have been described by many friends as a warm, sociable, and outgoing extravert 外向型的). I find it easy to make new friends and I enjoy the company(陪伴

13、) of people who share similar characteristics as I. When I am at a party, many people including those I do not know, will talk to me. I am not a great beauty, neither am I rich and intelligent. In fact, I am just a very simple person who is happy and smiles a lot. Maybe being happy is the attraction

14、, I like bright colours, especially red. It is said that people who like red are passionate and have a lot of energy. I agree that I am enthusiastic about(对、 、 、很热衷) many things and like doing many things at he same time. So it seem there is some truth after all in what color says about a persons pe

15、rsonality2) Think of the person you admire most, Write two personality traits that you like most about this person. Remember to give an example for each personality traits.Sample EssayThe person I admire most is my fathers younger brother. He is known to us as ba shu because he is the eighth son in

16、a family of eleven. He is a high achiever(志存高远). Since young, he has done well in his studies and work. For example, he received a prestigious(优等的) scholarship (奖学金)to study at a well-known medical school in England. Today, at the age of 62, he is still as outstanding. He is a well-respected surgeon and has won many awards(获得奖励) . What I like most about ba shu Iis his sensitive nature, especially towards children who are born unlucky. He has volunteered his time and made sacr


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