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2、题不跑题;列提纲还可以节约你的时间,提高写作效率。 列提纲时不必过于详细,可以根据题目要求,考虑你的文章分几段,或者分几个层次,每段的大意是什么,计划好文章的整体结构。提纲有时可以是短语或词组,做到自己明白即可。 四、成文在成文时要开门见山,直截了当,能够突出文章的主题。用词要准确,表达要简明扼要。要正确使用句子结构、修辞和表达方式,确保句型多样化。要用英语思维,注意段落间的相互联系,考虑段落的连接和转折,使段落之间过渡自然,前后照应。应在平时积累一定数量的套句及过渡连接词,并按不同框架事先构筑适合于自己的模板,考试时将已经构思好的观点和想法填入其中,略加润色,即可以成为一篇好的习作。使用适合

3、于自己的模版,不用为开篇、转折或结尾的句式而冥思苦想,从而节省宝贵的时间。五、检查修改。 鲁迅先生说过:好文章是改出来的。要提高英语写作水平,除了准确遣词造句、严谨布局外,文章的修改也是很重要的一步。文章写好后,要经过反复修改润色,才能措辞准确,句子流畅,布局严谨,因此修改文章是提高写作水平的有效方法。一般来说,文章的修改可以从四个方面入手。 1.用词方面代词的格和指代关系是否用得正确?名词的单复数正确与否?形容词的比较级和最高级用得是否对?副词的位置是否合适?动词的搭配是否准确。2.句子方面句型结构是否完整?主谓人称是否一致?时态、语态、语气是否正确?连句方法是否恰当?3.段落方面段落主题句

4、是否概括本段的中心思想?扩展句是否都围绕这一主题,有无多余的句子?句子之间是否连贯?段落层次是否分明,是否合乎逻辑?4.篇章方面 文章主题是否合理自然?段落之间过渡是否合理自然?文章的文体及所用的组织方法是否恰当?文章内容是否充实,有无遗漏?写作时间分配建议5 分钟的审题和构思;5 分钟写出主题句,列出框架提纲15 分钟围绕主题句进行扩展,初步成文;5 分钟检查、修改、润色。议论文英语十句作文法是一种作文模式,它适用于 150 词左右的作文。它是根据半小时写这一词数的英语作文要求而设计的。整篇作文分为引言,正文和结尾三个段落。其基本结构如下:议论文第一段(引言段)S(1):引出主题,即引出文章

5、要讨论的问题,如妇女问题,体育问题,大学生打工问题等。 S(2):确立论点,表明作者对这个问题的基本看法,例如是赞成还是反对等。Changes in Peoples Diet According to a recent survey, grain, once the staple food for most Chinese, is now playing a less important role in peoples diet, while the consumption of high quality food such as meat, milk and fruit has greatl

6、y increased. A marked change has taken place on the family dinning table in the last 25 years. 议论文第二段(正文段)S(3):承上启下,重复上一句的论点,提纲挈领引出本段要讨论的几个论据。S(4):第一论据:引出证明论点的第一个论据,或原因或理由或观点等。S(5):细节说明:运用具体事例,事实说明第一论据。S(6)细节说明:运用具体事例,事实说明第一论据。Changes in Peoples DietThere are two factors leading to the change. For o

7、ne thing, people now enjoy a higher standard of living. In the old days few families could afford meat and milk every day, which often meant a big chunk of the family income. But now people have enough money to taste a rich variety of food. 议论文S(7):第二论据:引出证明论点的第二论据,或原因或理由或观点等。S(8):细节说明:运用具体事例,事实说明第二

8、论据。S(9):细节说明:运用具体事例,事实说明第二论据。Changes in Peoples DietFor another, people of today pay more attention to nutrition. They are not merely content to fill the stomach. They are seeking a more balanced diet which will do good to their health. 议论文第三段(结尾段)S(10):重复或归纳全文论点。Changes in Peoples DietIn short, wit

9、h peoples standard of living getting higher and higher, changes in their diet will be more obvious and greater. 摘要型写作步骤阅读划线(去除原文段落中举例、详述、复述、反述、铺垫以及交代条件、背景等与主题不直接相关的语句,或去除长句中不重要的修饰语,如某些定语、状语、补语、同位语)核对确定(将划线部分的总字数与要求字数核对,一般正负不要超过 20 个词;如字数过多,则进一步削减)整合抄写(将保留的部分进行整理组合。有些句子需要重组,有些句子之间应加上关联词。如原文为一段至五段,则可保

10、留其结构;如原文超过五段,则有些段落需要合并,一般可以合成三段,也可只写成一段)The growth of the American economy was made possible largely by developments in the field of transportation. Beginning in 1825 with the construction of the Erie Canal, which connected New York City with the Great Lakes region, various state governments began t

11、o play an active role in stimulating the construction of an internal system of transportation.State government subsidies(补贴) and loans to business undertaking the building of canals and turnpikes(付费公路) became commonplace between l830 and l860. These early efforts were often marked by corruption and

12、economic disasters, yet more were successes than failures.River traffic also improved when the steam engine was fitted to boats. The steamboat could sail upriver, against the flow, markedly reducing the amount of time of shipping goods to market.Like canals and turnpikes, railroads received large am

13、ount of government assistance in the early years. However, unlike other forms of transportation, railroads also attracted a good deal of private investment, both domestic and European.Railroad building may seem unlikely project to attract private funds. Why? Because the amounts of capital required w

14、ere enormous; the time before profits could be realized was long, and profits were hard to predict. Yet conservative people in rural areas were tremendously enthusiastic about buying shares of railroad stock, often mortgaging their farms or businesses. Attracted by the vision of local profits and of

15、 a better nation, they not only bought stock but also voted for state and local taxes to support the railroads.Later, as part of the Civil War legacy, the federal government gave extensive tracts of land to those who promised to build the missing links in the national railroad system. An astonishing

16、 total of 53 million hectares of land were eventually granted to railroad builders. Northern Pacific receive 17 million hectares, Southern Pacific got 10 million hectares, and Union Pacific was granted 8 million hectares.Europe caught the excitement of investing in American railroads. At one time foreign investors owned the majority of stock in six major railroads. The discovery of gold in 1849 enabled the country to finance imports of railroad machinery an


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