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1、Part I Vocabulary and Grammar1. By now John was _with indignation(愤怒) and we gathered round trying to pacify(使平静) him.A. pouncing(扑过去抓住) B. convulsing(震撼) C. harking(听) D. seething(沸腾)2. If you are _to something, you feel strongly that youre not willing to do it or that you dont like it.A. averse(厌恶

2、) B. avid(狂热) C. awesome(可怕的) D. azure(天蓝色的)3. Are you going to hang the _of the Declaration of Independence in the classroom or in the auditorium(大礼堂)?A. goddess(女神) B. replica (复制品) C. typhoid(伤寒) D. typhus(斑疹伤寒)4. If early humans hadnt moved and _as much as they did, they probably would have cont

3、inued to evolve into different species.A. inhabited B. interchanged C. intermingled(交织) D. migrated5._ and environmental groups, including Greenpeace, say that many parts of the Andes will suffer if they become over-developed.A. Indigenous(本地的) B. Indigent(贫困) C. Indignant D. Indiscreet (轻率 )6. Much

4、 of what he said was beyond her comprehension but she understood the _of his remarks.A. tack (钉子 ) B. tact(机智的) C. tanner(皮匠) D. tenor (大意)7. Most banks offer _facilities to students, to help them when they run short of money.A. oversight 监督 B. overdraft 透支 C. overdose 过量 D. overseeing8. The problem

5、 of tracing the disease in such formidable country was _further by the continuous warfare in the area.A. accelerated B. consolidated C. exacerbated 加剧 D. reinforced 9. To trap animals a hunter fixes a _, usually made of cord, across the path they are likely to take.A. lotion 洗涤剂 B. lotus 莲花 C. snarl

6、 咆哮 D. snare 套圈10. Equally, the large group of texts, called the _, gives us reasonable grounds for omitting many uses and word forms that do not occur in it.A. works B. corpus 文集 C. body D. collection 11. Caroling Moore, the first woman fellow of Porterhouse, Cambridge, points out that gentleman is

7、 now used only with irony(讽刺) or_.A. derogation 名誉受损 B. derivation 诱导 C. derision 嘲笑 D. duration 时间 12. People who love in crowded cities often experience breathing problems during the summer when high temperature combines with _polluted air.A. drab 褐黄色的、单调的 B. stagnant 不流动的 C. lurid 可怕的 D. hoary 灰白

8、13. In the suburbs the spacious house stand in _contrast to the slums of the citys poorA. foolhardy 有勇无谋 B. furtive 鬼鬼祟祟 C. insidious 阴险的 D. stark 鲜明的14. The machine allows segments of the film to be viewed repeatedly and at a number of speeds, so the editor can cut and_ the film. A. amble 缓行 B. tin

9、ker 修改 C. splice 剪接 D. adulate奉承15. Three men were feared dead last night after a helicopter _off course into an oil platform and ditched into the North Sea.A. veered 偏离 B. instigated 煽动 C. falsified 伪造 D. blandished 劝诱16. Tony seems to know a lot about music, but sometimes I think hes only_.A. slur

10、ring 含糊地发音 B. smearing 把.擦模糊 C. bluffing 唬人 D. blurring 模糊17. The American dream is most _during the periods of productivity and wealth generated by American capitalism.A. plausible 貌似有理的 B. patriotic 爱国的 C. primitive 原始的 D. partial 部分18. Im very concerned that todays children may be heading for soc

11、ial ills because they _lots of chances for laughter.A. lose out to B. lose to C. lose on D. lose out on 失去 19. Part of Doraemons particular appeal is that he is ready to _every situationand likely, somehow, to get it wrong.A. take down B. take on 承担 C. take out D. take away20. The sun began to _the

12、morning mist, and accompanied by the sounds of the waking villages, the pilot switched on the engines and moved upstream.A. burst out B. burst upon C. burn off 燃烧 D. burn into21. When people are physically_ a drug, they suffer ill physical effects if they stop taking the drug.A. absorbed in B. accep

13、ted by C. addicted to 上瘾 D. attracted to22. He became severely _ when his wife died.A. impressed 印象 B. embarrassed 尴尬 C. depressed 消沉的 D. stressed23. The curiosity to know what was in the letter was so strong that the boy could not _ himself from opening it.A. restrain 阻止 B. distract 分散 C. engage 从事

14、 D. subject24. When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people _and ask them questions.A. at length B. at random 随机的 C. in essence D. in bulk 25. I tried very hard to restrain my laugh, but tears started flowing down my cheeks and I began_.A. proffering 提供 B. defrauding 诈骗 C. guffawing 捧腹大笑 D. deflecting 转移26. No set of texts can be fully relied on; the information from the texts has been analyzed and _by a team of lexicographers.A. appraised 评价


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