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1、上海张家浜楔形绿地城市设计及景观概念规划 / Sasaki Associates以前所未有的湿地及林地栖息地重塑了自然环境,生态改善和城市更新的催化剂。2016-09-20 项目标签设计公司 : Sasaki 位置 : 中国 类型 : 公园总体规划生态修复 文章分类 : 景观 标签 : regional scaleShanghai上海区域尺度 来自 Sasaki 对 gooood 的分享。更多关于他们 : Sasakion goooodAppreciation towards Sasaki for providing the following description:项目概况 PROJECT

2、 INTRODUCTION张家浜是上海拟建的 8 个“楔形绿地”中的首个建设项目,建成之后,它将成为上海市最大的公共公园。作为生态改善和城市更新的催化剂,张家浜公园打造了一片前所未有的湿地及林地栖息地,为这座逐渐远离自然体验的城市重塑了自然环境。为提升浦东新区居民的生活品质及该区域的生态水平,张家浜项目为自身设定了更高的目标。其复杂的生态结构与其整体性的解说计划,将会在作为世界最大的城市之一的上海注入崭新的环境观念。该项目中的景观策略对已有的人工化运河形态发出了挑战,它不仅会改善运河水质,更可以重建该地区的水生生态系统,从而提高生物多样性。通过细致严格的空间布局、地形利用、种植策略、水体设计和

3、盛行风利用,该项目可提高空气质量及热舒适度,利用微气候的营造来缓解上海的城市热岛现象。通过多模式公共交通系统、公园振兴计划及与周边地区的城市肌理的重新缝合,项目相邻地区的发展也得以促进。Zhangjiabang is the first of Shanghais eight planned “green wedges” and will become the citys largest public park. A catalyst for ecological and urban renewal, the park creates an unprecedented amount of wet

4、land and woodland habitat that redefines the natural environment in a city whose residents have increasingly fewer opportunities to experience nature. To transform the civic life and ecological health of Shanghais Pudong District, Zhangjiabang aims higher. Its complex ecologies, coupled with a holis

5、tic interpretive program, will fuel a new environmental ethos in one of the worlds largest cities. By challenging the existing engineered canal typology, the landscape strategy improves water quality and rebuilds the biodiversity of the regions aquatic ecosystems. Air quality and thermal comfort are

6、 designed through careful spatial configurations, utilizing landform, planting strategies, waterbodies, and prevailing winds to create microclimates that relieve Shanghais stifling urban heat island. Adjacent development is also integrated with multi-modal public transit, enlivening the park and rec

7、onnecting the urban fabric of the surrounding city. 场地背景 SITE CONTEXT张家浜项目面临着多重挑战。这片场地因高架公路、高压电走廊、各种道路及河道系统(其“ 现代化” 的设计是为了以一种高人工化的方式对洪水进行防控)等基础设施的建设变得支离破碎。场地当前的问题还包括干道之间多处土地几近荒废、多处衰败的轻工业工厂附近垃圾场成堆等。此外,渠化河道皆由混凝土砌筑,河水水质不佳,附近土壤遭到破坏,整个场地的生物多样性极低。但就是在这样恶劣的环境之中,场地上仍存在着几处小型的农田和花园。来自Sasaki 的设计团队试图将这些挑战转化为机遇,

8、为这片土地注入活力,通过效果显著的生态再生彻底改变场地现状,并借由项目的解说计划向人们讲述这一过程。Zhangjiabangs context presented multiple challenges. The site is highly fragmented by infrastructure including an elevated highway, a high-voltage power corridor, multiple roadways, and a canal system that is being modernized for flood control in a h

9、ighly-engineered manner. Existing conditions include derelict lands surrounded by major roads and dumping grounds in the shadows of run-down light industrial sites. Canals are concrete-lined, water quality is very poor, soils are disturbed, and the entire site is biologically impoverished. Within th

10、is difficult site, small farms and gardens nevertheless persist. The Sasaki team sought to convert these challenges into opportunities, creating dynamism in the program and defying the status quo with a remarkable story of ecological rebirth articulated through its interpretive program. 新型的生态 A NEW

11、ECOLOGY由于上海的持续高速扩张,很多农村土地均已用作城市用地。数十年的工业发展早已严重破坏了整个环境系统,野生动植物所剩无几,生物物理环境恶劣。整个上海都会区林冠覆盖率仅为 10%,远低于中国城市的平均值(25%)。近期发表的一系列生物学调查显示,所有研究设计的类群其生物多样性及丰富度都有明显下降:上海地区的两栖动物多样性由 14 种降低至 4 种;城区的鸟类多样性较历史调查数据降低了 63%;植物多样性也大幅降低。上海景观恢复的迫切性不言而喻,其也成为了张家浜公园设计策略的重要驱动因素。As Shanghai continues to rapidly expand, urban lan

12、d cover has replaced much of the rural matrix. Recent decades of industrialization have resulted in environmental conditions so severely degraded that little wildlife remains and biophysical conditions are severe. Tree canopy coverage across the Shanghai metro area is only 10%, while Chinas national

13、 average for cities is 25%. A series of recently published biological surveys indicate that species diversity and richness across all studied taxa have declined. Amphibian diversity in Shanghai has decreased from 14 species to 4. Similarly, total avian diversity in the city has decreased 63% from hi

14、storic surveys. Plant diversity shows similar declines. The imperative for landscape restoration in Shanghai is self-evident, and this restoration is the driver of the design strategy for Zhangjiabang Park.张家浜公园将新建 215 公顷的混生林,并营造 61 公顷的新生湿地栖息地,以为场地中 113 公顷的开放水域提供生态服务。需要对现有的张家浜河道及其支流进行综合性生态恢复,以改善水质、重

15、建该地区水生生态系统的生物多样性。而这一恢复网络同样需要具备防洪及为野生动植物(包括成千上万迁徙至此过冬的鸟类)提供栖息地的功能。原有的浅水湖地形经过重新设计,被改造为一个水域面积 31 公顷、最大深度达 14 米的湖泊。深浅不一的水下环境、多样化的人工鱼类栖息地,以及自然中心/孵卵处促进了该地区水生生态系统的恢复。湖区的东侧是低矮的森林小丘,西侧则是高密度的城市核心地带。方案中沿湖泊东侧设计了大片新生湿地,将作为涉水鸟类保护区。这一区域远离公路、铁路及其他人类活动活跃的用地,游人可由附近山丘顶部的观景台瞭望此处的景致。项目中的土方工程大大提高了微型栖息地景观的多样性,同时阻隔了附近道路交通对

16、场地带来的噪音和空气污染。场地内的河道经过改造成为了流淌坡度较缓的河流,以最大程度地去除水中的营养物质并减少固体悬浮物。此外,场地中的两大农业区域也将被改造成为面积为 12 公顷的社区花园,花园中的不同地块将以乡土植物为篱分隔,既丰富了场地的物种多样性,又提升了附近居民的生活品质。Embedded within 215 hectares of mixed forests, Zhangjiabang Park will include 46 hectares of emergent wetland habitat to serve 113 hectares of open water across the site. The existing Zhangjiabang Canal and its tributaries require comprehensive ecological restoration to mitigate poor water quality and rebuild t



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