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1、2012 年河南省翻译竞赛翻译竞赛英译中参赛原文Over-regulated AmericaThe home of laissez-faire is being suffocated by excessive and badly written regulationAmericans love to laugh at ridiculous regulations. A Florida law requires vending-machine labels to urge the public to file a report if the label is not there. The Fed

2、eral Railroad Administration insists that all trains must be painted with an “F” at the front, so you can tell which end is which. Bureaucratic busybodies in Bethesda, Maryland, have shut down childrens lemonade stands because the enterprising young moppets did not have trading licences. The list go

3、es hilariously on.But red tape in America is no laughing matter. The problem is not the rules that are self-evidently absurd. It is the ones that sound reasonable on their own but impose a huge burden collectively. America is meant to be the home of laissez-faire. Unlike Europeans, whose lives have

4、long been circumscribed by meddling governments and diktats from Brussels, Americans are supposed to be free to choose, for better or for worse. Yet for some time America has been straying from this ideal.Consider the Dodd-Frank law of 2010. Its aim was noble: to prevent another financial crisis. It

5、s strategy was sensible, too: improve transparency, stop banks from taking excessive risks, prevent abusive financial practices and end “too big to fail” by authorising regulators to seize any big, tottering financial firm and wind it down. This newspaper supported these goals at the time, and we st

6、ill do. But Dodd-Frank is far too complex, and becoming more so. At 848 pages, it is 23 times longer than Glass-Steagall, the reform that followed the Wall Street crash of 1929. Worse, every other page demands that regulators fill in further detail. Some of these clarifications are hundreds of pages

7、 long. Just one bit, the “Volcker rule”, which aims to curb risky proprietary trading by banks, includes 383 questions that break down into 1,420 subquestions.Hardly anyone has actually read Dodd-Frank. Those who have struggle to make sense of it, not because so much detail has yet to be filled in:

8、of the 400 rules it mandates, only 93 have been finalised. So financial firms in America must prepare to comply with a law that is partly unintelligible and partly unknowable.Flaming water-skisDodd-Frank is part of a wider trend. Governments of both parties keep adding stacks of rules, few of which

9、are ever rescinded. Republicans write rules to thwart terrorists, which make flying in America an ordeal and prompt legions of brainy migrants to move to Canada instead. Democrats write rules to expand the welfare state. Barack Obamas health-care reform of 2010 had many virtues, especially its attem

10、pt to make health insurance universal. But it does little to reduce the systems staggering and increasing complexity. Every hour spent treating a patient in America creates at least 30 minutes of paperwork, and often a whole hour. Next year the number of federally mandated categories of illness and

11、injury for which hospitals may claim reimbursement will rise from 18,000 to 140,000. There are nine codes relating to injuries caused by parrots, and three relating to burns from flaming water-skis.Two forces make American laws too complex. One is hubris. Many lawmakers seem to believe that they can

12、 lay down rules to govern every eventuality. Examples range from the merely annoying (eg, a proposed code for nurseries in Colorado that specifies how many crayons each box must contain) to the delusional (eg, the conceit of Dodd-Frank that you can anticipate and ban every nasty trick financiers wil

13、l dream up in the future). Far from preventing abuses, complexity creates loopholes that the shrewd can abuse with impunity. The other force that makes American laws complex is lobbying. The governments drive to micromanage so many activities creates a huge incentive for interest groups to push for

14、special favours. When a bill is hundreds of pages long, it is not hard for congressmen to slip in clauses that benefit their chums and campaign donors. The health-care bill included tons of favours for the pushy. Congresss last, failed attempt to regulate greenhouse gases was even worse.Complexity c

15、osts money. Sarbanes-Oxley, a law aimed at preventing Enron-style frauds, has made it so difficult to list shares on an American stockmarket that firms increasingly look elsewhere or stay private. Americas share of initial public offerings fell from 67% in 2002 (when Sarbox passed) to 16% last year,

16、 despite some benign tweaks to the law. A study for the Small Business Administration, a government body, found that regulations in general add $10,585 in costs per employee. Its a wonder the jobless rate isnt even higher than it is.A plea for simplicityDemocrats pay lip service to the need to slim the rulebook Mr Obamas regulations tsar is supposed to ensure that new rules are cost-effective. But the administration has a bias towards overstating benefits and underestimating cost



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