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1、Typical Question 11. Person 人的话题1) 十种人的好品质,及你熟悉的这十种人Describe the characteristics of a good teacher/roommate/friend/parent/leader/team member/famous person/neighbor/classmate/+ Describe your Which one is the quality that is most essential to friendship: faithfulness, honesty or humor 2) 名人题Describe a

2、 famous person that you most admireDescribe a person with whom you like to talk with/meet, why (famous person)Describe a celebrity / a famous person in history you want to see most and explain why you want to see this celebrity and what would you talk about. What famous person would you like to visi

3、t for one hour and why?Describe a famous businessperson/a sport person/sports team you admire and explain why you admire him/her. Describe your favorite singer/actor/band group/character in a film and explain why you like him/her/them.3) 对你最有影响力的人The person who has greatest influence on youWhich per

4、son has helped you the most to get where you are today, and how has he or she helped you? Describe a person you will ask for advice when you meet any difficulty 4) 人的成功因素Describe the characteristics that make a person successful5) 你自己的将来Describe what your life will be like in five years / changes in

5、 five years of your life What would you like to be professionally in ten years? Use details to support your responses. 6)熟悉的人Describe a family member/close friend/schoolmate/workmate/neighbor/an adventurous person2. Place 地方的话题1) 自己的城市中,最喜欢去的地方,最值得推荐的地方(可以自己,也可以随朋友)1.1 大雁塔北广场Your favorite place in t

6、he city you are now living Where do you usually go with your friends?What park or public area do you like?Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation. Explain why it is a good place for you to relax. Which place in your hometown would you like to take visitors to see and why?Describe your

7、favorite place when you were a kid. 1.2 标志性建筑Describe the highest/emblematic/historic building in your town.Describe a kind of traditional building in your countryWhat landmark in your country/town do you recommend other people to visit? Explain why you think people should go there.2) 和朋友出去还是在家,自己出去

8、玩Do you prefer to go to restaurant, caf or stay at home with your friends Where do you like to go when it is sunny? 3) 自己的房间Describe one of your favorite rooms, either of your house or other placesDescribe your room and explain how you spend time there.4)餐馆话题What kind of features are important to yo

9、u when you go to a restaurant or caf. Why? 4) 国家旅游(中国+外国)What foreign country would you like to visit? Choose a country and explain why you would like to go there. If your foreign friends are going to visit your country, where do you suggest them to go? Describe a place you have never been to but li

10、ke to go someday 5) 改善家乡Describe one thing you would like to improve about your hometown.6) 经常去的地方Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important.7) 居住地特征Where do you want to live, forests, desert, or plain?9)选房What is the most important element you take into

11、account when you are choosing a house 10)熟悉的地方Describe an important place / scenic spot / shop / restaurant / museum / park / garden / an ideal house / company / city / country in your life. Explain why it is important to you.11)学校校园Describe your school and campus and explain what impression it give

12、s you. Describe a school youve ever attended3. Object 日常物件1)书籍,杂志Describe one important bookWhat is your favorite book?Which one do you prefer, magazine, fiction or poetry 2)电影Which kinds of film do you like best: comedy, drama, action?What is your favorite movie?3)礼物话题3.1 自己收的礼物Describe an importan

13、t gift/letter/photograph and explain why it is special to you.Describe an object that is very special in your lifeYour most important gift, why is it so significant for youDescribe an object which is very important to you. Describe the most impressive surprise(用 gift 来替换) your friend gives you becau

14、se of his or her action3.2 送别人的礼物If you are going to give your friend a gift, what would you choose and why4)最重要的东西Describe an important toy when you were a child. Explain why it is important to you.Describe an important machine and explain why you think it is important in your life.Among computer,

15、television, and telephone, which do you think is the most important to your life Describe something expensive you want to buy and explain why you want to buy it.5)书信Describe a letter or poem or essay you wrote that is important to you (07-3-23) (08-5-17)6)艺术Describe an important a work of art and ex

16、plain why you think it is important in your life.Describe a work of art such as a song or painting that gives you long lasting impression7)家里面熟悉的东西Describe an important invention before computer / a normal commodity in your family and explain its advantages and disadvantages. 8)害怕的东西Describe something that you fear. Explain why you are afraid of it.9)宠物What type of animal would you like to have as a pet?10)网络What are some important effects of internet on modern peoples life? Use


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