describe a person

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《describe a person》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《describe a person(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Description of a personWarm-upSonnet 18Shall I compare thee to a summers day? 我可能把你和夏天相比拟?Thou art more lovely and more temperate. 你比夏天更可爱更温和:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, 狂风会把五月的花苞吹落地 ,And summers lease hath all too short a date. 夏天也嫌太短促,匆匆而过; Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shin

2、es, 有时太阳照得太热 ,And often is his gold complexion dimmd; 常常又遮暗他的金色的脸;And every fair from fair sometime declines, 美的事物总不免要凋落,By chance, or natures changing course, untrimmd; 偶然的,或是自然变化而流转. But thy eternal summer shall not fade, 但是你的永恒之夏不会褪色,Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst. 你不会失去你的俊美的仪容;Nor sh

3、all Death brag thou wanderst in his shade, 死神不能夸说你在他的阴影里面走着,When in eternal lines to time thou growst. 如果你在这不朽的诗句里获得了永生; So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, 只要人们能呼吸,眼睛能看东西,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. 此诗就会不朽,使你永久生存下去.注释:1. a summers day 从表面看这是“夏季的一天”,但根据第 4 行,理解为“夏季的一天”不妥

4、,正确的理解应是“夏天这个季节”.day 一段时间.2. temperate 温和的,既不冷也不热的.3. Rough (风或者天气)暴风雨般的 ,狂暴的,剧烈的.darling 形容词,受喜爱的,亲爱的.4. lease (合同所规定的)期限.date 持续的一段时间,季节.5. sometime 有时候 ,时而. hot 副词.the eye of heaven 指太阳.6. his its,指太阳的 .complexion 面部,脸.dim 动词,使变得暗淡.7. 该行的正常语序是 And every fair sometime declines from fair.fair 第 1 个

5、 fair 的意思是“美丽的人或者美丽的东西”;第 2 个 fair 的意思是“美丽”.sometime 在特定的时候 ,在某个时候 .decline 衰落,衰退.8. 该行的正常语序是 untrimmed by chance or natures changing course,以 untrimmed 为中心词的过去分词短语,修饰第 7 行中的第 2 个 fair.natures changing couse 自然的变化规律.untrim 夺去美丽.9. fade 衰退,衰败.10. lose possession of 失去对 .的占有.fair 同第 7 行中的第 2 个 fair.ow

6、e 拥有,占有.12. line 诗行.14. this 该行中两次出现的 this 都指“这首诗”.欣赏:大多数莎学家认为,从第 18 首到第 20 首十四行诗,是作者赞美好友的超常之美的.这首诗一开始,便用了夏天、五月的花苞和太阳,这些时间空间里最美好的事物,来和好友相比,认为它们都有一定的局限,不及好友.从总的方面相较,好友比夏天更可爱更温和;具体地说,夏季的花-五月的花苞易被狂风吹落,夏日的太阳过分炽热 ,又常被遮暗.在比较中,进而指出一切美的事物,随着时光的流转、自然的变化,终难避免凋落.你虽胜过鲜花与夏阳,但是你那俊美的仪容仍有销蚀之虞.怎么办呢?诗是永恒的,只有把你写入我的诗中,

7、你才会在这不朽的艺术里得到永生.你那俊美的仪容不会失去,你的永恒之夏也不会褪色.人们只要能呼吸、有感受,就会从诗中赏识到你的美,就连死神也不能夸说,说你在他的阴影里面走着.这首诗善作比拟,且结构严谨而多层次.先以夏与好友相比,继而由夏花、夏阳之局限,带出好友的俊美仪容,这造化之功,同样会随自然而变化而流转;只有诗是不朽的,你也只有在诗里才能获得永生I. What should be described?Principles: Descriptions of people may focus on the various aspects of the people described their

8、 physical appearance, style of clothing, their character and personality, their interests and behavior. What you select to describe depends on your topic and purpose.1. Characteristic featuresIt will be impossible (and unnecessary) for your child to include all the descriptive elements listed below.

9、 After all, the composition is limited to one little paragraph! But you can certainly expect that paragraph to sparkle with a few additional, well-chosen details. What really matters is this: Regardless of when or how you approach it, improved description will result. And after all, isnt that the po

10、int?1)Physical appearanceBuildComplexion Hair styles:Ponytail and pigtail (long, straight, blonde pigtail or ponytail)Wavy, curly,neatly combed (wavy and dyed) (curly and permed) Bobbed hair with a fringe Face Shape Square Oval Round Triangular Heart-shapedSkin/Face/Complexion (Complexion is the nat

11、ural appearance and color of the skin, especially of the face; e.g. Mary has a soft, creamy complexion. Freckled: sprinkled or covered with light brown spots Rosy: pink-cheeked; fair complexion that glows with a hint of pink Ruddy: skin that has a healthy reddish tint; may have the appearance of sun

12、burn Tanned: skin with a healthy golden-brown tint Wrinkled: full of or covered with lines or loose folds of skin; often associated with age Other skin-related adjectives: pale, spotless, silky, smooth, creamy, baby-soft, glowing, paper-thin or translucent (as with a very old person); rough, calluse

13、d, dryEyesGeneral: Brown-eyed mother, bright-eyed sister, wide-eyed childEye expressions: piercing, mesmerizing, sad, sorrowful, tear-filled, gentle, sympathetic, warm, compassionate, expressive, twinkling, lively, dancing, laughing Eye Shape and Size: Large, small, almond-shaped, round, slanted, sq

14、uinty, crinkly If you say:She has a big pair of round eyes! Your listener may imagine this! In English, when we describe a persons eyes, we dont say the person has a pair of eyes. Thats understood! Nobody wonders how many eyes a person has! We assume each person has a pair!We just use adjectives (us

15、ually positive) to describe the eyes: She has big, beautiful eyes!.OR.He has dark, intense eyes.OR.Her eyes sparkle with enthusiasm.Also, in English we seldom talk about the shape of a persons eyes.When we do, it may mean more than just shape. For example, in English, a person with narrow eyes may b

16、e thought of as sneaky or dishonest. A person with round eyes may be thought of as surprised.So it is best just to talk about how a persons eyes twinkle, how beautiful they are and so on. Otherwise, your listener may imagine a very funny person!Mouth/Lips:Thin lips, full lips, pouting lips, pursed lips (puck


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