format for a formal outline 正式演讲提纲格式

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《format for a formal outline 正式演讲提纲格式》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《format for a formal outline 正式演讲提纲格式(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Format for a formal outline 正式演讲提纲格式TitleTopic:Specific purposes:Thesis statement:IntroductionAttention materials: Thesis statement:Preview:(Transition into body of speech)BodyI. First main point:(State the main points and sub-points in full sentences so that you will be able to develop your ideas

2、fully)A. Sub-point or supporting material:_B. Sub-point or supporting materials:_1. sub-sub-point or supporting materials:_2. sub-sub-point or supporting materials:_(Transition into next main point)II. Second main point:A. Sub-point or supporting materials: _1.sub-sub-point or supporting material: _

3、22. sub-sub-point or supporting materials: _B. Sub-point or supporting material: _(Transition into next main point) or (Transition into conclusion)III. Second main point: ConclusionSummary statement: _Concluding remarks: _Works consultedAdapted from Osborn & Osborn (1997)Now lets study a sample outl

4、ine for an informative speech on chocolate. See if the outline follows the above guidelines or not:Are You Addicted?Topic: ChocolateSpecific purpose Statement: To inform my audience about chocolate.Thesis Statement: To inform my audience about the history, the mafor types and chemical compositions o

5、f chocolate.Introduction 前言Welcome! All of you are here today because you have found a golden ticket in your Chilly Chonka Chocolate bar, which means that you get to go on the Delicious Chilly Chonka Chocolate tour. You have all been given a sample of the Chilly Chonka chocolate but it is disguised

6、in a Hersheys wrapper, you are to consume this and experience what it is like to be under the influence of chocolate. For those of you who can not eat it you will experience what it is like not being under the influence. But I must warn you: those around you might start acting a little out of the or

7、dinary. Now are we all ready? On the count of three, follow me, ONE open your wrappers, TWO, place it in your mouth, and THREE, chew and .3THREE, chew and swallow. And here we go. While you are getting over your excitement of winning, I would like to give you a sneak preview of the Delicious Chilly

8、Chonka Chocolate tour: We will first melt our way into the history of chocolate. Secondly, we will get a taste of the three main types of chocolate, and finally we will dip into the chemical composition of chocolate.Body 主要部分Visual Aid will be used.)I. The history of where chocolate comes from.A. Bi

9、ologically where chocolate comes from1. Cocoa bean is the seed of the cocoa tree.2. The type of tree is called the Theobroma cocoa.3. Cocoa is defined by the 1999 2000 Encyclopedia Britannica Online to be a highly concentrated powder made from chocolate liquor.B. The people who were involved with ch

10、ocolate.1. In the year 1502, Christopher Columbus brought cocoa beans to Spain, and chocolate slowly spread throughout the world.2. The cocoa three dates back more than 3000 years ago by the Maya, Toltec, and the Aztecs.C. How chocolate was first prepared.1. The Aztecs prepared the cocoa beans as a

11、beverage by sun-drying shelled beans and mashing it into liquid.2. Chocolate was called Xocaatl, which meant “bitter water”._Transition 过渡Now that we have melted our way into the history of chocolate Id like to take us to taste the three main types of chocolate: Milk, white, and dark chocolate.(Visu

12、al Aid will be used.)II. These are the three main types of chocolate. (According to )A. There is milk chocolate.1. Milk chocolate is made up of 10% chocolate liquor and 12% solids, combined with sugar, cocoa butter, and vanilla.2. Milk chocolate is the most common chocolate in most sweet candies.B.

13、There is white chocolate.1. White chocolate does not contain chocolate liquor at all. Its ingredients include cocoa butter, sugar, milk solids, and vanilla.2. There has been some debate as to whether or not white chocolate is “real chocolate” because it doesnt contain chocolate liquor.C. There is da

14、rk chocolate.1. Dark chocolate is made from 15 35% of chocolate liquor, sugar, cocoa butter and vanilla.2. Dark chocolate is also referred to as sweet and semisweet chocolate, it got it name dark chocolate because it is darker than the milk and white chocolate.4(continued)_Transition 过渡So now that w

15、e have had a taste of the 3 main types of chocolate: milk, white, and dark chocolate, lets go and take a dip into the chemical composition of chocolate.(Visual Aid will be used.)III. These are the chemical compositions of chocolate. (According to John Glenn Benner, author of the book The Emperor of Chocolate


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