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1、Excellent secentence of Issue1. with respect to.2. the students and faculties all stand to gain in a variety of respects3. real-world experience; up-to-date information;4. as a threshold matter5. In certain academic areas there is no profession to speak of outside academia.6. engage in7. aside from.

2、, I strongly agree that it is worthwhile to .8. contagious:易传播的, 易感染的, 蔓延的9. keep abreast with10. Experience in the field can help a professor ferret out (侦探, 仔细搜索)cutting-edge and controversial issue11. boost ones credibility12. cult: n. 礼拜仪式, 时尚, 崇拜等13. catapult: v. 发射14. it might be tempting to d

3、o sth15. 表示阻碍,防止: obstacle, impede(v.), impediment,16. spell trouble to . 17. ., and so forth, achieve ones objectives18. 大量的: a myriad of19. 考虑到 : given that20. 质问: Query feasible.21. 表示方法 途径: method, avenue, way, 解决问题: address a problem, be aware of 22. 禁止:proscrible, prohibit,inhibit23

4、. 警告: caveat to sb / warn sb f sth 地方的:parochial 有。 。 。赞助: n. auspice 吉祥的:auspicious 24. a telling example; a compelling argument, a foregoing reason25. allocate resources, make good sense26. 在。 。 。范围:adv. Insofar 地方的,固有的,天生的:indigeous; 咬紧不放的:tenacious27. 无情的:inexorable 部署:v, deloy 官方语言: official la

5、nguag28. in short, ppl resist language assimilation because of the baisc human need to be part of a distinct culture group29. individual identity,yield to 30. 典礼 ritual 社会习俗 mores 31. afford sb of sth.; outweight the benefits of 32. 职业名称:entrepreneaur, attorney,accountant33. bureaucracy 官僚机构/ gadget

6、:小器械,小玩意/ 费力,尽力:exertion/ 出去缰绳的,没有束缚的:Unbridled34. be likely to do sthbe driven to do sth35. the kind of-the sort of 36. admirable pplmarvel37. part of-part-and parcel of 38. collecet and encouragemuster39. to go before=forego40. ostensible purpose, personal lifestyle, daily schedule; 41. avoidesche

7、w42. sthe would take a brand of effort to do sth43. lending even more credence to the statement is the so-called”44. Yet, therein lies the statements credibility.45. adding furthur credibility to the statement is46. 侵略:agression, invade, 侵略军: invading force47. 个人价值体系:personal vallue system 世界观:outlo

8、ook of the world48. 解雇工人 lay off employees 工厂倒闭 shut off49. 影响 impact affect influence50. 迫使。 。做。 。 。compel sb to do sth51. 滑向。 。 。 find sb on the slippery slop toward doing sth52. 过分的,非常的,厉害的 engregious53. 危害:jeopardize 堡垒,侵害,防御设备:entrenchment 焚化,火化:v. incinerate54. 与。 。 。搅在一起,被。 。 。阻碍, be jammed w

9、ith55. threshold: 开始,开端,入口/ wholeheartedly: 完全地 /vacuum: a, adj. 真空(的) 56. trivia:pl. of trivial/ conjurer: 魔术师57. 元素周期表:periodic table of elements 机械的记忆: rote memorization 召唤,用魔法影响,回忆:conjure up58. turing first to the threshold claim,./ as for the speakers ultimate claim,.59. It seems that by focus

10、ing on facts first students risk equating the learning process with the assimilation or trivia; in turn, students risk learning nothing of much use in solving 60. metaphysics:形而上学论 61. astrophysicist: 天体物理学家 Stephen Hawkin62. be laden with装面。 。 。 。63. hyperbole: n.夸张法 /nexus:n. 联系, 关联 / detractor: n

11、.贬低者, 诽谤者64. unfettered/unbridled: adj. 不受约束的, 自由的65. emancipate: 废除,解放,解脱66. Confucius 中庸之道: golden mean 67. 蒙娜丽莎 Mona Lisa 美感 aesthetic feeling68. nun:修女/ monk:和尚/ monastery:修道院,寺庙 /dowry:天赋 嫁妆69. ride the wave of 70. sweep away 把清除掉71. nameless, faceless goups/ 72. draw inspiration from73. behoov

12、e sb to do sth 使某人必须,有义务做。 。 。74. thwart:v. 反对 妨碍 挫折 ameliorate :v. 改善 改变 减轻 变好 bridle:束缚,控制 unbridled:脱了缰绳的 自由的 没有束缚的75. without the rein of 没有了。 。 。的限制 choke its developmen:限制、阻碍了他的发展76. be contigent on 77. sanitation: n. 卫生 卫生设备 contraceptive: a. n. 避孕药 避孕用具78. overwhelming : 势不可挡的 压倒性的79. physic

13、al and metaphysicial world 物质与精神世界80. caveat: 警告 告诫 of sth. Alarm81. 涉足于。 。 。:dabble in82. a hodge-podge of 。 。 。的大杂烩 dilettante: 业余爱好者83. I agree with the author insofar as that.84. 方法: way method avenue approach path85. sway the masses, incite revolutions, and make the ideology reality86.

14、surest: 安全的 稳定的 endeavor:n。 努力 企图 谋求87. pander to sb/sth:迎合。 。 。88. wager: v.打赌, 下注 informative:adj.有教育意义的 Specious: adj.似是而非的,虚有其表的89. an iota of。 。的理想世界90. be replete with = be filled with/ be full of91. epistemology n. 认知论92. ostensible: 表面上的 显而易见的 self-evident 不证自明的 显而易见的 93. coerce: v. 强迫 压制 控制

15、 限制 危险 逼迫 coercer coercion:强制 高压统治94. antagonize: v. 使对抗,对立 竭力反对95. ghetto:少数民族聚集地,犹太人居住区,城市中的黑人96. withdraw ones support97. 抚养:rear, breed, cultivate, bring up98. 化身,具体化形式:incarnation99. 贵族:aristocracy 100.技工,工匠:craftsman 101.鉴赏家,名家,古董收藏家 艺术爱好者 艺术大师 into questions 被质疑 怀疑103.cathedr

16、al:大教堂 chapel:小教堂 mosque:清真寺 temple:寺庙 deity:神104.layperson: 外行人 docent:大学老师,学者,博物馆的向导或解说员105.警惕,小心。 。: be wary of106.fretful: adj. 烦躁的,焦急的107.beholder:观看者 旁观者 目睹者108. aristocracy and populace 贵族与平民109.surest:可信的,可以依赖的,成功的110.inure: 使强壮,锻炼。 。 。 。111.clairvoyant:透视的 千里眼的 有敏锐的洞察力的 percipient: 有知觉能力的 有认识能力的 目光敏锐的112.revoltion :改革 evolution:进化 发展 演变


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