economist 经济学人词汇整理一

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1、A Bad Week for Mexico: Of Prisons and Petroleum1. petroleum : n.石油,原油2. bust : ( bust sb /sth for sth ) (of the police 警方) to suddenly enter a place and search it or arrest sb 突击搜查(或逮捕)3. sabotage : n. 阻碍,妨碍(为防止敌方利用或为表示抗议而进行的)蓄意破坏,阴谋破坏4. fling : ( flung flung ) to throw sb /sth with somewhere force,

2、 especially because you are angry (尤指生气地)扔,掷,抛,丢eg. The door was suddenly flung open.门突然被推开了。5. oil-exploration right : 石油勘探权6. in tow : (tow:用绳索拖,拉,牵引,拽)eg. with much of his government in tow 在多名政府官员的陪同下1 if you have sb. in tow, they are with you and following closely behind 紧随着,陪伴着2 if a ship is t

3、aken in tow, it is pulled by another ship (船)被拖着走7. monopoly : 垄断,专营服务,被垄断的商品(或服务)8. flop : n. (a film / movie, play, party, etc that is not successful ) (电影,戏剧,聚会等)失败,不成功9. consortium : a group of people, countries, companies, etc who are working together on a particular project (合作进行某项工程的)财团,银团,联营

4、企业10. inflated : 1 (尤指价格)过高的,高的不合理的2 (思想,主张等)夸张的,言过其实的11. block : a large area of land 一片土地12. the odds are that ( it is likely that.) 可能13. with luck 如果一切顺利eg. With (any) luck, we will be home before duck. 如果一切顺利的话,我们可在天黑前回到家。14. in time (for sth/ to do sth) :not late, with enough time to be able t

5、o do sth 来得及,及时eg. Will we be in time for the six oclock train? 我们来得及赶上六点钟的那趟火车吗?15. spectacular : adj 令人惊叹的,壮观的16. ventilate : v. 使(房间,建筑物等)通风,使通气eg. a well-ventilated room 通风良好的房间17. stylish :adj 时髦的,新潮的,高雅的,雅致的18. extradite : 引渡(嫌犯或罪犯)19. recapture : 抓回,再次捕获;回忆,再体验,重温20. slip away 消失,消亡,死去21. int

6、erior : 1 the inside part of sth 内部eg. the interior of a building 楼房内部2 内陆,内地,腹地3 (国家的)内政,内务eg. the Department /Minister of the Interior 内政部/内政大臣22. manhunt : n.(对罪犯或逃犯的)追捕,搜捕23. communications-blocking technology 通信拦截技术24. a no-fly zone 禁飞区25. shaky : 1 颤抖的2 (not firm or sage, not certain)不稳固的,不牢靠的

7、3 (not seeming very successful; likely to fail)不大出色的,成问题的,可能失败的26. carry off reformscarry off : to succeed in doing sth that most people would find difficult 成功的对付,不费劲的处理(大多数人认为难以应付的事)27. corruptibility : n. 堕落性,腐败性28. pervade : v. 渗透,弥漫,遍及eg. Corruptibility and incompetence pervade the criminal-jus

8、tice system.贪腐无能遍及整个刑事司法系统。29. go after sb 1 追赶某人,跟在某人后面2 追求某人3 谋求某事(或某物)eg. He went after the burglars. 他追赶那些窃贼。30. kingpin : n. (组织或活动中的)主要人物,领袖31. connive : connive with sb to do sthto work together with sb to do sth wrong or illegal共谋,狼狈为奸,同流合污32. extortion : 敲诈勒索33. policy : 政策,方针34. dismiss :

9、( v. 不予考虑eg. Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks.素食主义者不再被当做怪人。eg. He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless.他认为民意测验毫无用处而不予考虑。eg. I think we can safely dismiss their objections.我认为我们对他们的异议完全可以不予理会。35. wobbly : 1 moving in an unsteady way from side to side 摇摆的,摇摇晃晃的eg. a chair w

10、ith a wobbly leg 一条腿不稳的椅子2 not firm or confident 颤动的,不稳的,不自信的eg. The evening got off to a wobbly start.这次晚会一开始就不顺当。36. champion : 1 n. 冠军2 n. (champion of sth) a person who fights for, or speaks in support of, a group of people or a belief 斗争者,捍卫者,声援者,拥护者eg. She was a champion of the poor all her li

11、fe. 她终生都是穷苦人的卫士。3 v. 为斗争,捍卫,声援37. petty : adj. small and unimportant 小的,琐碎的,次要的eg. petty crime/theft 轻罪犯/小窃贼38. gnaw : 咬,啃gnaw at sb : to make sb feel anxious, frightened or uncomfortable over a long period of time (长时间)折磨某人39. corrode civility 腐化了道德观念corrode : v. 腐蚀,侵蚀eg. Corruption corrodes public

12、 confidence in a political system.腐败可削弱公众对政治制度的信心。civility : n.彬彬有礼的行为,礼貌,客气40. bodyguard : 保镖,警卫(队)41. put sth off 推迟,延迟put sb off (to disturb sb who is try to give all their attention to sth that they are doing)搅扰,使分神42. disrupt : to make it difficult for sth to continue in the normal way 扰乱,打乱,使中

13、断43. lawless : 1 (国家或地区)无法律的,不遵守法律的2 (人或行为)不遵守法律的,目无法纪的eg. lawless gangs 目无法纪的团伙44. sanctity : 1 ( of sth )神圣不可侵犯性the sanctity of marriage 婚姻之神圣2 神圣性,圣洁性45. lessor : 较少的,较小的,次要的eg. lessor offense 较轻的罪行lessor crime 较轻犯罪46. the rule of law (常用词组): the condition in which all members of the society, inc

14、luding its rulers, accept the authority of the law 法治47. clique : n. (often disapproving) a small group of people who spend their time together and do not allow others to join them 派系,私党,小集团,小圈子48. secure : get sth 得到 v. (尤指经过努力)获得,实现,取得49. bring about : (to make sth happen)导致,引起50. criminal code :

15、刑法,刑法典51. come to nothing :(计划,目标,主张等)没有结果,始终未能实现52. invigorate (常用词): 使生气勃勃,激发的活力India and the environment1. stealth : n. the fact of doing sth in a quiet or secret way 偷偷摸摸,不声张的活动,秘密行动eg. The government was accused of trying to introduce the tax by stealth.有人指责政府想不事声张地开征这种税。2. greenery : n. attrac

16、tive green leaves and plants 青枝绿叶,青葱的草木,绿色植物3. that is (to say) : used to say what sth means or to give more information 也就是说,即,换句话说eg. Hes a local government administrator, that is to say a civil servant.他是当地政府的行政官员,也就是公务员。4. part1 menber 成员成员,成分eg. You need to be able to work as part of a team.你必须作为团队的一员进行工作。2 some 一些 (of sth) some but not all of a thing 部分eg. Voters are given only part of the story.(=only some of the information)


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