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1、C623 变电站内墙面及顶棚施工指南Interior wall and ceiling construction Instruction for C623 Substation 1目录 Contents一、 工程概况 General.2二、 编制依据 Reference.3三、 主要施工程序 Main Construction Sequence .3四、 主要施工程序施工要点 Main Construction Key Points .41. 基层处理 Base Treatment .42. 内墙抹灰(顶棚找平)Plastering of Interior Wall(Leveling of C

2、eiling) .43. 涂料施工 Coating.6C623 变电站内墙面及顶棚施工指南Interior wall and ceiling construction Instruction for C623 Substation 2C623 变电站内墙面及顶棚施工指南Construction Instruction of C623 Interior Wall and Ceiling of Substation一、 工程概况 General C623 建筑物占地面积为 718m2,建筑面积为 875m2,建筑总高为 11.6m,建筑物耐火等级为二级,抗震设防烈度等级为七度;The C623 b

3、uilding covers an area of 718m2, and the area of structure is 875m2. The total height of building is 11.6m, and the grade of fire-resistant is Grade 2. The grade of seismic fortification intensity is Grade 7. 内墙面粉刷面积 1500m2,使用阿克苏诺贝尔太古漆油有限公司生产的专业防霉内墙漆 A870 系列,顶棚粉刷面积 1200m2,也使用阿克苏诺贝尔太古漆油有限公司生产的专业防霉内墙漆

4、 A870 系列;The painted area of interior wall is 1500m2, and coated with the mould-proof interior wall paint A870 provided by the Akzo Nobel Paint Co., Ltd. And the painted area of ceiling is 1200m2, and also coated with the above paint. 内墙面构造 Interior Wall Surface Construction:- 刷高级哑光型防霉内墙漆,一底二面;Paint

5、 with advanced sub-gloss mould-proof interior coating for once primer and twice top coatings- 砖砌体与梁柱接缝处粘贴 300mm 宽的玻璃纤维网格布(砖墙部分粘贴宽度为 200mm,梁柱砼部分粘贴宽度为 100mm) ;Stick the joint between brickwork and beam column with 300mm width glass fiber mesh cloth (stuck width of brick wall is 200mm, and 100mm for be

6、am column concrete)- 20mm 厚 1:1:4 水泥石灰砂浆抹面 Plaster 20mm thickness cement lime mortar of 1:1.4- 混凝土砌块墙上刷水泥浆一道 Paint the concrete block wall once with cement grout. 顶棚构造 Ceiling Construction:- 刷高级哑光型防霉内墙漆,一底二面;Paint with advanced sub-gloss mould-proof interior coating for once primer C623 变电站内墙面及顶棚施工指

7、南Interior wall and ceiling construction Instruction for C623 Substation 3and twice top coatings- 3mm 厚 1:2.5 水泥砂浆找平 Level 3mm thickness cement mortar of 1:2.5- 5mm 厚 1:3 水泥砂浆找平 Level 5mm thickness cement mortar of 1:3- 刷素水泥浆一道 Paint neat cement mortar once- 钢筋混凝土结构板 Reinforced concrete structure sla

8、b二、 编制依据 Reference 华陆工程科技有限责任公司设计的建筑装修材料及构造(一) ;Building Fitment Material and Structure I Designed by Hua Lu Engineering Technology Co., Ltd 建筑施工手册(第四版)Architecture Construction Manual (Version 4); 涂料生产厂商提供的施工说明 Construction Instruction provided by Coating Vendor;三、 主要施工程序 Main Construction Sequence

9、基层处理Base Treatment内墙抹灰(顶棚找平)Plaster Interior Wall (Level the Ceiling)养护 Curing涂料施工 Coating ConstructionC623 变电站内墙面及顶棚施工指南Interior wall and ceiling construction Instruction for C623 Substation 4四、 主要施工程序施工要点 Main Construction Key Points1. 基层处理 Base Treatment主要包括孔洞的封堵、浮灰的清理和墙面的湿润。Includes filling of h

10、oles, clean of floating ash and wet of wall surface.2. 内墙抹灰(顶棚找平)Plaster Interior Wall (Level the Ceiling)1) 严格控制施工配合比和所用原材料的质量;Strictly control the construction proportion and the quality of raw material.2) 工艺流程:基层处理 找规/放线/打巴 抹护角 润湿墙面 抹底层砂浆 抹面层砂浆;Process Flow: Base TreatmentMeasuring Angle/Setting

11、out/Measuring ElevationPlaster cornersWet wall surface, Paint neat cement mortarPlaster mortar of bottom mortarPlaster mortar of top mortar3) 室内大面积施工前,应先做样板,经 QSC、DAELIM 等相关单位评定合格后再大面积施工;Before indoor construction, the master pieces should be prepared and submitted to QSC, DAELIM and related Section

12、s for review and approval.墙面(砼面)处理Wall surface(Concrete surface) Treatment放线及设立基准抹浆点Setting out& Establish base plastering point润湿砖墙表面 Wet brick surface抹第一层砂浆 Plaster the1st course mortar抹最后一层砂浆 Plaster the last course mortar养护 CuringC623 变电站内墙面及顶棚施工指南Interior wall and ceiling construction Instructi

13、on for C623 Substation 54) 检查墙体垂直度和平整度,找好规矩,从四大角起吊垂直线打灰饼,间距不大于2m;Check the verticality and levelness of wall to measure angles; Place the marl biscuit from the four corners, and the intervals is not larger than 2m.5) 底层灰前应予先湿润墙面,抹灰时要用力抹压,将浆挤入墙缝中,以达到糙灰与基层紧密结合目的;Before plastering the bottom course, th

14、e wall surface shall be wetted. Compressively plaster to make the mortar into wall joints to let coarse mortar tightly connect with base course.6) 阴角处用尺枋靠直;The foot fang is used to straighten the internal corner.7) 室内墙面、柱面及门洞口的阳角应用 1:2 水泥砂浆做护角线,每侧宽度不小于50mm,其高度不应小于 2000mm;The cement mortar of 1:2 sha

15、ll be used to make protection moldings for indoor wall surface, column surface and external corners at the entrance, the side width and height cannot be respectively less than 50mm and 2000mm. 8) 在进行面层施工时,要求用铝合金靠尺依据灰饼进行刮灰补抹,以确保面层抹灰的平整度和垂直度;During surface course construction, the aluminum alloy running rule is used to scrap



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