b1 unit 8 text 1 英汉对照(原unit8)

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1、英语泛读教程 1-Unit Eight-Text 1 英汉对照(原 Unit8) 1Text OneTwo Boxes of Gold (I)1 Herbert Blamyre was trusted one day with the urgent task of carrying two boxes of gold from London to Naples. On the way he came to know Levison and Major Baxter. Who were the two men? Was Herbert able to fulfill the task? Plea

2、se read the following story for the answers. 2 My name is Herbert Blamyre. I live with my wife, Minnie, in a little house to the south of London. We had only been married for a month, and had returned from a holiday in Ireland. I was a junior partner in a bank in Lombard Street, and had four more da

3、ys of holiday left. Minnie and I were sitting in the garden, when the maid brought the telegram which was to start my adventures. 3 The telegram was from my partner, Mr. Schwarzmoor. It said, We want you to start for Italy at once on important business. No delay. Be at office by 6.30. Start from Lon

4、don Bridge by 9.15, and catch Dover night boat.课文一两箱黄金()1 有一天,赫伯特布兰爱尔接到紧急命令,要他将两箱黄金从伦敦运到那不勒斯。途中,他认识了利维森和伯斯特少校。这两个人是谁?赫伯特能不能完成使命?请阅读下面的故事。2 我的名字叫赫伯特布兰爱尔,是伦巴第街一家银行的小股东。一个月前,我和美妮喜结良缘,并双双到爱尔兰度蜜月。假期结束前四天,我们回到我们在伦敦南部的小屋。有一天,我和美妮正在花园里闲坐时,女佣送来一封电报。紧接着,我就开始了一连串的探险。3 电报是我的合伙人斯瓦茨莫尔先生打来的,内容是:“我们要你马上动身前往意大利接洽一宗重

5、要的生意,不能拖延。请在6:30 到办公室来,并在 9:15 分从伦敦桥出发,赶前往多佛的夜班船。 ”英语泛读教程 1-Unit Eight-Text 1 英汉对照(原 Unit8)24 Herbert, dear, you wont go, you mustnt go, said Minnie. Please, dont go!5 I must, my dear, I said. The Bank has no one to send but me. I shall not be gone for long. I must start in ten minutes, and catch th

6、e next train.6 Mr. Schwarzmoor met me when at last I reached the bank. I hope your wife is well, he said. I am sorry to have to ask you to miss some of your holiday, but there was nothing I could do about it. We need you to take some gold to Naples. Here it is, and he pointed to two large boxes. The

7、 boxes are made of iron, but we have covered them with leather, so that they look like samples. They are fastened with letter-locks, and contain a quarter of a million pounds in gold. You must take the money to Pagliavicini and Rossi, No. 172 Toledo, Naples. The king of Naples expects that there wil

8、l be a war, and he needs the money to buy guns. The names that open the locks are Masinisa, for the one with the white star on the cover, and Cotopaxo for the one with the black star. You must not forget these two words. Open the boxes at Lyons to make sure all is well. Talk to no one. Do not make a

9、ny friends on the way.7 I shall pretend to be a traveling salesman, I said.4 “赫伯特,亲爱的,你不要去。求你,别去了, ”美妮央求着说。5 “亲爱的,我不能不去。银行里除了我之外,没有合适的人好派。我不会去很久的。我得在十分钟之内出发,赶下一班火车。 ”6 我好不容易到了银行,斯瓦茨莫尔先生正在那里等我。他一见到我就说:“您太太还好吧。非常抱歉,不能让你好好享受假期,这实在没办法。我们需要你把这些黄金带到那不勒斯去。 ”他指着两个大箱子对我说:“这些箱子是铁制的。我们在外面包了皮革,这样,别人会以为这只是两个样品箱。

10、两个箱子都装了密码锁。里面有价值 25 万镑的黄金。你必须把这些黄金带到柏莱米西尼与罗斯银行,它在那不勒斯,托莱多街,172。那不勒斯国王认为可能会爆发战争,所以急需这笔钱购买枪械。你必须牢牢记住,外皮印有一颗白颜色星星的那个铁箱的密码是“玛西尼沙” ,另外那个印着黑色星星的是“科杜帕索” 。到里昂后把箱子打开,看看一切是否完好。记住,一路上不要跟别人交谈,也不要结交任何朋友。 ” 英语泛读教程 1-Unit Eight-Text 1 英汉对照(原 Unit8) 38 Please be careful, Blamyre. You have a dangerous journey ahead

11、of you. Do you have a gun?9 I opened my coat, and showed a special belt with a gun in it.10 Good, said Mr. Schwarzmoor. I hope you do not need to use it. You will stop in Paris tomorrow. I have some letters for you to give to Lefebre and Desjeans, and you will go on to Marseilles by the night train.

12、 You catch the boat on Friday. We will send you a telegram at Marseilles. Are the letters for Paris ready, Mr. Hargrave?11 Yes, sir, nearly ready. Mr. Wilkins is working on them now.12 I reached Dover before midnight, and at once got four porters to carry my chests down the stone steps leading to th

13、e Calais boat. The first was taken safely onto the boat, but while the second was being carried down, one of the men slipped. He would have fallen into the water, but he was caught by a large man who, with his wife, was 7 “我会假扮成一个旅行推销员, ”我说。8 “布兰爱尔,摆在你面前的是一次艰险的旅程,你千万要小心。身上带枪了吗?”9 我解开衣扣,露出那条特制的枪带,我的左

14、轮手枪就插在上面。10 斯瓦茨莫尔先生点点头,说道:“很好。不过我希望你一路上用不上它。明天你先在巴黎上岸,我有些信件请你转交给里弗柏尔和狄金斯,然后你再继续搭夜班的火车到马赛去,这样你就能赶上星期五的那班船。到时我们会发电报到马赛跟你联系。哈克雷弗先生,巴黎的信件准备好了吗?”11 “快要好了,威尔金斯先生正在准备。 ”12 我在午夜之前抵达多佛。船一靠岸,我就雇了四个挑夫,帮我把箱子从石级上扛下来,放到一艘去加莱的船上。第一个箱子很顺利地搬上去了,但是,挑夫们搬第二个箱子时,其中一个人突然滑了一下,眼看就要落进水里。这时,我前面一位带着太太的大个子男人扶住了他。英语泛读教程 1-Unit

15、Eight-Text 1 英汉对照(原 Unit8)4just in front of me.13 Steady, my man, he said. Why, what have you got there?14 Dont know, sir, replied the porter. I only know its heavy enough to break a mans back.15 These steps cause a lot of trouble when bringing down heavy goods, said a voice behind me. I see, from y

16、our luggage, that we may be in the same business.16 I looked round as we stepped on board. The man who had spoken to me was tall and thin. He had a rather large nose, and a long thin face. He wore an overcoat which was too small for him, a flowered waistcoat, tight trousers, a high shirt collar and a stiff neckcloth.17



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