pubmed 搜索种类中英文对照

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1、PUBMED 搜索种类中英文对照Addresses 演说(对什么演说)Autobiography 自传Bibliography 参考书目;文献目录Biography 档案,个人简历Books and Documents 图书馆文献Case Reports 病例报导Classical Article 经典论文 Clinical Conference 临床讨论会;病例讨论会Clinical Trial 临床试验Clinical Trial, Phase IClinical Trial, Phase IIClinical Trial, Phase IIIClinical Trial, Phase I

2、VComment 评论类Comparative Study 比较研究,对比研究。Congresses 高级会议Consensus Development Conference Consensus Development Conference, NIHControlled Clinical Trial 临床研究对照Corrected and Republished Article 校正的和再版的论文Dataset 资料组Dictionary 字典Directory 目录Duplicate Publication 重复发表Editorial 出版;出版物 Electronic Supplement

3、ary Materials 子文件English Abstract 英文摘要Evaluation Studies 评价研究Festschrift 纪念文集Government Publications 政府出版物Guideline 指导方针Historical Article 历史文献Interactive Tutorial 交互式教程Interview 采访;面谈Introductory Journal Article 介绍性的期刊文章。Journal Article 期刊论文Lectures 演讲Legal Cases 法律案件Legislation 法规Letter 信Meta-Anal

4、ysis 荟萃分析Multicenter Study 多中心研究News 新闻Newspaper Article 报纸文章Observational Study 观察研究Overall 总结类Patient Education Handout 病人教育印刷品Periodical Index 期刊索引Personal Narratives 个人简历Portraits 肖像Practice Guideline 实践指南Pragmatic Clinical Trial 临床试验Published Erratum 出版更正 Randomized Controlled Trial 随机对照试验 Rese

5、arch Support, American Recovery and Reinvestment ActResearch Support, N.I.H., ExtramuralResearch Support, N.I.H., IntramuralResearch Support, Non-U.S. GovtResearch Support, U.S. Govt, Non-P.H.S.Research Support, U.S. Govt, P.H.S.Research Support, U.S. GovernmentRetracted Publication 已撤销出版物Retraction of Publication 出版撤销Review 综述Scientific Integrity Review Systematic Reviews 系统评价Technical Report 技术报告Twin Study 双生子研究Validation Studies 有校性研究Video-Audio Media 视听媒体Webcasts 网络广播



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