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1、 药理重点1. First pass metabolism(first pass effect, first pass elimination ):a amount of it in the systemic circulation may reduces significantly after a drug is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and carried into the liver having been metabolized. This effect of the body is called first-pass eli

2、mination(or first-pass effect, or first-pass metabolism).首关代谢:从胃肠道吸收入门静脉系统的药物在到达全身血液循环前必先通过肝脏,如果肝脏对其代谢能力很强,或由胆汁排泄的量大,则进入全身血液循环内的有效药物量明显减少,这种作用称为首关代谢。2. Steady-state concentration(Css): if a drug is administered at a constant rate, the concentration of it in plasma will reach a steady state after abo

3、ut 5 half life time. The concentration in this state is called steady-state concentration.(Css)按照一级动力学规律消除的药物,其体内药物总量随着不断给药而逐步增多,直至从体内消除的药物量和进入体内的药物量相等时,体内药物总量不再增加而达到稳定状态,此时的血浆药物浓度称为稳态浓度。3. Half life time (t1/2): the time required for the plasma concentration or the amount of drug in the body to be

4、reduced by 50%.药物消除半衰期:是血浆药物浓度下降一半所需要的时间。其长短可反映体内药物消除浓度。4. Clearance(CL): the plasma volume in which the drug is eliminated per time unit.清除率:是机体消除器官在单位时间内清除药物的血浆容积,也就是单位时间内有多少体积血浆中所含药物被机体清除,是体内肝脏肾脏和其他所有消除器官清除药物的总和。5. Apparent volume of distribution (Vd): theoretically, the volume in which a drug is

5、 distributed is calculated according to the amount of the drug in the body devided by the concentration in plasma when a drug is distributed in the plasma and the tissues in equilibrium. The volume is called Vd.(Vd =A/C,A: drug amount; C: drug concentration in plasma).表观分布容积:是指当血浆和组织内药物分布达到平衡时,体内药物按

6、血浆药物浓度在体内分布所需体液容积。6. Bioavailability: the percentage of it absorbed to enter the blood circulation after a drug is administered at a certain dose and through any ways. Bioavailability (F)=A/D*100% (A; amount of drug in the body; D; dose of administration)生物利用度:是指药物经血管外途径给药后吸收进入全身血液循环的相对量。7. Side rea

7、ction: when one of effects of a drug is taken as the curative effect, the other effects of it are called side reaction because the selectivity of the drug is low and the drug influences on some other organs at the same time.(Reactions induced by drugs at their therapeutic doses, which do not conform

8、 to the therapeutic aim.)副反应:由于选择性低,药理效应涉及多个器官,当某一效应用作治疗目的时,其他效应就称为副反应。8. Residual effect:effects induced by drugs after they are withdrawed and their concentrations in blood reduce below their threshold concentrations.后遗效应:是指停药后血液浓度已降至阈浓度以下时残存的药理效应。9. Withdrawal reaction: reactions induced by drugs

9、 after they are withdrawed , which include rebound reaction and abstinence symptom.停药反应:是指突然停药后原有疾病加剧,又称回跃反应。10. Graded response:the effect produced by a drug which can be expressed in a succesive amount of increase or decrease is called graded response or quantative response.量反应:效应的强弱呈连续增减的变化,可用具体数

10、量或最大反应百分率表示者称为量反应。11. Quantal response all or none response:the effect produced by a drug which can not be expressed in a successive amount of increase or decrease , but in the frequency of occurance is called quantal response or all-or none response.质反应:如果药理效应不是随着药物剂量或浓度的增减呈连续性量的变化,而表现为反应性质的变化,则称为质

11、反应。12. Minimal effective dose:the minimal dose at which a drug can produce pharmacological effect.最低有效浓度:即刚能引起效应的最小药量或最小药物浓度,亦称阈剂量或阈浓度。13. Threshold dose:the minimal concentration at which a drug can produce pharmacological effect.阈浓度:即刚能引起效应的最小药量或最小药物浓度。14. Efficacy( maximal effect , Emax):the phar

12、macological effect will increase with the increase of the dose or the plasma concentration of a drug . The effect fail to increase continuously when the dose or the plasma concentration reaches to a certain level, although the dose and concentration of the drug increase continuously. The limit of th

13、e effect is called efficacy or maximal effect (Emax).效能 :随着剂量或浓度的增加,效应也增加,当效应增加到一定程度后,若继续增加药物浓度或剂量而其效应不再继续增强,这一药理效应的极限称为最大效应,也称效能。15. Potency:is at the location of the horizonal axis of the t-c curve, it is defined as doses or concentration at which drugs produce the same effect (generally ,E50).效价强

14、度:是指能引起等效反应(一般采用 50%效应量)的相对.it 浓度或剂量,其值越小则强度越大。16. Median effective dose (ED50):the dose at which 50% animals show positive response to the drug.半数有效量:即能引起 50%的实验动物出现阳性反应时的药物剂量。17. Therapeutic index (TI):the ratio of LD50 to ED50.治疗指数:通常将药物的半数致死量与半数有效量的比值称为治疗指数。18. Agonist:the agent which has both a

15、ffinity and intrinsic activity to the receptor is called agonist.激动药:激动药或称兴奋药,指既有较强的亲和力,又有较强的内在活性的药物,与受体结合能产生该受体的兴奋的效应。19. Antagonist: the agent which has a strong affinity ,but no intrinsic activity to the receptor is called partial antagonist. 拮抗药:拮抗药,能与受体结合,具有较强的亲和力而无内在活性(=0)的药物。它们本身不产生作用,但因占据受体而

16、拮抗激动药的效应。20. Median lethal dose( LD50): the dose at which a drug can lead to the death of 50% experiment animal. 半数致死量:即引起 50%的实验动物死亡的药物剂量。 21. Idiosyncratic reaction idiosyncrasy: it is an abnormal reaction and intrinsic reaction induced by drugs .it is usually harmful ,even fatal,it is not related to the administration dose and even a very small dose of the drug may induce it.22. 特异质反应:特异质反应idiosyncratic reaction:由于用药者有先天


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