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1、SH09 翻译:金岳霖先生(汪曾祺) Translation: Mr. Jin Yuelin (Wang Zengqi)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)西南联大有许多很有趣的教授,There were many interesting professors at National Southwest Associated University.金岳霖先生是其中的一位。Mr. Jin Yuelin was one of them.金先生是我的老师沈从文先生的好朋友。Mr. Jin was a good friend of my tea

2、cher Mr. Shen Congwen.沈先生当面和背后都称他为“老金”。Mr. Shen called him “Old Jin” in his face and behind his back.大概时常来往的熟朋友都这样称呼他。 Likely all his close friends called him by that name as well. -关于金先生的事,有一些是沈先生告诉我的。Mr. Shen told me some of the things about Mr. Jin.我在沈从文先生在西南联大一文中提到过金先生。In my article “Mr. Shen Co

3、ngwen in National Southwest Associated University”, I mentioned Mr. Jin.有些事情在那篇文章里没有写进,觉得还应该写一写。 I did not include some of the things about him in that article and I feel I should write about them now. -金先生的样子有点怪。Mr. Jin looked a bit odd.他常年戴着一顶呢帽,进教室也不脱下。All year round he wore a felt hat and would

4、not take it off even when he was in a classroom.每一学年开始,给新的一班学生上课,他的第一句话总是:“我的眼睛有毛病,不能摘帽子,At the beginning of every school term when he took on a class of new students, he always started the dialogue with: “Theres something wrong with my eyes and I could not take my hat off.并不是对你们不尊重,I mean no disres

5、pect to you.请原谅。”Please forgive me.”他的眼睛有什么病,我不知道,只知道怕阳光。 I had no clue what was wrong with his eyes, and all I knew was they were very sensitive to sunlight.-因此他的呢帽的前檐压得比较低,脑袋总是微微地仰着。As such, the front brim of his felt hat was positioned lower than normal and he always titled his head a bit upward.

6、他后来配了一副眼镜,这副眼镜一只的镜片是白的,一只是黑的。这就更怪了。Later he got a pair of spectacles with one clear lens and one dark lens, and that made him look even weirder.后来在美国讲学期间把眼睛治好了, Afterwards, he fixed his eyes when he was lecturing in USA.-好一些,眼镜也换了,但那微微仰着脑袋的姿态一直还没有改变。Once he got better, he changed his eyeglasses but

7、his posture of slight upward-tilting of his head did not change at all.他身材相当高大,经常穿一件烟草黄色的麂皮夹克,He had a fairly tall stature and always wore a smoky-yellow suede jacket.天冷了就在里面围一条很长的驼色的羊绒围巾。When the weather got cold, he would wrap a long camel-colored cashmere scarf around inside.联大的教授穿衣服是各色各样的。What t

8、he professors of SW Associated wore came in all colors and styles.闻一多先生有一阵穿一件式样过时的灰色旧夹袍,Mr. Wen Yiduo, for a period of time, wore an out-of-style gray old lined-robe.是一个亲戚送给他的,It was a gift from a relative.领子很高,袖口极窄。The collar was high and the sleeve-cuffs were very narrow.联大有一次在龙云的长子、蒋介石的干儿子龙绳武家里开校

9、友会,One time SW Associated held an alumni gathering in the house of Long Shengwuthe eldest son of Long Yun and the godson of Chiang Kai Shek.龙云的长媳是清华校友,Long Yuns daughter-in-law who married his oldest son was a Tsinghua alumna.闻先生在会上大骂“蒋介石,王八蛋!混蛋!”In the meeting Mr. Wen denounced loudly: “Chiang Kai

10、Shek is a jerk and dimwit.”那天穿的就是这件高领窄袖的旧夹袍。 What he wore on that day was this high-collared and narrow-cuffed lined robe.-朱自清先生有一阵披着一件云南赶马人穿的蓝色毡子的一口钟。Mr. Zhu Ziqing for a while put on a blue felt poncho commonly worn by horse-herders in Yunnan.除了体育教员,教授里穿夹克的,好像只有金先生一个人。Other than gym class teachers

11、, it seemed Mr. Jin was the only professor who wore a jacket.他的眼神即使是到美国治了后也还是不大好,His eyesight was not too good even after treatment in USA.走起路来有点深一脚浅一脚。He walked with a limping gait.他就这样穿着黄夹克,微仰着脑袋,深一脚浅一脚地在联大新校舍的一条土路上走着。 Just like that he wore a yellow jacket, tilted his head slightly upward, and wa

12、lked with a limping gait on a path of the new school building of SW Associated.-金先生教逻辑。Mr. Jin taught the subject of logic.逻辑是西南联大规定文学院一年级学生的必修课,Logic was a compulsory course for first-year students in the set program of Arts Faculty in SW Associated.班上学生很多,上课在大教室,坐得满满的。The class was held in a large

13、 lecture hall filled with students.在中学里没有听说有逻辑这门学问,In high school, the learning of logic was unheard of.大一的学生对这课很有兴趣。First-year university students were very interested in this course.金先生上课有时要提问,Sometimes in class Mr. Jin needed to ask questions.那么多的学生,他不能都叫得上名字来,Since there were so many students, h

14、e was unable to call them by names.联大是没有点名册的,Also there were no roll book in SW Associated.他有时一上课就宣布: At times he would announce at the start of the class:-“今天,穿红毛衣的女同学回答问题。”“Today female students in red woollen sweaters will answer questions.”于是所有穿红衣的女同学就都有点紧张,又有点兴奋。Then all the female students in red woollen sweaters would get a bit nervous and excited.那时联大女生在蓝阴丹士林旗袍外面套一件红毛衣成了一种风气。At that time, a red woollen


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