小学英语 body parts 教学案例

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《小学英语 body parts 教学案例》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语 body parts 教学案例(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Revision Body parts 教案与反思发布日期:2009 年 4 月 19 日Revision Body parts教案与反思单位:慧忠北里第二小学 作者:吴雪【教具准备 】 多媒体课件,单词卡片,磁贴,奖励卡片;【教学过程】Step1 Warm up1. Oral English: T: Good morning. How are you today? I am great. Look, there are many teachers here to watch our class. Are you happy? What do you do when you are happy

2、? (如果学生听不懂,我就提示:I jump high when I am happy.2 人) Lets do some actions. OK?2. Listen and do:T: So, stand up please. Nod your head. Comb your hair. Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Now show me tall. Show me short. Show me big. Show me small. Show me long. Show me short. Show me pretty. Show me ugly.

3、Sit down please. Show me your fingers. Touch your eyes. Touch your legs. T: Who can come here and say: Touch your? (1 人说两个口令)T: Four in a group, one says touch your the other three do the actions.T: You can touch your body very well. (出课题)T: Now, touch your body from head (美化课题中的字母 O) to feet (美化课题中

4、的字母 B).Step 2: Review some words: T: Wonderful! Now, lets play a game. Ill show you some words. (展示词卡) Please read them quickly and touch your body parts. (把 eyes, nose, mouth, legs, feet 五个词卡放在五个学生的桌上,为下面的活动做准备,也激励其他学生更好地读一读、指一指。其它词采用多种读的方式让学生读:分男女或分组。)Step 3: Review and reinforce some phrases:1. T

5、: Theyre all the names of the body parts. Look, I can draw the body parts.(画眼睛) T: See? What are these? I have big eyes. (示意学生举手说:I have)Who has the word “eyes”? Come here, stick and read.(画鼻子) T: What is this? (比划大鼻子)This is a_.(让学生说:big nose)Who has the word “nose”? Come here, stick and read.(画嘴)T

6、:Show me big mouth. Show me small mouth. Who has the word? Come here, stick and read.(画脚) T: What are these? I have big feet.(示意学生举手说: I have feet.)Who has the word? Come here, stick and read.(板书:big/small ) T: Big. Small. (带读)(画腿)T: I have long legs.(示意学生举手说:I have legs.)Who has the word? Come here

7、, stick and read.T: Guess, is it a boy or a girl? (2 人)Say I think its a boy/girl.A boy? A girl?(画头发)T:Look. He is a boy because he has short hair.(板书:long/short) T: Long hair. Short hair.2. T: (呈现课件 ) Now look at the big screen. There are many body parts. They are. (引导学生说出六组不同样子的身体词组,分组朗读。 )3. T: H

8、ow can we describe our other body parts? For example the neck/ arms hands / fingers? (引导学生形容其它身体部分 4 人)4. T: (指黑板上男孩 ) How about his neck? (教师引导学生说完整话: He has) How about his arms? How about his hands and fingers? (教师根据学生的意愿来画)5. Pair work:T:What is his name? Do you agree? (板书男孩名字)Now tell your partn

9、er: “He has”. (板书: He has)T: Who wants to come here and tell us about the boy? (2人)Step 4: Short break: Sing a song T: You all did a good job. Shall we sing a song? Stand up please.(在两遍歌曲中间) Do you like this song? Lets sing it one more time. OK?Step 5. Learn to describe other people1Learn the senten

10、ce: She hasT: I have two friends. (课件) Look, they are Lucy and Lily. Lucy has long hair. (操作课件) She has long hair. (板书: She has,并带读两遍 ) And? (示意学生接着说:She has. 然后由教师操作课件。)2. What about Lily? (请学生说,然后由教师操作课件。)3. Learn the sentence: I like because she i. T: Which girl do you like? Lucy or Lily? (2 人) W

11、hy? (2 人)I like Lucy because she has long hair.ii. 板书“I like because ” 并带读iii. T: In your group, tell your group members: I like because. Understand? Begin.iv. T: Who can tell us which girl you like and why? (3 人)Step 6. Production:1. Describe the people in the photo: T: This is my photo. Show me yo

12、ur photo. Who is he? (1 人)Who is she?(1 人) Tell your partner: He has or She has(两人对子活动,互相介绍照片上的人是谁,什么样子。)2. Stick, read and circle:A.教师示范:T: (投影练习, 贴照片) This is my brother. (边读边圈)B. 学生完成作品:T: Stick your picture here. Read and circle.3. Read the description:T: Were going to make a photo show. But you

13、 have to describe it first. Lets see who is a good listener. (2 人, 说完后,将学生的作品贴在黑板上。)4. Show and describe their photos to the classmates or teachers.T: Now, you can go to your classmates and the teachers behind. Please remember: Only English. No Chinese.Step 7: Homework and assessmentT: Maybe we can

14、have the photo show in our classroom. Dont forget to say something about your new English teacher Helen. Boys and girls, if you listened well and spoke good English you can stick the stars in front of your chest. Now, class is over. Good-bye boys and girls. Lets say thank you and good-bye to the tea


16、有足够的空间发挥自己,许多新授单词学生无法在短短 40 分钟内充分掌握,经过课后的教学反思和点评,我经过了一些修改,给学生重新整合了知识点。虽然丰富的教学手段可以活跃课堂气氛,但是不能只管“热闹”而导致主次不明,这是以后需要着力改善的地方。基础教育最重要的是教会学生学习,应该尽量在课堂上开发学生的自主学习、合作交流、合作探究的能力,发展学习策略,培养创新能力。在小学英语教学的课堂上要培养学生自主学习和运用语言去做事的能力,力求用简单生动、通俗易懂的方式来完成教学,鼓励他们多积极表演,在课堂上大胆开口进行交流,发掘他们身上的潜能,引导学生在学习中反思,在反思中学习,增强他们自我评价的意识,以利于学生终身学习和发展。优点:l 教学设计有层次,层层递进;2 各教学部分递进自然,循序渐进;3 教学设计思路清晰,总体结构完整;


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