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1、FCI-Standard N 172 / 18.04.2007/GBPOODLE(Caniche)St.FCI n 172/18.04.072TRANSLATION : Jennifer Mulholland, in collaboration with Raymond Triquet.ORIGIN: France.DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE ORIGINAL VALID STANDARD: 06.03.07.UTILIZATION: Companion dogCLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 9 Companion and Toy dogsS

2、ection 2 PoodleWithout working trial.BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY:Etymologically, the French word “caniche” (Poodle) comes from “cane”, the French word for a female duck. In other countries, the name of the breed is associated with splashing around in water. Originally, this dog was used for wildfowling

3、. It descends from the Barbet of which it has conserved many characteristics. In 1743, it was called the “caniche”: the female of the barbet in French. Thereafter the Barbet and the Caniche (Poodle) were gradually separated. Breeders worked hard to obtain original subjects of uniform colour. The Poo

4、dle became very popular as a companion dog because of its friendly, joyful and loyal character and also because of its four sizes and different colours which everyone can choose according to preference.GENERAL APPEARANCE: Dog of medium proportions, with a characteristic frizzy coat which is either c

5、urly or corded. The appearance is that of an intelligent dog, constantly alert and active, harmoniously built, giving an impression of elegance and pride.St.FCI n 172/18.04.073IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the muzzle is approximately 9/10ths of that of the skull. The length of the body (scapu

6、lar ischial) is slightly superior to the height at withers. The height at withers is practically equal to the height at the croup. The height at the elbow is 5/9ths of the height at withers.BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT:A dog renowned for its loyalty, capable of learning and being trained thus making it a p

7、articularly pleasant companion dog.HEAD:Distinguished, rectilinear and in proportion to the body. The head must be well chiselled and neither heavy nor excessively fine. CRANIAL REGION:Skull: Its width is less than half the length of the head. The entire skull, seen from above, appears oval and seen

8、 from the side slightly convex. The axes of skull and muzzle are slightly divergent. Superciliary arches: Moderately pronounced and covered with long hair.Frontal furrow: Wide between the eyes, narrowing towards the occiput ,which is very pronounced. (In Miniatures it can be slightly less pronounced

9、).Stop: Only slightly pronounced.FACIAL REGION:Nose: Developed, vertical profile; open nostrils. Black nose in black, white and grey subjects; brown nose in brown subjects. In orange fawn (apricot) or red fawn subjects the nose is brown or black.Muzzle: Upper profile is perfectly straight; its lengt

10、h is approximately 9/10ths of that of the skull. The branches of the lower jaw are almost parallel. The muzzle is strong. St.FCI n 172/18.04.074The lower profile of the muzzle is determined by the lower jaw and not by the edge of the upper lip.Lips: Moderately developed, rather tight, of medium thic

11、kness with the upper lip resting on the lower lip without hanging over it. Black in black, white and grey subjects; brown in brown subjects. In orange fawn (apricot) and red fawn subjects, the lips are more or less dark brown or black. The corner of the lips must not be pronounced.Jaws/teeth: Scisso

12、r bite. Strong teeth.Cheeks: Not prominent, shaped on the bones. The sub-orbital regions are chiselled and very slightly filled. Zygomatic arches very slightly pronounced.Eyes:Keen expression, placed at the level of the stop and slightly oblique. Almond shaped. Black or dark brown colour. In brown s

13、ubjects the colour may be dark amber.Eyelids: The rims are black in black, white and grey subjects. In orange fawn (apricot) or red fawn subjects they may be brown or black.Ears:Rather long, falling along the cheeks, set on in the prolongation of a line going from the top of the nose and passing und

14、er the outer corner of the eye; flat, widening after the attachment and rounded at the tip, they are covered with very long, wavy hair. The leather should reach the corner of the lips.NECK: Strong ,slightly arched after the nape, of medium length and well porportioned. The head is carried high and p

15、roudly. The neck, without dewlap, is of oval cross section. Its length is slightly less than that of the head.BODY: Well porprotioned. The length is slightly superior to height at withers. Withers: Moderately developed.Back: Short. Topline harmonious and taut. The height at withers is practically eq

16、ual to the height from the top of the croup to the ground.Loin: Firm and muscled.Croup: Rounded but not falling away.Forechest: The point of the sternum should be slightly prominent and set rather high.St.FCI n 172/18.04.075Chest: Reaching the elbow; its width is equal to 2/3 of depth. In Standard Poodles, the perimeter of the thorax, measured behind the shoulders, should be superior by 10 cms to the height at withers. Oval cross section, broad at dorsal


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