2. 论美国学者讲稿

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《2. 论美国学者讲稿》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2. 论美国学者讲稿(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一 关于原作者爱默生:Ralph Waldo Emerson( 1803-1882):1. essayist, lecturer, poet, and representative of Romanticism in 19th Century America;2. leader of Transcendentalism in America: He was convinced that everything in nature had its exact counterpart in the mind. From this basic conviction flowed all his ide

2、as:1) Nature is a vast array of symbols, which could lead their individual interpreter toward the eternal truth of God and the cosmos;2) Since such ultimate truth transcends nature or lies behind it. The intuitive means of discovering it is transcendental;3) The method of interpretation calls for an

3、 intuitive leap without rational analysis from the thing observed in nature to the spiritual (moral) truth it symbolized.二关于原作论美国学者:“The American Scholar”:1. first delivered at Harvard on August 31, 1837;2. Emerson charged that the scholars job was to lead his people out of their bondage to old cult

4、ures and away from the “popular cry” of received wisdom and everyday modes of thought;3. Emerson exhorted his audience of native intellectuals to rouse and lead American society into mental independence and self-reliance;4. The address proved to be immensely popular, and Oliver Wendell Holmes called

5、 “our intellectual Declaration of Independence”.三 译文分析:Para 1:None is quite perfect. 译文一:凡事皆无绝对之完美。译文二:万事皆无极致。As no air-pump can by any means make a perfect vacuum, so neither can any artist entirely exclude the conventional, the local, the perishable from his book, or write a book of pure thought,

6、that should be as efficient, in all respects, to a remote posterity, as to contemporaries, or rather to the second age. 译文一:正如气泵无论如何也抽不出绝对真空一样,任何大师都不可能从其书中完全排除习俗、地域和应时应景的影响,或者说都不可能写出纯思想之书 那种在方方面面都能像对其同代人或下代人一样对遥远的后代也有直接作用的书。译文二:正如没有气泵能够抽出绝对之真空,任何大师都无法免受习俗之束缚,不受时空之桎梏,创作出体现纯粹思想之书。此书要能在方方面面都对同代、下代,乃至后代

7、的后代产生相同的影响。译注:常见词的不同含义,artist:a person whose work shows exceptional creative ability or skill,高手,能手。Eg. You are an artist in the kitchen. 你是一位烹饪大师。注意“the+常见形容词 ”的译法,常译为相应的名词。 perishable 定义为subject to decay, spoilage, or destruction。而成、住、坏、灭乃一时间进程,故perishable 在此指时间概念。而 local 指空间,故 exclude the local,

8、the perishable from his book 合译为“不受时空之桎梏” 。Each age, it is found, must write its own books; or rather, each generation for the next succeeding. 译文一:人们发现,每个时代必须写每个时代的书,更确切地说,每代人都必须为下一代人而写。译文二:但据发现,一个时代书写一个时代的书,一代人最多为下一代写书。译注:注意根据上下文逻辑灵活翻译“rather” ,表示转折,表示递进。The books of an older period will not fit t

9、his. 译文一:远古时代的书籍对当今时代也许并不合用。译文二:因此,历年经久之书在当代并不受用。译注:注意根据上下文逻辑进行合理的增译,使译文逻辑更为明确。Para 2:Yet hence arises a grave mischief. 译文一:不过一种苛弊也由此而生。译文二:一种顽疾由此而生。译注:注意常用词的不常用含义 mischief:1) An inclination or a tendency to play pranks or cause embarrassment, 淘气, 顽皮; 2) Damage, destruction, or injury caused by a s

10、pecific person or thing, 弊端。The sacredness which attaches to the act of creation, the act of thought, is transferred to the record. 译文一:附于创作行为或思想行为的高贵神圣往往会被转换成历史纪录。译文二:曾几何时,人们将创造、思辨之过程视为高贵神圣,如今却将创造、思辨之产物奉若神明。译注:注意增译法“曾几何时” ,根据来自于“transfer” ,表示曾经的情况的转换;record 字面意思为文字记录,此处进一步理解为人们创造、思辨的产物;对同一个英文单词 sac

11、redness,分译为两处汉语时,尽量避免重复,分别译为“高贵神圣”和“奉若神明” 。The poet chanting was felt to be a divine man: henceforth the chant is divine also. 译文一:吟唱诗人曾被视为圣人,此后其吟唱之歌亦被视为圣歌。译文二:游吟诗人被视为圣人,其诗歌即被视为圣歌。The writer was a just and wise spirit: henceforth it is settled the book is perfect; as love of the hero corrupts into t

12、he worship of his statue. 译文一:作者曾富有正义而智慧之精神,此后其书则被确认为完美之书,恰如对英雄的热爱蜕变成对其雕像的崇拜。译文二:作者是正义与智慧的化身,其著作即被定为极致之作;诚如对英雄精神的热爱已经堕落为对其色身雕像的膜拜。译注:注意透彻地理解常见简单英文单词,spirit 词源解释为 the breath of God,意为“上帝的气息”或“灵气” ,与 soul,ghost 等词大同小异。因此,此处理解为“作者是正义与智慧的精灵” ,进一步转译为“作者是正义与智慧的化身” ;译文二采用了意译之法,灵活程度更高,hero 译为 “英雄精神” ,statue

13、 译为“色身雕像” 。Instantly, the book becomes noxious: the guide is a tyrant. 译文一:结果书籍随即变成有害之物,思想导师随之沦为暴君。译文二:随之,书籍沦为流毒,思想导师变身暴政独夫。译注:noxious 词性转换;tyrant 灵活翻译,使说理性散文(essay )更有文采。The sluggish and perverted mind of the multitude, slow to open to the incursions of Reason, having once so opened, having once re

14、ceived this book, stands upon it, and makes an outcry, if it is disparaged. 译文一:大众迟钝而扭曲的头脑,那些不易为智慧之光开启的头脑,一旦这样被开启,一旦接受这种书籍,便会对其产生依赖,而倘若这种书籍遭人菲薄,他们就会大声抗议。译文二:冥冥大众迟钝歪曲的头脑,要想开启,达致理性已属不易。其一旦被流毒的书籍开启,一旦接受这样的书籍,便只能在其划定的界限内亦步亦趋。旁人稍加非议,还招来他们厉声抗议。译注:注意简单短语的翻译,open to 表示对什么开放,转换理解为以开放的态度来接受什么;注意简单动词和动词短语的翻译,s

15、tand upon sth 意为拘泥于某事,不敢越雷池半步。此处译为“亦步亦趋” 。 (类似动词还包括:sell, buy, beat, look, see, watch, say, tell, speak, ask, answer, think, read, write, listen, hear, walk, run, sleep, drink, eat, play, agree, turn, return, like, love, jump, carry, catch, keep, take, bring, grow, change, begin, start, end, finish,

16、 blow, call, check, close, open, cover, count, cut, cost, get give, help, make, kill, show, need, wait, clean, arrive, leave, work, drive, dig, fill, pick, throw, stand, sit, travel, move, feel, draw, break, hope, dream, prefer, learn, do, have, visit, come, go, meet, set) ;注意被动句转换为主动句。Colleges are built on it. 译文一:我们的大学就建立在这样的基础上。译文二:我们的大学就建立在这样的基础上。Books are written on it by thinkers, not by Man Thinking; by men of talent, that is, who start wrong, who se


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