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1、山东科技大学泰山科技学院毕业设计论文I摘 要本次模具设计是手柄的模具图形及加工制造的过程,其设计思路是根据多个模具加工事例生产事例总结出来。设计内容是从零件的工艺分析开始的,根据工艺要求来确定设计的大体思路。该零件所用的材料是 Q235-A,生产批量为中批量生产,再经过方案比较,故选择级进模作为该副模具工艺生产方案即易于加工又便于经济;经过计算分析完成该模具的主要设计计算;选出符合该模具的定位方式、卸料出件方式导向方式;设计模具的工作部分即凸、凹模的设计,选择模具的材料即确定每个零部件的加工方案;仅接着根据模具的装配原则,完成模具的装配装配模具试冲通过试冲可以发现模具设计和制造的不足,并找出原

2、因给予纠正,并对模具进行适当的调整和修理。设计内容包含了一系列模具的重要零部件的设计加工方法和加工注意要点。关键词: 手柄,落料,冲孔,级进模山东科技大学泰山科技学院毕业设计论文IIABSTRACTThe mold design is the handle graphics of a die and manufacturing process, the design ideas are generated according to a plurality of mold processing examples examples is summed up. Design content is f

3、rom parts of the process analysis, according to the process requirements to determine the general design. The parts from the beginning of the material selection. Part of the understanding of the parts, the materials used are Q235-A, production batch to batch production, and through comparison of the

4、se schemes, the selection of progressive die as the side mold process production plan is easy processing and convenient economy; after completion of the analysis of the mold design; selected from the mold positioning way, discharging a way to lead the way; mold design work part is convex, concave mo

5、ld design, mold material is determined for each parts of the processing scheme; only then according to the mold assembly principle, complete the die assembly die stamping can be found by stamping die design and manufacturing, and find out the reason given to correct, and the die to make the appropri

6、ate adjustments and repairs. The die structure design is the design of the main content, its content includes a mold, a series of important parts of the mold design and processing method and points for attention. This is more conducive to processing line operators, making it easy and convenient proc

7、essing. Key words: wall-climbing robot; body structure; the mobile mechanism; adsorption mechanism 目 录山东科技大学泰山科技学院毕业设计论文III1 绪论 .11.1 冲压加工概念 .11.2 冲压加工的特点及应用 .11.3 冲压工序的分类:冲裁、弯曲、拉深 .11.4 冲压技术的发展 .21.5 冲压模具分类 .21.6 常见冲压设备 .21 冲压工艺分析 .31.1 工件分析 .31.2 材料 .31.3 结构形状 .41.4 尺寸精度 .42 模具的技术要求及材料选用 .52.1 模具的

8、技术要求 .52.2 模具材料的选用及要求 .53 确定工艺方案 .94 模具总体设计 .104.1 定位方式的选择 .104.2 卸料出件、导向方式的选择 .105 压力设备的选定及模具的装配 .126 冲裁的工艺计算 .156.1 排样设计与计算 .156.2 计算冲压力及压力中心 .176.3 计算工作零件刃口尺寸 .206.4 卸料橡胶的设计 .257 主要零部件的设计 .277.1 落料凸模的设计 .277.2 冲孔凸模的设计 .287.3 凹模的设计 .297.4 定位零件的设计 .31山东科技大学泰山科技学院毕业设计论文IV7.5 料板及卸料部件的设计 .327.6 模架及其他零部件的设计 .338 模具总装图 .



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