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1、 II绵阳第四十七中学教学楼结构设计摘要:本文为绵阳第四十七中学教学大楼的设计计算书。该建筑建筑面积3022.656m2。根据建筑设计、抗震方面等的要求,确定合理的结构形式和结构布置方案,确定框架、基础的形式。根据要求采用了钢筋混凝土结构。本设计中运用了大学四年所学过的很多理论,计算中多种计算方法得到体现,如竖向荷载作用下的弯矩二次分配法,水平荷载作用下的 D 值法,等,使自己掌握了多方面的知识。本设计中选取一榀主框架以及楼面及屋面板进行截面设计及配筋计算。分别按一下的几步进行:第一步,根据框架布局确定各构件尺寸,进行恒载、活载,地震荷载及风荷载的统计。第二步,采用弯矩二次分配法进行竖向荷载作

2、用下的结构内力计算,风荷载及地震荷载的水平荷载采用 D 值法进行计算。第三步,进行内力组合分析。找出最不利的一组内力,进行构件计算。楼板采用弹性理论设计,并进行柱下独立基础的配筋设计。第四步,还进行了楼梯的设计计算。第五步,根据计算结果,按照相应的构造要求,绘制了结构施工图,并写出了相应的设计说明。关键词:框架结构;荷载;结构设计;钢筋混凝土;内力计算;弹性理论; IIIIThe structure design of MianYang NO.47 middle school teaching buildingAbstract:A building was designed in this p

3、aper. The building area is about 3022.656 2m.According to the building design and the earthquake resistance, the reasonable structural scheme and structural foundation plan was determined.In this design, many theories studied in university in four years was used. The many kinds of computational meth

4、ods was manifested in the computation, like the moment assignment-method, D-method, and so on, so which caused myself to grasp the various knowledge.One lateral frame and slab was selected and calculated. There are mainly five steps to design this structural as follows:First, depth and width of sect

5、ions were determined, and dead load ,live load, wind load were determined. Second, the internal forces of the structure under vertical load were calculated. The D-method was used for caculating the wind load. Third, after the combination of internal forces, the most unfavorable combination of intern

6、al forces was identified. Then the necessary reinforcement in beams and columns was determined. The elastic theory was used for calculating slab. Fourth, the single-foundation and combined foundation were designed. The stairway and canopy were also designed. Fifth, according to the calculated result

7、s and detail, blueprints of the structure had been completed.Key Words: frame;lateral loads;structural design;reinforced concrete; internal force;elastic theory; IIIIII目 录第一章 前言 .6第二章 工程概况 .72.1 建筑型式、规模及平面布置 .72.2 建筑及场地主要设计参数 .72.3 工程地质及水文地质条件 .72.4 气象资料 .8第三章 建筑设计 .93.1 设计要求 .93.2 设计主要依据 .93.3 平面设计

8、 .93.4 立面设计 .103.5 楼梯设计 .103.6 防火设计 .103.7 建筑做法 .103.7.1 屋面做法(不上人屋面) .103.7.2 楼面做法 .113.7.3 卫生间楼面做法 .113.7.4 外墙做法 .113.7.5 内墙做法 .123.7.6 卫生间墙体做法 .123.7.7 女儿墙做法 .12第四章 结构设计 .124.1 结构选型布置及计算简图材料信息 .124.1.1 结构选型 .134.1.2 柱网布置 .134.1.3 梁、柱的截面尺寸 .134.1.4 混凝土强度等级 .164.1.5 钢筋级别 .164.2 楼板设计 .164.2.1 屋面荷载(不上

9、人屋面) .164.2.2 楼面荷载 .164.2.3 卫生间楼面荷载(防滑铺地砖) .164.2.4 楼板配筋计算 .164.3 荷载统计计算 .164.3.1 屋面荷载(不上人屋面) .174.3.2 楼面荷载 .174.3.3 卫生间楼面荷载(防滑铺地砖) .184.3.4 外填充墙体荷载 .184.3.5 内填充墙体荷载 .19 IVIV4.3.6 卫生间墙体荷载 .204.3.7 女儿墙 .204.3.8 楼梯荷载统计 .20第五章 PKPM 电算部分 .225.1 各标准层平面简图 .225.2 各标准层恒荷载平面图 .805.3 各标准层活荷载平面图 .835.4 各标准层现浇板厚度图 .865.5 各层梁间荷载平面图 .895.6 PM 中楼层组装图 .



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