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1、与结婚有关的英文本文档包含下面四部分,内容为与结婚有关的英文表达,希望对您有所帮助。1:英文结婚祝福语2:结婚有关的单词3:与结婚有关的英文表达 4:英文结婚誓词1:英文结婚祝福语1 A wish to two happy people for a future of dreams comes true, Congratulations! 祝两个幸福的人儿,来日美梦都成现实。 祝贺你们! 2 Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. And suddenly your entire world seems beautifu

2、l and new. Best wishes always! 一生中只有一次美梦实现的奇迹,你俩的整个世界顿时变得绚丽新奇。 祝永远幸福!3 You two are a perfect match. Heres wishing you both a lifetime of happiness. 你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。 4 We never knew two people better suited to each other. 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。5 Youre the luckiest guy in the world. 你是世界上最幸运的人儿。 6 God bless

3、you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing. 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。 7 May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age. 愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与年俱增。 8 Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true. 但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边! 9 He must be extra special, because he is marryi

4、ng a lovely girl. 新娘如此可爱, 新郎必定英俊不凡。 10 May the joy you share on your wedding day .Be the kind youll share all along lifes way. 愿你俩婚礼之日分享的喜悦, 将伴随你俩共度人生的岁月。11 I wish you many more anniversaries each happier than the last.愿你们有更多周年纪念日,一年比一年更幸福。12 On your SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Yesterday memories, To

5、day happiness. Always love. 恭贺你俩银婚之禧! 昨天是回忆, 今天是幸福, 永远是爱情。 13 Happy anniversary! May the years ahead fulfill all your hope 祝结婚周年快乐,愿今后年年如愿以偿。 14 I look forward to greeting you on your golden wedding anniversary. May you have many gold years. ) 在您们金婚纪念日之际,向您们表示祝贺,祝你们有更多的金色岁月。 15 It was love that brou

6、ght you two together, love that joined your hearts as one. And may you find with each new year your love has just begun. 是爱情把你们结合在一起, 是爱情使你们心连心 愿你们发现,年年岁岁你们都像初萌爱心。 2:结婚有关的单词wedding ceremony结婚典礼wedding anniversary结婚纪念日bride新娘bridegroom or groom新郎officiator主婚人pastor牧师groomsman伴郎bridesmaid伴娘honeymoon蜜月

7、3:与结婚有关的英文表达 1. I hope one day we will get married then have couples of kids.我希望我们有一天能结婚,然后有一堆小孩。Marry 就是结婚的意思,可是要注意的是, “我要结婚”不能说成 I will marry. “结婚”老外不单讲 marry,而说 get married. 因为单讲 marry 是表示嫁或娶的意思,是一个及物动词,必须要宾语。例如“我要娶她”就是 I will marry her. 注意:I will get married. 是指我“将来”想结婚。如果你已经计划好要结婚,你就要说 Im going

8、 to get married. “Im getting married.” 指的是我“要”结婚了,新娘已经选好了,而且婚礼在近期内就要举行了。那么“结了婚”就可以说 We were married 或是 We got married. 这二种都很常用。要是你说 I want you to marry me. 就是 “我希望你嫁/ 娶我” 。A couples of kids(有一堆小孩)也是惯用法,常可以听到 I like to have couples of kids.2. Finally, youre getting hitched.终于你要结婚了。讲求婚的时候,我们讲到这么一句:Let

9、s get hitched. Get hitched 就是结婚的意思。另外,可以说 make a big commitment,原意为“作一个重大的承诺” ,婚姻不就是一个重大的承诺吗?所以你可以说 Ive decided to make a big commitment to him. 意思就是“我决定要嫁给他了。 ”3. Its a shotgun wedding.那是一个先上车后补票的婚礼。如今的世代是越来越开放,男女朋友们不愿结婚却愿同居。有了小 baby 再赶着去结婚,中文里叫“奉子成婚” 、 “先上车后补票” ,英文里就叫 shotgun wedding.Shotgun 的意思是霰

10、弹枪, shotgun wedding 原指女方拿枪逼男方结婚,如今则指因为怀孕而被迫结婚的婚礼,也叫 military wedding.4. I, Ross, take thee Rachel to be my wedded wife.我 Ross,愿娶你 Rachel,成为我的太太。现在中国有越来越多的年青人趋向于西方式的婚礼。教堂婚礼的重头戏就是由牧师带领两位新人作结婚誓言 (wedding vows) ,通常是这样的一段话: I, Ross, take thee Rachel to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day

11、 forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. (我 Ross,愿娶你 Rachel,成为我的太太,从今以后,不论是好是坏,富有还是贫穷,悲伤还是快乐,我会好好爱你,珍惜你,直到死亡将我们分开。 ) 注:thee 是古英文,也就是 you 的意思。1. get hitched 幸福牵手来历:hitch 本意是指车辆后的拖钩, 用 get hitched 表示两个人从此牵在了一

12、起。eg: Jimmy and Jammy get hitched at last!吉米和嘉美终于幸福牵手。2. tie the knot 永结同心来历:据说是因为婚床上的帐子必须用打结的绳子才能支起来哦。eg: Emily Blunt to tie the knot in May艾米莉布朗特准备五月与爱人永结同心。3. walk the aisle 步上红毯来历:aisle 是指婚礼礼堂宾客之间的走廊,走过这段就到了举行仪式的地方。eg: Elizabeth Taylor: to walk down the aisle ninth time?玉婆伊丽莎白泰勒:婚礼红毯走九遍?其它表示结婚的有

13、趣词组tie down 束缚(套上婚姻的枷锁)the beginning of the end 末日的开端(步入爱情的坟墓)jump the broom 跳扫帚(起源于美国黑人社会的婚礼习俗)take the plunge 孤注一掷(特别强调毅然决定结婚)take on the old ball and chain 戴上锁链(喻指有老婆管束)4:英文结婚誓词I (bride/groom),take you to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife),to have and to hold from this day forward , for better

14、or for worse ,for richer ,for poorer , in sickness and in health , to love and to cherish:from this day forward until death do us part .我(新娘/新郎)愿意让你成为我的合法(丈夫 /妻子) 。从今天开始,直到死亡把我们分开。无论顺境逆境,无论贫穷富有,无论健康疾病,我都将爱你、珍惜你。I, Grooms name, take you Brides name, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true l

15、ove.I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.I will trust you and honor youI will laugh with you and cry with you.I will love you faithfullyThrough the best and the worst,Through the difficult and the easy.What may come I will always be there.As I hme God我(新娘的名字),请你( 新

16、郎的名字) 做我的丈夫,我生命中的伴侣和我唯一的爱人。我将珍惜我们的友谊,爱你,不论是现在,将来,还是永远。我会信任你,尊敬你,我将和你一起欢笑,一起哭泣。我会忠诚的爱着你,无论未来是好的还是坏的,是艰难的还是安乐的,我都会陪你一起度过。无论准备迎接什么样的生活,我都会一直守护在这里。就像我伸出手让你紧握住一样,我会将我的生命交付于你。所以请帮助我 我的主。Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following after you,For where you go I will go,and where you stay I will stayYour people will be my people,and your God will be my God.And where you die, I will die and there I will be buried.May th


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