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1、监理周报Jianli Weekly Report工程名称:焊接器材(威海)有限公司厂房工程 日期(Date:):2007.08 、07Project name : EV project 编号(Serial Number):06 本周概况General Situation of This Week1, beam and slab formwork installation of office building level 3 was done. Steel bar fabrication and installation of beam was done as well.1:办公楼三层楼面梁、板

2、模板支设,梁钢筋制作、安装;2, east side retaining wall construction was in progress.2:东面挡土墙毛石墙施工;3, backfill of warehouse foundation was done. 3:厂房基础内回填土方;4, wall and slab concrete pouring was done of water tank.4:消防水池墙板混凝土施工5, wall and slab steel bar installation and formwork installation of water tank were don

3、e.5:消防游水池墙板钢筋安装、模板安装;本周进度情况Progress of This Week1,column steel bar installation of office building level 3 was in progress. And formwork installation was in progress.1:办公楼进入三层柱钢筋安装阶段。模板支架搭设阶段;2, short column of warehouse foundation was almost done. Foundation bolts installation was almost done.2:厂房基

4、础短基本结束, 钢构地脚螺栓安装基本结束;3, east side retaining wall construction was in progress.3:东侧挡土墙正在施工中,4, wall and slab concrete pouring of water tank was done.4:消防水池墙板混凝土结束;5, backfill of warehouse foundation was done.5:主厂房基础已回填土方;施工质量情况ConstructionQuality Situation1, mortar of retaining did not meet requireme

5、nt and WJ was asked to redo.1:挡土墙施工质量砂浆灌缝不够密实,;已要求总包加强管理 , 对不合格的地方要作返工处理;2, big area backfill was done by big equipment and corner should be paid more attention.2::回填土大面积为机械回填, 对角落及难点处人工回填,并采用打夯机夯实,3, steel binding did not meet requirement and WJ has redone. ;3;水池钢筋绑扎、钢筋之间的间距不符合规范要求,总包已整改,符合要求;4, co

6、ncrete pouring of water tank met requirement.4:水池混凝土施工符合要求5, concrete after check was commercial concrete and intensity level was C30 which complied with design requirement.5:混凝土检查为商品混凝土,强度等级:C30 ,与设计要求一致;6, concrete curing was done after 24 hours of pouring.6:浇灌后 24 小时进行了浇水保养;7, steel type, size, g

7、rade and quantity met design requirement.7:钢筋安装的品种、规格、级别、数量符合设计要求 ;8, appearance quality of steel was good.8:钢筋外观质量较好;材料进场情况Arrived Materials Steel came in site and quality was ok which was agreed to used.Commercial concrete came in site and intensity level was C30 after check.Concrete masonry came

8、in site and was agreed to used for office foundation. 钢筋进埸:质量符合要求,同意用于本工程;商品混凝土进埸,检查强度等级 C30;混凝土砌块进埸,用于办公楼基础;见证取样Sample test No 无材料使用情况Materials UsingConcrete quality met requirement and intensity level was C30.Steel came in site and quality was ok. 用于基础商砼质量合格。强度等级:C30;钢筋进埸,质量合格本周主要工作情况This weeks ma

9、in work1, dailty check on site mainly for daily procedure incluing concrete pouring, steel installation and formwork installation.1:现埸例行巡视检查七个工作日;主要对当日施工的工序进行巡视检查,巡视的工序:、混凝土施工、钢筋安装、模板支设 ;2, check the elevation of formwork and check certificate of commercial concrete.2:检查基础模板支设的标高,检查了商品混凝土的合格证明文件;3,

10、check foundation steel installation and take note of blind work.3:对基础钢筋安装进行了检查,并做好隐蔽验收记录;4, stand by when concrete pouring of water tank.4:对水池混凝土施工作了旁站监理;5, take part in weekly progress meeting held by UFO and requirements of Jianli were raised as below:5:参加 UFO 召开的工程例会一次,并在会提出了:监理对施工工作的要求,主要为:1,nex

11、t procedure can be done after steel installation of water tank was confirmed by Jianli. 1对水池的钢筋安装必须经过监理确认后,方可进入下道工序施工;要求做好前期使用材料的报审工作;2, safety plan should be provide of east side retaining wall construction.2对东面挡土墙施工安全工作进行了交底工作;6, organize and hold safety meeting and requirements of Jinali were rai

12、sed as below:6:组织召开安全工程例会,提出了监理对施工工作的要求,主要为:1, safety of aerial work.1 高空 作业的施工安全。2, safety of temporary power usage 2 临时用电的施工安全4, ensure that workers have the protective equipment.3 工人劳保用品使用的安全检查;隐蔽验收情况Concealed workCheck wall steel work of water tankCheck wall formwork of water tankCheck steel bli

13、nd work of water tank水池墙板钢筋检验批验收.水池墙板模板施工检验批验收 ;水池钢筋隐蔽验收 发文情况OutgoingDocumentsOne Jianli safety meeting minutes and one Jianli weekly report.;安全监理例会纪要一份;监理周报一份;收文情况Accepting DocumentsOne WJ weekly report6 copies of test application materials施工情报周报一份总包检验批验收资料 6 份。安全情况SafetyNo accident, detail please

14、check safety meeting minutes没发生安全事故;监理会同 UFO 召开了现埸安安全工作会议,:详见会议纪要;下周工作要点Key point of next week1, quality control to water tank construction1:水池施工的质量控制;2, quality control to office foundation masonry Supervision company: Tongji Jianli 项目监理机构: 同济 Site chief representative: Chen Changan总专业监理工程师: UF Dat

15、e : 7th August 2007日 期: 8 月 7 日 2:办公楼基础砌体的质量控制。3, quality control to concrete construction mainly for quality reoirt of commercial concrete and construction codes and so on. 3:混凝土施工的质量控制,主要检查商品混凝土的质量报告、施工的规范要求、标高、振动密实、人工收面等质量情况的控制;4, quality control to formwork of office bulding level 3, and steel bars installation. Stand by when concrete pouring.4:办公楼三层的模板,钢筋安装质量控制,混凝土施工的旁站监理工作;5, quality control to retaining wall construction.5:挡土墙施工的质量控制;6, quality control to steel fabrication and installation .6:钢筋制作、安装的质量控制;天气情况:Weather reportIt was mainly clear to overcast and normal


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